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Clutter, cloud and horizon not working...running nuts here

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sorry for the inconvenience guys,

I have not expected to have such troubles when I started with the first steps of my project.

I have a perfect working Island for ArmA2. The Island in ArmA3 is working...at least that I can put her ingame. The textures that I use are working as well...although only ArmA2 textures seem to run...at least for me :j:

But I always get the Bad version 58 Error message for the Clutters in the Logfile and while I am on the Island there's a clear nice day without even a sky, clouds or a horizon.

I know that BIS has spitted his Island and I also noted that necessary files such as the horizon.p3d and so on are defined in different configs/folders. May be this is the trick, but how to split the project as every sub folder provides the same path...I don't get it. May be someone can explain how to split the Island..or if someone would be so kind to show me where I have to paste the missing Config parts in order to get the stuff displayed properly...This is my config.

I am running BIN2 tools 2.5.1

I am running Windows 8 64Bit


This is an updated version of my config. The Horizon is now working but not yet the clutters and the Sky/clouds

The changes within the config are from line 1804 - 1964

Edited by MemphisBelle

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I downloaded and tried Zerogs config and my clutter won't work. But when I switch back to my own config it works fine. It's gotta be something in the config.

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Like I said my config is basic :) It was just meant for a feature/possibility test, not for a final island :)

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I assume...

The config itself seems nothings to have in common with the Clutter issue that I have, since I have a separated cfgClutter.hpp that I am importing via this command:

class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

That worked well out in ArmA2.

My Problem is not the config (according to the clutter), its binPBO that seems to be wrong or something, since I get a Bad version error, that usually refers to an outdated version of any program or tool.

But I might be wrong in this case, thats why I am asking here.

Did you updated your BIS tool recently from a ressource I dont know other than Biki?

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i dunno if it helps, but have you checked allinone.cpp (AIO) for any hints?


There stuff like this in it:

		clutterGrid = 2;
	clutterDist = 50;
	clutterRadius = 1;
	class DefaultClutter
		affectedByWind = 0;
		relativeColor[] = {1,1,1,1};
		scaleMin = 0.5;
		scaleMax = 1;
		swLighting = 1;
	class Clutter
	skyObject = "core\skyobject\skyobject.p3d";
	starsObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	pointObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	horizontObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	haloObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	sunObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	rainbowObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	moonObject = "core\default\default.p3d";
	waterTexture = "#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.35,0.47,0.66,1)";
	underwaterOcclusionObject = "A3\data_f\horizont_sphere.p3d";

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wow, thanks Mr Burns...this is a great resource, haven't known this so far...will give it a try

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I assume...

The config itself seems nothings to have in common with the Clutter issue that I have, since I have a separated cfgClutter.hpp that I am importing via this command:

class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"

That worked well out in ArmA2.

My Problem is not the config (according to the clutter), its binPBO that seems to be wrong or something, since I get a Bad version error, that usually refers to an outdated version of any program or tool.

But I might be wrong in this case, thats why I am asking here.

Did you updated your BIS tool recently from a ressource I dont know other than Biki?

well I got the same error you had initially and I just ran binpbo again and the bad version error went away. however when I use my own island config like I said the clutter works but when I use zeros it doesn't. idk I have to look though it and see whats going on there

just out of curiosity try this one.

class CfgPatches
class GrandManan
	units[] = {"GrandManan"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Map_Data","A3_Data_F","A3_Structures_F","grandmansnd"};
	version = "1.0";
	fileName = "grandmanan.pbo";
	author = "M1lkm8n";
	mail = "";
class Weather;
class CfgWorlds
class CAWorld;
class Stratis: CAWorld
	class Grid;
	class DefaultClutter;
class GrandManan: Stratis
	description = "Grand Manan";
	worldName= "gm\grandmanan\GrandManan.wrp";
	plateFormat = "AX$ - #####";
	midDetailTexture = "";
	minTreesInForestSquare = 3;
	minRocksinRockSquare = 3;
	pictureMap = "";
	pictureShot = "gm\grandmanan\data\grandmanan.paa";
	startTime = "07:00";
	startDate = "05/03/2001";
	startWeather = 0;
	startFog = 0;
	forecastWeather = 0;
	forecastFog = 0;
	centerPosition[] = {10240,10240,500};
	seagullPos[] = {10240,10240,500};
	longitude = 30; // positive is east, in degrees?
	latitude = -45; // positive is south, in degrees?
	envTexture = "A3\Data_f\env_land_ca.tga";
	newRoadsShape = "gm\grandmanan\data\roads\roads.shp";

	class Sea
		seaTexture = "a3\data_f\seatexture_co.paa";
		seaMaterial = "#water";
		shoreMaterial = "#shore";
		shoreFoamMaterial = "#shorefoam";
		shoreWetMaterial = "#shorewet";
		WaterMapScale = 20;
		WaterGrid = 50;
		MaxTide = 0;
		MaxWave = 0.25;
		SeaWaveXScale = "2.0/50";
		SeaWaveZScale = "1.0/50";
		SeaWaveHScale = 2.0;
		SeaWaveXDuration = 5000;
		SeaWaveZDuration = 10000;
	class Underwater
		noWaterFog = -0.01;
		fullWaterFog = -0.01;
		deepWaterFog = 100;
		waterFogDistanceNear = 5;
		waterFogDistance = 30;
		waterColor[] = {0.12,0.12,0.12};
		deepWaterColor[] = {0.0,0.5,0.8};
		surfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};
		deepSurfaceColor[] = {0,0,0};
	class SeaWaterShaderPars
		refractionMoveCoef = 0.03;
		minWaterOpacity = 0.0;
		waterOpacityDistCoef = 0.4;
		underwaterOpacity = 0.5;
		waterOpacityFadeStart = 60;
		waterOpacityFadeLength = 120;
	ilsPosition[] = {1024,1024};
	ilsDirection[] = {0.5075,0.08,-0.8616};
	ilsTaxiIn[] = {};
	ilsTaxiOff[] = {};
	drawTaxiway = 0;
	class SecondaryAirports {};
	class CfgEnvSounds;
	class EnvSounds: CfgEnvSounds
	class Default
			sound[] = {"$DEFAULT$",0,1};
			soundNight[] = {"$DEFAULT$",0,1};
		class Rain
			name = "Rain";
			volume = "rain";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\heavy_rain.ogg",0.877828,1};
			soundNight[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\heavy_rain.ogg",0.877828,1,0.877828,1};
		class Sea
			name = "Sea";
			volume = "sea";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\ocean.ogg",0.3,1};
			soundNight[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\ocean.ogg",0.3,1};

		class WindForestHigh
			name = "Wind";
			volume = "forest*(windy factor[0,1])*(0.1+(hills factor[0,1])*0.9)-(night*0.25)";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\cold_snow_blizzard.ogg",0.539811,1};
		class WindNoForestHigh
			name = "Wind";
			volume = "(1-forest)*(windy factor[0,1])*(0.1+(hills factor[0,1])*0.9)-(night*0.25)";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\cold_stormy_wind.ogg",0.539811,1};
		class Forest
			name = "Forest";
			volume = "forest*(1-night)";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\cold_forrest_blizzard.ogg",0.539811,1};
		class ForestNight
			name = "Forest";
			volume = "forest*night";
			sound[] = {"\grandmansnd\zones\cold_forrest_blizzard.ogg",0.556234,1};

class OutsideTerrain
	satellite = "";
	enableTerrainSynth = 0;
	class Layers
	class Layer0
	nopx = "";
	texture = "";

	class Grid: Grid
	offsetX = 0;
	offsetY = 20480;
	class Zoom1
	zoomMax = 0.15;
	format = "XY";
	formatX = "000";
	formatY = "000";
	stepX = 100;
	stepY = -100;
	class Zoom2
	zoomMax = 0.85;
	format = "XY";
	formatX = "00";
	formatY = "00";
	stepX = 1000;
	stepY = -1000;
	class Zoom3
	zoomMax = 1e+030.0;
	format = "XY";
	formatX = "0";
	formatY = "0";
	stepX = 10000;
	stepY = -10000;

class Clutter
		#include "cfgClutter.hpp"
class Names
		#include "grandmanan.hpp"

class CfgWorldList
class GrandManan {};

class CfgMissions
class Cutscenes
	class GrandMananintro
	directory = "";

#include "cfgSurfaces.hpp"

Edited by M1lkm8n

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well I got the same error you had initially and I just ran binpbo again and the bad version error went away. however when I use my own island config like I said the clutter works but when I use zeros it doesn't. idk I have to look though it and see whats going on there

I get this error message any time I run binpbo, no matter how often I do this...it is really frustrating because it makes no sense. If I would run the old BIS2 tools, it would...but as I am using 2.5.1...strange

that highlighted text was missing. I added it and now my clutter shows up with the new island config posted by zerog

I tried this and it tells me this:

File p:\mem\mem_rook_island\config.cpp, line 2249: .CfgVehicles: Member already defined.

I checked and it was defined nearly to the end of the config. I nonetheless will paste it where you highlighted and see what happens...thanks so far ;)

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------


I checked it and it still dont work...

This is my logfile, may be this helps to figure what went wrong...I am out of Ideas...at least I can get onto the Island ingame...

Edited by MemphisBelle

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I get this error message any time I run binpbo, no matter how often I do this...it is really frustrating because it makes no sense. If I would run the old BIS2 tools, it would...but as I am using 2.5.1...strange

I tried this and it tells me this:

File p:\mem\mem_rook_island\config.cpp, line 2249: .CfgVehicles: Member already defined.

I checked and it was defined nearly to the end of the config. I nonetheless will paste it where you highlighted and see what happens...thanks so far ;)

---------- Post added at 19:30 ---------- Previous post was at 19:25 ----------


I checked it and it still dont work...

This is my logfile, may be this helps to figure what went wrong...I am out of Ideas...at least I can get onto the Island ingame...

This isn't going to help you with your exact problem but you have something wrong in your cfgSurfaceCharacters. I think the probability of clutter does not match up with how many clutter types you have hence the whole 8 does not equal 5 thing.

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Hey jakerod I tried using Memphis config with my island importing cfgsurfaces and cfgclutter and I get no clutter but when I load up the one I posted it loads fine. Any ideas? It's bothering me I can seem to see what is going on.

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This isn't going to help you with your exact problem but you have something wrong in your cfgSurfaceCharacters. I think the probability of clutter does not match up with how many clutter types you have hence the whole 8 does not equal 5 thing.

Yes, I know and tried to remove some clutters from the given list. I also know this errormessage from my ArmA2 Projects, they appear there sometime as well, but wont have an bad effect on the apprearence of clutter at all, thanks for checking the Logfile...any Ideas according the Sky/Clouds thing?

Hey jakerod I tried using Memphis config with my island importing cfgsurfaces and cfgclutter and I get no clutter but when I load up the one I posted it loads fine. Any ideas? It's bothering me I can seem to see what is going on.

The last 2 days were a bit busy..kid has had birthday yesterday and today I am in the office again, but I´ll give it a shot when I am back home and will report the result whether it worked for me or not, thanks again for your reply

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Hey jakerod I tried using Memphis config with my island importing cfgsurfaces and cfgclutter and I get no clutter but when I load up the one I posted it loads fine. Any ideas? It's bothering me I can seem to see what is going on.

Only thing I can think of is that the whole 8!=5 thing is screwing things up. I'm assuming that you have the clutter unpacked too. Not sure how much of a help I can be. I have been busy lately and haven't had time to look into the A3 stuff much yet.

Anything in your RPTs?

Edited by Jakerod

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Only thing I can think of is that the whole 8!=5 thing is screwing things up. I'm assuming that you have the clutter unpacked too. Not sure how much of a help I can be. I have been busy lately and haven't had time to look into the A3 stuff much yet.

Anything in your RPTs?

I'll check and get back to you on the rpts. I'm not using his clutter arrangement though so I know I'm ok there. Thanks for all the help so far.

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Hey M1lkm8n,

I´ve tested you config and it works for the clutter, thanks for this.

I try to figure the difference between my one ond yours. The crazy thing is that I used the stratis config but changed all related paths, strange why it wont work on my Island

The most important thing is, that I finally can make some tests now . But I think that most of the issues are related to the yet missing tools. I really hope that BIS wont keep us waiting too long

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Only thing I can think of is that the whole 8!=5 thing is screwing things up. I'm assuming that you have the clutter unpacked too. Not sure how much of a help I can be. I have been busy lately and haven't had time to look into the A3 stuff much yet.

Anything in your RPTs?

Doesnt the 8!=5 thing represent the max amount of different clutter types per texture? So if there are max 5 allowed and 3 or 7 defined though it wont mat´ch the allowed numer and by this is causing this entry in the logfile!?

I yet have to check the RPT as well

Edited by MemphisBelle

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Hey M1lkm8n,

I´ve tested you config and it works for the clutter, thanks for this.

I try to figure the difference between my one ond yours. The crazy thing is that I used the stratis config but changed all related paths, strange why it wont work on my Island

I just got the clutter to work on the stratis config.

heres the new file try this one.


I set my clutter distance to 500 to try so you may want to change that

Let me know if your bumpmapping is working on your ground textures. Mine is not and I'm not sure if it is something with the config or not.

I think things changes a lot in the configs and the other config is inheriting stratis properties where the ones we where originally using from stratis does not and I think that was causing the clutter to no show up because we had things in the wrong spot. Idk I'm still learning :)

Edited by M1lkm8n

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Hey M1lkm8n,

I´ve tested you config and it works for the clutter, thanks for this.

I try to figure the difference between my one ond yours. The crazy thing is that I used the stratis config but changed all related paths, strange why it wont work on my Island

The most important thing is, that I finally can make some tests now . But I think that most of the issues are related to the yet missing tools. I really hope that BIS wont keep us waiting too long

---------- Post added at 13:57 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Doesnt the 8!=5 thing represent the max amount of different clutter types per texture? So if there are max 5 allowed and 3 or 7 defined though it wont mat´ch the allowed numer and by this is causing this entry in the logfile!?

I yet have to check the RPT as well

I believe it is based off of this:



The above works. 1 Number to 1 Type




names[]={"abel_GrassTall, abelGrassShort"};

Not Ideal. 2 Numbers to 1 Type and 1 Number to 2 Type

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I just got the clutter to work on the stratis config.

heres the new file try this one.


I set my clutter distance to 500 to try so you may want to change that

Let me know if your bumpmapping is working on your ground textures. Mine is not and I'm not sure if it is something with the config or not.

I think things changes a lot in the configs and the other config is inheriting stratis properties where the ones we where originally using from stratis does not and I think that was causing the clutter to no show up because we had things in the wrong spot. Idk I'm still learning :)

Great stuff M1lkm8n, the config works great...thanks.

@Jakerod, that at least would make sense...have to play around with this

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