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[Important Suggestion] Finally add seperate "Invert Y Axis for Flight" button!

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Hello friends.

I've been playing each iteration of this franchise since OFP. One of the "little details" that has always annoyed me the most, is having to constantly go into the options menu & invert my mouse Y axis when I'm right about to pilot a flying vehicle. Pulling your mouse towards you (down) is similar to pulling a helicopter flight stick towards you, which pitches the vehicle up and vice versa. In games that provide pilot-able vehicles such as BF3, a menu option like this has become standard much to my relief.

In my decade + of gaming, I have always used inverted Y axis to fly.

My suggestion as above is to simply add a "Invert Y Axis for Flight" button somewhere in the controls menu that makes sense!

I look forward to continuing to provide useful feedback.

Sometimes it's the small details that count! :yay:


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Have you made a request on the dev tracker so we can vote it up?

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Why can't they just make this the standard in the game and give you the option to make it the other way?

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:48 ----------

Where's the dev tracker - am i blind?

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What's wrong with simply rebinding cyclic forward/back under the Helicopter Controls section of the Controls menu?

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What's wrong with simply rebinding cyclic forward/back under the Helicopter Controls section of the Controls menu?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that only allow you to reassign the W/S keys to be reversed? I want to use the mouse to fly (predominantly, use keys for the rudder)

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't that only allow you to reassign the W/S keys to be reversed? I want to use the mouse to fly (predominantly, use keys for the rudder)

No, you put mouse up / down in cyclic forward / back according to how you want it. Another thing, however, that is really needed is separate sensitivity settings for flying / infantry.

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I have always rebinded the keys, worked me for me in arma 2 and working in the alpha..

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What's wrong with simply rebinding cyclic forward/back under the Helicopter Controls section of the Controls menu?

Just tried this out. I don't know why I never thought of this before. It's so, so much easier to fly now. Thanks, man.

It'd still be handy to just have a little setting(or even have them switched by default) for it, but this works just fine.

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I still want the button. It's about simplicity and user-friendliness. One of the sad things about Arma over the years is in order to get the maximum out of it, you have to spend hours installing addons, tweaking files & doing things 90% of gamers cannot fathom.

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