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yeah the mission doesn't work on the dev releases due to the classname of the Ifrit being changed. sorry! we didn't want to make people sign up to the dev release to play our mission.

---------- Post added at 07:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

i'm finding in my mission that some scripts called on the server (from a trigger in the mission.sqm controlled by expcond "isserver") are running many multiples of times - like 3x when i host the mission on my pc and am alone in it, and then 1x extra for every joiner.


could it be that in Arma3 at the moment "isserver" does not exclude MPclients?

the temptation is to replace the code with "isdedicated"


but this means SP players/ local hosters will not be able to see half of the mission spawning.

i've done some testing and this is all accurate observation in my evolution mission.

problem is - we're spawning like 24 helicopters full of troops instead of 2, when 10 players are on the server.

has anyone got any advice?

have made a post here:


Edited by eggbeast

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Any further thoughts about adding the database mod, egg?

Also, did you mention you'd be giving us example AI profiles soon? Looking forward to those.

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Hi just a couple of issues with this version today and they are:

1) All vehicles were weird at respawning, something quickly sometimes +1hour or more

2) AI respwaned and kept respawing despite taking out all radio towers in the airport (Same with drop off helis (At least i think that's what they are))

Good mission though its one of our favorites!



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Noted you edited your reply about 1.9 and R3F to say it's still fails (which it does on our dedi. server too). But the main post doesn't have this update.

1.9 runs very well. We love the AI mortars and enemy counter attacks . Killcam is nicely done, though we've turned it off ... as it makes spotting snipers too easy.

We have noted in all the versions is the helicopters AI are very subdued when it comes to attacking us. It seems they will become active if you hop in a vehicle, but if you stay on foot and don't shoot them they will happily fly past you continuously and never fire a shot .

Scorp (aka Scorpiomidget)

Arma3 Server: Scorp + Romes Dedicated Server (20man)

Mission: GITS Evolution V1.9

Edited by Scorpiomidget

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guys - thanks for feeding back so clearly - this is lifeblood for mission developers


a) database not priority yet - working on sidemissions

b) completed profile under test - it seems that it does NOT currently affect AI precision etc so working on mission-based settings

will be trying this instead


ok Joe, the vehicle respawns were screwed below 1.8. they work again now. like this:

a) normal vehicles (eg hunter/ifrit at base) respawn on the spot they were destroyed after 30 secs

b) helis respawn at base after 1 hour

c) MHQ respawns at base instantly with its spawn marker (currently can cause a chain reaction explosion - fix is on my TO DO list!) - meanwhile best not to leave it in base

d) reconHQ does not respawn until officer makes a new one. however the spawn marker handily stays with the wreck.

e) mortars (and future statics) respawn after 5 minutes i think

I'm worried about AI respawning in the target zone - this could besome alpha tweak that is breaking the mission (through isserver - see my post about it linked above)

scorpio - the mortars will be better once BIS fix the recoil fall over bug:



helis - are overspawning so not sure i want them more active yet! we'd be inundated with complaints if they hunted you down on foot.

testing yesterday i was chased about by strafing runs so they do go for you if there aren't too many clogging up the processor.

adding tankies fix for helis in 2.0


side mission progress so far:

1. working water patrol

2. working convoy ambush

3. working land patrol

will be at it all weekend and releasing early next week (once the isserver bug or w/e is causing the multi spawning is ironed out)

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2.0 released early (due to the AI becoming suddenly inhumanly tough)


ADDED features:

U menu assignments/side missions working for:

1. water patrol

2. convoy ambush

3. land patrol

4. destroy armour

5. combat search and rescue (doctor)

not yet ported over the others so best not to select them!

ADDED tankbusters chopper killer - one rocket will now kill a chopper and award you points for the kill

FIXED seem to have fixed the enemy chopper infestation

FIXED base raiders in land vehicles

FIXED AI difficulty management script developed - testing in 2.0 to see if it is now too easy...

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to the ai tweaking, hosted on non dedicated server the ai is dump as hell.

hosted on dedicated server the ai snipes you even better then in 1.8 or 1.9 at 500m+.

so may you adjust it a little more or skript in an ai parameter like in "urban conquest" from tvig0r0us.

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Hi guys,

First off Id just like to thank eggbeast, GITS and anyone else putting in the time and effort to bring this amazing mod to Arma III (alpha). Awesome work so far guys :)

I havnt tried version2.0 yet (just about to download it now) but 1.9 is a great improvement and I really like the enemy mortas which I guess would be any static emplacements once the weapons are available (AA, AT, MG nest, ect)

So i just wanted to report a bug which is pretty much ruining the game (for me) when playing alone set up on a LAN server. Ive scanned through the thread and didnt notice this reported before but if it has been then my apologies :D

Basically when playing then saving your progress so as to resume the game at a later time, when you return to the game the U / T menu fails to work. It does not show up at all when pressing U key.

I have noticed this problem with every release I have played so far up to and including version 1.9.

The menu works fine as it should during gameplay, it is only when you try to resume a saved game that it doesnt work.

Im not sure but I dont think the same problem occurs on a dedicated server or multiplayer game.

Anyhow I really hope you find a fix for the crazy AI aimbotters and Thankyou guys once again for all you are doing here:cool:

ScunnyUK aka Gaz in Arma II and III

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launching boats for the water patrol at sunset


when scripts go wrong... the base raiders should be disabled for now - as server FPS will be affected by this lot


celebrating a zone capture - you can tell he drove tanks for a living lol

ok thanks gaz - i've re-added the T menu binding to the spawn script - this should kick in each time you spawn now

you're right the enemy normally have a range of statics, just waiting on em from bis in the beta

atrush1987 - i'm puzzled at your report mate. we have found the AI to be really well balanced now. maybe download it again because i quietly released a 2.0 earlier on saturday and continued to edit it during the day. we find the AI are being clever but not as accurate, which is what we set out to achieve.

how do others feel about the AI in 2.0?

Edited by eggbeast

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  eggbeast said:
how do others feel about the AI in 2.0?

Personally, I think they are still a bit too good, though way improved on before. When they counterattacked at Rogain, I felt I and others were getting a bit frustrated. I tried everything, flanks, stealth, weight of fire, grenades, lone rambo, squad overwatch, but everytime I put my head over the ridge... pow. single round to the head.

Also, I was wondering, don't the enemy have any AT? In any other mission, if we'd sat like we did overlooking Agia Marina, in two Ifrits pummelling with HMG and GMG for 10 minutes in any other game, we've have been RPG'd off the map, but they didn't fire a single round.

Last thing, while I remember. If the NLAW is, as we think the cause of so many client crashes, can it's tube and mag be removed from the crates for the time being?

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  eggbeast said:
how do others feel about the AI in 2.0?

Will be running V2 today so can't comment yet.

We finished 1.9 last night which I have to say was immense fun. The AI were great so will be interesting to see how V2 compares .

We noted while running 1.9 occasionaly a clone of a respawning player would appear at the base near the flag, on finishing the last city there were around 25 standing there.

If we see it happen again we will try to document when exactly it happens .

---------- Post added at 09:39 ---------- Previous post was at 09:00 ----------

  Tankbuster said:
Last thing, while I remember. If the NLAW is, as we think the cause of so many client crashes, can it's tube and mag be removed from the crates for the time being?

Agreed, we stopped using the NLAWs a few versions back and only run with the RPG-42s. We've had no client crashes since .

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on the crashes

we have had crashes with the ka60 missiles, the ah9 hydras and the rpgs also - it's definitely an explosion related bug but i think the NLAW somehow causes this explosion more frequently

i've had it running on my pc to test a mission and taken off in ka60 and fired one missile (followed it in wepcam) at an ifrit. on impact - CRASH. first fired round of the game. it's an A3 alpha config bug i think.

tank - in one sentence you ask for more enemy AT and in the other you say they crash the server ... lol - it was a late night though!

but you make a good point. i got an AT fired at me last night - was surprised. so yeah they do fire em but not often. it may be that they dont score the wheeled vecs high enough?

I could add more RPG soldiers to the east spawn array but given the crash bug do we want that?

the enemy respawn guys who disconnect at death are the bodies left at spawn. the cleanup script i reinstated was the one that caused the gear menu to close repeatedly. will try to find a better fix idc.

on the AI

in last night's battle i was engaging quite happily, but once our vecs had crested the ridge and showed our hand, they had us nailed. they knew we were there and we were making the classic mistake of trying to fire down a big broad slope onto enemy spread across the full 180 degrees, with plenty of defillade. flanking them along the valley and taking out a few at a time would have been my preferred tactic but i was away when it all kicked off.

once they know where you are it stands to reason a sniper can nail you.

doing the rescue mission we did get taken out a bit quick in similar place. maybe its that valley? valley of death...

doing the convoy mission i felt we overwhelmed them with just rifle fire pretty quickly.

jury's out

for info these are the setting i'm trying:


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HI, I encountered problem: choosing whatever mission ( ambush, destroy, etc. ) and flying by heli to AO - AO disappears with random message - armor moved to another location - mission failed or good job convoy destroyed. any idea ???

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for next update (2.1):


silenced Rook

MG silencer

civ clothes and caps


assignment rescue pilot (from corporal rank)

assignment rendition

assignment land patrol available at corporal rank

FIXED killcam and base raiders defaulted OFF

FIXED ability to spawn obstacles while in vehicles

ADDED group will score points if non-officer POW's are transported back to POW camp

---------- Post added at 11:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:54 AM ----------

  PawelKPL said:
HI, I encountered problem: choosing whatever mission ( ambush, destroy, etc. ) and flying by heli to AO - AO disappears with random message - armor moved to another location - mission failed or good job convoy destroyed. any idea ???
this sometimes happens the first few times the mission is called. keep going. will improve this - tryingto work out why sometimes the infantry units do not spawn... usually after once or twice they work fine thereafter (think of it as free points for now) Edited by eggbeast

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funny thing about these crashes related to Ifrits. yesterday, running version 1.6 on a dedi, people around me would crash all the time when somebody fired RPGs and NLAWs at Ifrits, but I never crashed for some reason. this is very odd

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  sorophx said:
funny thing about these crashes related to Ifrits. yesterday, running version 1.6 on a dedi, people around me would crash all the time when somebody fired RPGs and NLAWs at Ifrits, but I never crashed for some reason. this is very odd
seems to be pot luck! we have made a ticket on the BIS bugreporter

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Ah.... is it Ifrit deaths, rather than general explosions? I will test.

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  eggbeast said:

ok thanks gaz - i've re-added the T menu binding to the spawn script - this should kick in each time you spawn now

you're right the enemy normally have a range of statics, just waiting on em from bis in the beta

Thanks eggbeast, although another bug kept occurring whilst playing 2.0 last night which I havnt seen in any other release. Again this was only playing single player on lan and I didnt try any multiplayer servers to see if it was happening there for me, but the save kit / loadout function wasnt working. I would choose my kit as normal and then save it either at the crates or spawn flag (usually at both :p) than after been killed and respawning it would give me some random loadout with just a pistol and an assortment of different ammo types, basically not the kit I had saved or the basic default loadout that you get when first starting.

Maybe just a random thing although I did try restarting Arma a couple of times. I'll report back if its still happening today.

  eggbeast said:
how do others feel about the AI in 2.0?

Much better for me, infact Id go as far as to say perfect. They were still good but not so overly good to make it frustrating. They still tried to out maneuver and flank my position and when I was shot it felt more realistic rather than them doing the impossible! Great work :D

ScunnyUK aka Gaz in Arma II and III

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latest 2.0 version(downloaded about 15min ago)

on dedicated server with ai setting 0.3 and precision 0.1(for testing) still 500+ one shot ai killer skillz. even killed serveral ah6 pilots with one shot.

unplayable for smaller groups this way

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i went on the GD server earlier and played for a bit with about 10 guys attacking the east coast place.

the AI were definitely accurate once they had you spotted and suppressed.

however if you used your stance correctly and repositioned correctly you could last for 30 mins without being shot.

i cannot see the AI accuracy thing people are still reporting. can you let me know what your experience of playing arma is? have you played much Arma1 or 2? i'm wondering if you've not played much maybe this is why you're thinking they are too hard, or are different servers behaving differently. have you changed your server profiles? can you post them up (minus the key / control config)?

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No change in server profile. With the mission I ref., they seem to miss a lot more, even at relatively close range and when they do hit, it's not always deadly.

I have played ARMA extensively since OFP and throughout all releases.

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Hi Egg thanks for that explanation on the heli respawn!

Could you add a viable so we could just the vehicle re spawn time.

We'll test the new version tonight and report back later.



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playing since ofp days, played arma 1 warfare with super ai on and even arma 2 with super ai on with no really issues.

gits evo on arma 2/oa were quite hard so no super ai in this mission but still managable in small groups.

using dedicated server cfg trough -profiles flag.

copied the one from how to thread here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?147537-Tutorial-How-to-run-ArmA3-server-on-a-dedicated-server

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Also just noticied a bug, not sure if its with the map or the game but when we blow up one vehical all players in the server crash out - server statys running.

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