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About SpringField

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    In love with games. Game-aholic.
  1. SpringField

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Guess this thread is as good as any for my questions. I host a private server for me and my buddies to play some missions on but recently with the fatigue and sway "features". Me & buddies are getting annoyed so much so that they don't even wanna play anymore and we have been playing since arma 2 (mostly wasteland thou) We usually play on veteran settings (just so we can have third person view and see friendlys otherwise we would play on elite) Now I've been searching the googles for how to turn of fatigue (why do we cloth/vest/backpack limits to have another weight limit) and the amazing sway off but I mostly found nothing or addons. I don't wanna download addons... is there no setting ingame to turn this off?
  2. SpringField

    New take on Arma's keyboard control......

    I am looking for some ARMA veteran to help me out more on keybindings. I've already spend 2 hours setting up my current controls and I've been playing with that for several hours however it could still use some adjustments. What ya need to know about me. I am used to play games with like 7 keybindings (move, switch weapon, jump & shoot) meaning I like it simple. I only play multiplayer(wastelands), so any singleplayer command I rather have unbinded same for commands like "salute" & "sit down". Now I know it's mostly "user preference" kind of thing but I am not asking you to say "put this command on that key". I am asking to look at my controls and see which "useful" commands could be placed closer to my zqsd / wasd keys by telling me what the commands does in multiplayer For example: Yesterday I found out that the SOS scope had a zoom feature "page up / page down" as you can see that is far from my movement keys and is useful so, I'll be looking to place that closer for easier access. Am I correct to believe that is the command Zeroing up/down? I am also looking for the command that turns "thermal" on/off when I'm looking through my not the "binoculars"(forgot name of item) + is there no way to use the 1234567890 keys? ---------- Post added at 03:39 ---------- Previous post was at 03:38 ---------- my keybind config: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArTR_Zx8an58dDZqUlp6N3RiRDh2QkFaZ3BNU1RtUmc#gid=0 note: keys are binded for "azerty" keyboards. (thus Z=W A=Q M=, and other symbols)