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Close Quarter got seriously improved!

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Even this is still alpha i think BIS already made an outstanding job in improving CQB.

The Combat Pace, the overhauled eotech sights, the crouching and the general smoothness opens a new kind of new area to this game.

Looking forward to more improvements like better grenade trowing including some cooking and rolling possibilities. Also AI should be improved more on CQ ofcourse.

Take a look at some CQB here already, it looks much more fluid then anything we ever saw in ArmA series yet - Big Thank you BIS :yay:

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Nice demo, Rainbow Six stuff going on there. :)

Agreed overall, plus seeing that the sprint speed will get reduced in the next patch, I think the whole system is very finely balanced. If only we could remap the W/S+CTRL keys, I'd go for CTRL+MWup/Down awesomeness. :(

P.S. It's taking time to get used to every single building being enter-able, but I'm adapting! Love the metal container-type bunkers, heh-heh.

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The AI still isn´t up to it, though, apart from now being speedy in aiming and firing. Running around corners without looking is still rampant, and houses are ignored most of the time.

As far as movement is concerned, I´m having trouble adapting because of the sheer amount of buttons you can press, but I am getting there. There is brilliance in there for SP and Coop vs AI, it just needs to be refined and extended to where it becomes a rounded whole. From tomorrow on I´ll use my brothers A3Alpha copy to learn teh ropes of the game while I rebuild my PC. By Sunday, I´ll have it running on my own rig, I hope, and then I´ll begin looking into AI research again.

But, I like what I see already. It can only get better, and it already is a -vast- improvement over A2

Edited by InstaGoat

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Something I've been doing is giving OPFOR infantry cycled waypoints that are placed inside multiple houses in villages, the OPFOR soldiers patrol through the houses and you won't know for certain which house they will be in at any given time. Sometimes they will fire out of windows and doors as you pass by, if you enter a OPFOR occupied house they will attack you immediately. The AI react far better indoors compared to Arma2, they don't simply ignore you anymore, now they swiftly target you.

Try it out in the editor, it's awesome fun.

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Been going on in A2 almost since release, via mods. The above firefight was o.k. but there is no responce to smoke by the ai.:butbut:

For the ai to become a serious opposition they have to respond to, smoke, gunshots/grenade sounds etc, and take the appropriate action, i.e. find and move to cover, as seen in many of my test vids, accessed below in the sig..

We need to get that into A3, granted the movement has improved, but humans could always move easily around inside or out..:p

But there's plenty of time, I suppose...

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Ye thats true, AI is still quite "silly" on Close Quarters. They dont react on smoke, they dont react on a door beeing opend, mostly they just lie down when they hear shots fired and so on.

But personally i dont care too much about AI, because mostly we are playing PVP :D

Still hopeing they improve this though.

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