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Grey Fox

Un-americanized news

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I have a feeling whenever I watch or read the news here in the good ol' U.S. of A that some information is "accidently" left out or some sort of international news or opinion is not printed for the sake of staying a "patriot". I PM denoir and he gave me this list but I don't know any foreign languages(hey I'm 14 years old)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The problem is that European news are seldom in English.

If that isn't a problem for you then here are some of the major newspapers:

Reuters (German)

Le Monde (French)

La Repubblica (Italy)

El Pais (Spain)

Le Soir (Belgium)

The Guardian (UK)

Dagens Nyheter (Sweden)

Pravda (Russia)

Der Kurier (Austria)

Vecernji List (Croatia)

Dnevnik (Slovenia)

Btw, this might not be a bad idea to post as a thread in Offtopic. I am sure that there are other people who want to know and people who can contribute.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SKULLS_Viper @ July 17 2002,22:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The Denver channel:Denver, Colorado (USA)

smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Hey just cause its the "Mile High" city don't mean a thing tounge.gif

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I take calls from Guardian readers, most of them complaining that the supplement containing the crossword was missing from their guardian today. Not entirely on topic, but a gem of knowledge you can all store. Guardian readers are very fussy.

On topic though, is there really any such thing as reliable news? What it al lcomes down to is other people telling you what their opinion is, and whether or not you believe it. The only real news is when youve seen it with your own two eyes.

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LOL!!! Not only do I not always believe American news I doubt I would believe much Euro news. biggrin.gif LOL!!!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ July 18 2002,17:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL!!! Not only do I not always believe American news I doubt I would believe much Euro news. biggrin.gif LOL!!!<span id='postcolor'>

Well, there is one difference of course. Europe is not one country and not as homogenous as USA is so every country in Europe has its own news sources and their own opinion. The newspapers of different countries disagree often on many things and bring complementing information. They give a good alternative to the mainstream official CNN news.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Duke_of_Ray @ July 18 2002,11:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">LOL!!! Not only do I not always believe American news I doubt I would believe much Euro news. biggrin.gif LOL!!!<span id='postcolor'>

That is probably the best approach. You have to get the news from "both sides" if possible. And make our own decision on what really happened. Hah, if there is a third and neutral side! Bingo...

One thing is for sure, when you hear ANY opinion whatsoever, during or right after a news event (even a little remark), you can bet something has been omitted and if possible presented in a skewed faschion. News should not tell you how to interpret the information, just present the facts. (watch CNN to see what I mean about "how should all of us see this news")


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Don´t bother reading "El Pais" from Spain it´s totally influenced by the left party here in Spain cause his owner is a personal friend of the man who controls that party.

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Granma International (Cuban State News) <- Ok, so you should take anything you read here with the proverbial grain of salt, but I visit it whenever Castro and the current US president have a hissy fit at each other, as well as visiting CNN. Just to read both sides arguments.

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Wasn't BBC the one that broadcast that the British forces were attacking the Falklands and ruined the surprise attack? biggrin.gif

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Not just that, they broadcast specific details about specific engagements to take certain key points throughout the conflict smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (residuum @ July 18 2002,09:36)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It's not about believing on source, as any historian knows.  You compare multiple sources and derive what you think really happened.<span id='postcolor'>

Exactly what I'm doing! smile.gif

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'Believe nothing of what you here. and only half of what you see'. Stands true. Thanks for that link to the Cuban Newspaper, rather funny. It quiet fun to read a paper you know is controlled by the goverment and read all the lies. Definitly the best thing to do, search around. Its amazing, you read one newspaper then check an article about the same thing in another newspaper of news broadcast.The results are suprisinly diffrent. If any of yous live in Australia and are wondering the same question, my advice is to stay away from the Herald Sun. Its articles are short and are made up of romours most of the time. They are very right winged in my 13 year old opinion and give the front page on most days to articles about disgraced sport stars. The best bet would probably be actualy the Australian. Despite its name, it tends to give an unbiased opinion on foriegn affairs. And if your a New Zealander like me, stay away from Christchurches papers! They are controlled by the rich Canterbirians and dont give a unbiased story! I suppose we should be thankful we actualy have a choice of papers and not just a state run paper that does the Goverments biding.All together, Im not fond of the media, they dont care about anything but the story, and it always anoys me they shove microphones into people faces. Yeah, and how they give away confidentail info! They scout around, get the confidentail plans for the US attack on Iraq and publish them! The herald sun had one page of plans showing how it was all going to work out. Even if it not the real plans, Im sure they would publish the real ones if they could find them! And that Green Baret song is a little grim. I read the whole thing and the entire last paragraph is about a wife learining her Green Baret husband got greased! Sure, its all glory talk, but it could be a little lighter  wink.gif

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Words of wisdom:

"Wipe thine ass with what is written, and grin like a ninny at what is spoken..."       - Principia Discordia

News is biased no matter where you get it from. Trying to hear both sides in the belief that you will find the truth somewhere in the middle will never work.  It's just a matter of choosing sides and picking a story that you want to believe in the most.  They are probably all wrong anyways.  The only news you can trust is the one you gather from your own experience...Even that should not be taken too seriously. Chances are that you are a bullshit artist yourself just like every other human being on the planet.


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you know that i think that american news leaves out to much info tho like fox and cnn only show stuff that makes the person look bad.....AND WHY THE H*LL DO THEY KEEP SHOWN THE TALIBAN JUMING OVER BOREDS AND GOING ACROSS MONKEY BARS ON FOX THAT BLOODY PISSES ME OFF I MEAN COME ON I COULD MAKE A BETTER OBSTCAL CORSE THAN THAT! if your in america you know what i mean if you watch fox channel news

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Yes our news is retarded especially when it comes to any detail. Some things I've heard are F-15 Tomcat, and F-18 Tomcat while showing an F/A-18 being launched. And like every fucking person in Afghanistan they call special forces no they arent even soldiers or operaters they are just special forces. And any US plane is a "warplane" even if its a fucking cessna.

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"It's not about believing on source, as any historian knows. You compare multiple sources and derive what you think really happened."

Which is why you shouldn't trust history books either, they are just the result of someones interpretation of other sources who in turn are the results of interpretations.

Yet, in school, we are taught that what we read and are told are absolute truths. Scary.

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well heres a true story to lighten up the situation. In the lower regions of the CCCP, an inspector were traveling to report on the conditions of the newspaper. Some university students staying for the summer were called to a conference. (now since it was hard to find toilet paper there... other means were used to achieve that goal.) The students were asked if there could be any new changes to make it better. Obviously, the inspector was expecting nothing but compliments when one student chirped up with the idea to make the paper ink lighter. "Why is that?", the inspector asked. "well", said the student "cause we all have black asses!"

as the other guys hooted with laughter the hooligan was hauled down to the local police station to be "rehabilitated"

anyways thats my two kopecks biggrin.gif

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Whats the betting that this topic is somehow going ot go completely off newspapers and the news? F-15 Tomcat LOL!!!!!!

What next? The M1A2 Patton?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Grey Fox @ July 18 2002,07:25)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">but I don't know any foreign languages(hey I'm 14 years old)<span id='postcolor'>

Hey I´m 15 and I speak perfect Finnish, Swedish and English.

Plus, I´ve been studying French for a year.

Well, you always have to remember that only 10% (or was it 5%?) of Americans have passports. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Granma International (Cuban State News) <- Ok, so you should take anything you read here with the proverbial grain of salt, but I visit it whenever Castro and the current US president have a hissy fit at each other, as well as visiting CNN. Just to read both sides arguments.

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Don't forget Pravda biggrin.gif

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