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Discussion on mission filename format

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Let's just hope people can actually name their file names properly as well. I still prefer ingame mission names because I prefer staring at spaces in between instead of underscore in the mission selection. I don't mind the underscores in my folder.

Hopefully no one calls their mission thread "Operation XXXXXXX". Name of mission. Mission01.Stratis.pbo. That's be one of the most annoying way people name a mission.

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I already thought about creating a thread like this, for ArmA 2 i couldnt find one like this. Addition should be filenames only in lowercase (linuxserver compatibility) and the filename and internal name should be the same so its easier to search for missions.

Best thing of course would be to have subfolders in mpmissions folder (CIT says devs work on it...) and loadingscreens and small preview pictures in missionlist in mp like it already is in sp.

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That's a great idea that can make everybody happy!

Done, made a ticket for it here. Server admins, go vote!

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about server browser, as I already wrote on the BIForums, that's subject to be improved

yet, i suggest to read :

Celery's mission naming system

arma2: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?82816-Mission-name-standard&highlight=mission+filename

arma1: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?59852-Mission-name-standard&highlight=mission%20naming%20standard


OFPEC's tag system


related A2/OA tickets

more mission types https://dev-heaven.net/issues/11099

type of mission for server browser https://dev-heaven.net/issues/5854

the text below is based on one nice huge mission repository author (who based it off celery's standards)

-= Multiplayer Mission Naming Standard =-

Based on this standard, which was started by Celery.

Celerys Mission Name Standard

This document is for everyone who is making multiplayer missions,

please read and follow the standard for the convenience of the whole

multiplayer community.

The mission name matters because missions are listed in alphabetical order on a servers

in-game mission list and in the GameSpy browser. There are hundreds of missions out

there and many servers have a huge amount of them so keeping things tidy helps pick the

mission best suited to the current player numbers and desired mission type, or just finding

a particular mission.

- Briefing Names -

Below is the basic standard for naming missions, entering a briefing name is done by clicking

on the ‘Intel’ section (also has weather, date and time) on the toolbar in the ArmA 2 Editor.

NOTE: This is the name that shows up in your in-game mission selection screen and the

GameSpy browser, not the mission 'File Name'.

[CO25] Enemy Of My Enemy

[AAS100] Cheeseburger Hill

The name specifies these parts:

- game type

- maximum number of players

- mission name

Below are mission names with more detail, showing more pieces of information.

Examples of clan's tags:

[CTF16] SBS Banana Polana v4.0

[DM12] FightClub v1x

[CO35] Hunt Waldo 2 v2.1

Example of a particular game type:

[CTI32] crCTI Warfare v0.8

Examples of mixed game types:

[AAS-C&H100] North South -C5-

[CTF-TDM40] Animal Kingdom

The name specifies these parts:

- game type

- maximum number of players

- clan tag/genre specific

- mission name

- version

NOTE: Naming a mission is as follows... game type followed by maximum number

of players, after that feel free to arrange the following attributes however you see

fit, most important is the game type and maximum number of players at the start, this is what

makes the standard work.

- File Names -

Same rules applies to file names, use the examples below.

Keeping the file name lowercase and continuous with underscores makes it Linux friendly.

Naming the file like this helps to match "that mission" to the actual file, helps server admins

update and easily sort mission folders and for people who like order amongst their collection

of missions.

Briefing Name: [CTI32] crCTI Warfare v0.8

File Name: cti32_crcti_warfare_v08

Briefing Name: [TDM48] Airport -C5-

File Name: tdm48_airport_c5

Briefing Name: [CO10] Cipher v1.41

File Name: co10_cipher_v1_41

Briefing Name: [CO35] Hunt Waldo 2 v2.1

File Name: co35_hunt_waldo2_v2_1

NOTE: Use underscores ( _ ) for spaces and for full stops or in some cases leave no

space (v0.91 = v091) with File Names. Full stops, spaces, commas and other random

characters will be replaced automatically with text like '%20%' when saving to file, so

don't use them.

- Game Mode Abbreviations -

* More traditional / common ArmA 2 game modes.

A&D - Attack and Defend

AAS - Advance and Secure

C&H - Capture and Hold

CTF - Capture the Flag

CTI - Conquer the Island (Warfare)

CO - Cooperative (only AI opponents)

DM - Death Match

FF - Flag Fight

PvP - Player vs. Player (title that covers most PvP modes)

RPG - Role Playing Game

SC - Sector Control

TDM - Team Death Match

TvT - Team vs. Team (2 or more opposing teams in an objective based Co-op setting)

*Exotic or less common game modes.

C&K - Capture and Kill

COMBI - Combination of C&H and CTF

CTB - Capture the Base

DYN - Dynamic Mission (new fully configurable mode for both CO & PvP ie. VTS, MSO, Zombie Sandbox etc...)

E&E - Escape & Evasion

HUNT - Hunting (Player vs. Creature)

KOTH - King of the Hill

MISC - Miscellaneous (genres not fitting in any category)

OBJ - Objective (Co-op style objectives with PvP element)

RC - Race

RTS - Real Time Strategy

TFF - Team Flag Fight

TRNG - Training Missions

VIP - Protection/Assassination (Team vs. Team / Team vs. Player)

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Ah, 76's format of file naming. I don't like the brackets though, it was an eyesore to me. I like it overall, everything besides the brackets.

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Very nice idea. I will begin to use this naming format, but would it look little better as e.g. [DYN/CO-20] Whole Lotta Stratis (v0.56)?

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Saok, your mission is most likely to be renamed anyway on many servers to match their format. So whatever format you choose, keep the filename identical as possible to the mission name.

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Sure, I will do that. :)

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What's wrong with Bohemia's official mission naming practice?

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about server browser, as I already wrote on the BIForums, that's subject to be improved

You're probably aware, but just to make sure, I wasn't thinking about the server browser, but the server control (where you select the mission that is played next). Just to be sure.

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