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1.3 released

mando hitch - localise the vehicle to be towed to the chopper

Not sure what you mean here.

Also, several of my clan mates exploded their satchel charges when entering the mission.

The loading screen tells you to press "Spacebar" to continue, isn't needed though.

What you think is:

1) you press spacebar furiously b/c you think you'll load quicker.

What really happens:

1st press brings up menu

2nd press selects the top menu item, satchel charge

3rd press deploys previously selected satchel charge

4th press detonates satchel charge just about the time you're loading in.

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Can I please have the password to join the GITS A3 server because I would like to play a game with you guys...

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Most, if not all of us were spawing with satchs.

ah demo charges? does space plant them? i use it for sprint lol.

will take a look

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Egg mate, why are you ignoring me ???

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lol this is genuine ragdoll also in evo on arma2

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Love the support audio added more immersive 8)- Actually got too Camp Rogain tonite 8)- Not bad considering there was only 3 of us :)

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Love the support audio added more immersive 8)- Actually got too Camp Rogain tonite 8)- Not bad considering there was only 3 of us :)

we can thank BigPickle for this! we originally developed it for unsung evolution (vietnam) so a lot of the audio is old crackly nam stuff

mando hitch - localise the vehicle to be towed to the chopper

Not sure what you mean here.

get in and out of the vehicle you want to hitch and it should be fine to pick up

a plea for help...

i'm having trouble fixing the background for the support menu:

it's defined in



--and scripts/core.sqf

this is what it looks like

i added the black border to show where the window should have a background (but it's fading out etc)

the arrow indicates the buttons which also don't have a background


closer up



basically i'm trying to

a) get the background to look nice - at the moment it is using

text = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\rsc\rscdisplaygear\igui_background_gear_ca.paa";

as a straight swap for

// text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_background_debriefing_ca.paa";

i can't find anything in \a3\ui_f\data\gui\Rsc etc that gets anywhere near the backgroud for the display options menu (which is typically what I'm after)


b) make the buttons (marked on picture with arrow) look distinct from the background

	class controlsBackground
	class Mainback : RscPicture 
		idc = 1104;
		x = 0.042;
		y = 0.101;
		w = 1.2549;
		h = 0.836601;
//			text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_background_debriefing_ca.paa";
		text = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\rsc\rscdisplaygear\igui_background_gear_ca.paa";
	class DesTitleMain : RscPicture  
		idc = 101;
		x = 0.39;
		y = 0.2;
		w = 0.55;
		h = 0.42;
//		text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_background_debriefing_ca.paa";
		text = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\rsc\rscdisplaygear\igui_background_gear_ca.paa";
	colorText[] = {0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 0.6};
	class ListbackMain : DesTitleMain  
		idc = 101;
		x = 0.0506555;
		y = 0.2;
		w = 0.31;
		h = 0.34;
//			text = "\ca\ui\data\igui_background_debriefing_ca.paa";
		text = "\A3\ui_f\data\gui\rsc\rscdisplaygear\igui_background_gear_ca.paa";
	class TitleTtl : RscText
	   	idc = 0;
		x = 0.380722;
		y =  0.156;
		w = __EVAL(15 * _xSpacing);
		h = __EVAL(3 * _ySpacing);
		colorText[] = Color_White;
		sizeEx = 0.03;
		text = "GPS";

any help would be most appreciated!

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all fixed - i just imported the A2 paafile.

next up:

- find out why the gear menu repeatedly closes at base

- find out why some of the enemy vehicles don't spawn

- find out why the paras don't get out of their helicopters

- find out why R3F logistics and green player markers crash after a certain amount of time

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We are testing a lot of different game types and missions on our dedicated server since the alpha came up.

Unfortunately the GITs Evo linked with the alpha crashes our win 2008 r2 server everytime we play it.

One of the crashes killed the whole win installation so we had to set up the server once again.

I dont know if evo is the causer or the alpha.

We have used vers. 1.0 up t0 1.3 with the same results, about 6 server crashes thee last 3 days.

These are the last lines of the last crash:

Client: Object 72:8 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 41:135 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 29:92 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 29:93 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 63:8 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 63:6 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 63:11 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 63:10 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 3:90 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 3:91 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 3:77 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 3:78 (type Type_79) not found.
Error: Object not found
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 65:5 (type Type_104) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 29:94 (type Type_79) not found.
Client: Object 29:95 (type Type_79) not found.
Error: Object not found
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 3:92 (type Type_104) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 3:74 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Client: Object 31:93 (type Type_111) not found.
Error: Object not found
Error: Object not found
Error: Object not found
Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00C21FC2
Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll
graphics:  No
resolution:  160x120x32
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Statues in a3\structures_f\civ\statues\
 A3_Structures_F_Naval in a3\structures_f\naval\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_Shed in a3\structures_f\ind\shed\
 A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_P07 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\p07\
 A3_Air_F_MH9 in a3\air_f\mh9\, A3_Missions_F in a3\missions_f\
 A3_Soft_F in a3\soft_f\, A3_Structures_F_Civ_Market in a3\structures_f\civ\market\
 A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_TRG20 in a3\weapons_f\rifles\trg20\
 A3_Animals_F_AnimConfig in a3\animals_f\animconfig\, A3_Map_Data in a3\map_data\
 A3_Modules_F_UAV in a3\modules_f\uav\
 A3_Modules_F_Supports in a3\modules_f\supports\, A3_Signs_F in a3\signs_f\
 A3_Static_F_Mk6 in a3\static_f\mk6\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Garbage in a3\structures_f\civ\garbage\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil in a3\structures_f\mil\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Bunker in a3\structures_f\mil\bunker\
 A3_Characters_F_Heads in a3\characters_f\heads\
 A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR in a3\characters_f\blufor\, A3_Music_F in a3\music_f\
 A3_Soft_F_Quadbike in a3\soft_f\quadbike\, A3_Soft_F_Offroad in a3\soft_f\offroad\
 A3_Static_F in a3\static_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Accessories in a3\structures_f\civ\accessories\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_SportsGrounds in a3\structures_f\civ\sportsgrounds\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind in a3\structures_f\ind\
 A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_SDAR in a3\weapons_f\rifles\sdar\
 A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_Rook40 in a3\weapons_f\pistols\rook40\
 A3_Weapons_F_Machineguns_M200 in a3\weapons_f\machineguns\m200\
 A3_Boat_F_Speedboat in a3\boat_f\speedboat\
 A3_Characters_F_Common in a3\characters_f\common\, A3_Data_F in a3\data_f\
 A3_Functions_F in a3\functions_f\, A3_Modules_F in a3\modules_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Bridges in a3\structures_f\bridges\
 A3_Structures_F_Walls in a3\structures_f\walls\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Dead in a3\structures_f\civ\dead\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Radar in a3\structures_f\mil\radar\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Offices in a3\structures_f\mil\offices\
 A3_Weapons_F in a3\weapons_f\
 A3_Modules_F_GroupModifiers in a3\modules_f\groupmodifiers\
 A3_Roads_F in a3\roads_f\, A3_Soft_F_Hunter in a3\soft_f\hunter\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Camping in a3\structures_f\civ\camping\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small01\
 A3_UI_F in a3\ui_f\, A3_Animals_F_Rabbit in a3\animals_f\rabbit\
 A3_Anims_F_Config_Wmn in a3\anims_f\config\wmn\, A3_Editor_F in a3\editor_f\
 CALanguage_missions in ca\languagemissions\
 A3_Modules_F_Misc in a3\modules_f\misc\
 A3_Modules_F_LiveFeed in a3\modules_f\livefeed\
 A3_Modules_F_Intel in a3\modules_f\intel\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small02\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_DieselPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\dieselpowerplant\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_AirPort in a3\structures_f\ind\airport\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_ReservoirTank in a3\structures_f\ind\reservoirtank\
 A3_Anims_F_Config_Sdr in a3\anims_f\config\sdr\
 A3_Boat_F_Assault_Boat in a3\boat_f\assault_boat\
 A3_Modules_F_DynO in a3\modules_f\dyno\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_Calvary in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\calvary\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Lamps in a3\structures_f\civ\lamps\
 A3_Structures_F_Training in a3\structures_f\training\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Lighthouse in a3\structures_f\dominants\lighthouse\
 A3_Structures_F_Households in a3\structures_f\households\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Small03 in a3\structures_f\households\house_small03\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_PowerLines in a3\structures_f\ind\powerlines\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_SolarPowerPlant in a3\structures_f\ind\solarpowerplant\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_Cargo in a3\structures_f\ind\cargo\
 A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Khaybar in a3\weapons_f\rifles\khaybar\
 A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes in a3\weapons_f\ammoboxes\
 A3_Animals_F_Fishes in a3\animals_f\fishes\
 A3_Animals_F_Snakes in a3\animals_f\snakes\
 A3_Characters_F_Civil in a3\characters_f\civil\, A3_Sounds_F in a3\sounds_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_Chapel in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\chapel\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_PlayGround in a3\structures_f\civ\playground\
 A3_Structures_F in a3\structures_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Furniture in a3\structures_f\furniture\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Big in a3\structures_f\households\stone_big\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop01\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_FuelStation in a3\structures_f\ind\fuelstation\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Helipads in a3\structures_f\mil\helipads\
 A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_LAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\rpg32\, A3_Air_F in a3\air_f\
 A3_Animals_F_Kestrel in a3\animals_f\kestrel\
 A3_Characters_F_OPFOR in a3\characters_f\opfor\
 A3_Dubbing_Radio_F in a3\dubbing_radio_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Naval_Piers in a3\structures_f\naval\piers\
 A3_Structures_F_Naval_RowBoats in a3\structures_f\naval\rowboats\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants in a3\structures_f\dominants\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_Addons in a3\structures_f\households\addons\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_WIP in a3\structures_f\households\wip\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Shop02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_shop02\
 A3_Weapons_F_Launchers_NLAW in a3\weapons_f\launchers\nlaw\
 A3_Weapons_F_EBR in a3\weapons_f\longrangerifles\ebr\, CAData in a3\
 A3_Anims_F in a3\anims_f\, A3_Boat_F in a3\boat_f\, A3_Misc_F in a3\misc_f\
 A3_Misc_F_Helpers in a3\misc_f\helpers\, A3_Soft_F_Galkin in a3\soft_f\galkin\
 A3_Structures_F_System in a3\structures_f\system\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Constructions in a3\structures_f\civ\constructions\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big01 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big01\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_Transmitter_Tower in a3\structures_f\ind\transmitter_tower\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Cargo in a3\structures_f\mil\cargo\
 A3_Weapons_F_Items in a3\weapons_f\items\
 A3_Weapons_F_Explosives in a3\weapons_f\explosives\
 A3_CargoPoses_F in a3\cargoposes_f\, A3_Plants_F_Bush in a3\plants_f\bush\
 A3_Rocks_F in a3\rocks_f\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_House_Big02 in a3\structures_f\households\house_big02\
 A3_Structures_F_Ind_Pipes in a3\structures_f\ind\pipes\
 A3_Animals_F in a3\animals_f\
 A3_Data_F_ParticleEffects in a3\data_f\particleeffects\
 A3_LanguageMissions_F in a3\languagemissions_f\
 A3_Modules_F_Skirmish in a3\modules_f\skirmish\
 A3_Signs_F_AD in a3\signs_f\signs_ad\, A3_Structures_F_Civ in a3\structures_f\civ\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_InfoBoards in a3\structures_f\civ\infoboards\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_TentHangar in a3\structures_f\mil\tenthangar\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Barracks in a3\structures_f\mil\barracks\
 A3_UIFonts_F in a3\uifonts_f\, A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_MX in a3\weapons_f\rifles\mx\
 A3_Animals_F_Seagull in a3\animals_f\seagull\, A3_BaseConfig_F in a3\baseconfig_f\
 A3_Characters_F in a3\characters_f\, A3_Language_F in a3\language_f\
 A3_Map_Stratis in a3\map_stratis\
 A3_Modules_F_ObjectModifiers in a3\modules_f\objectmodifiers\
 A3_Modules_F_Events in a3\modules_f\events\
 A3_Modules_F_Sites in a3\modules_f\sites\
 A3_Structures_F_Dominants_Church_BellTower in a3\structures_f\dominants\church\belltower\
 A3_Structures_F_Items_Vessels in a3\structures_f\items\vessels\
 A3_Structures_F_Items in a3\structures_f\items\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Small in a3\structures_f\households\stone_small\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_Stone_Shed in a3\structures_f\households\stone_shed\
 A3_Structures_F_Mil_Fortification in a3\structures_f\mil\fortification\
 A3_Structures_F_Wrecks in a3\structures_f\wrecks\, A3_Air_F_Ka60 in a3\air_f\ka60\
 A3_Animals_F_Turtle in a3\animals_f\turtle\
 A3_Characters_F_Proxies in a3\characters_f\proxies\
 A3_Structures_F_Civ_Pavements in a3\structures_f\civ\pavements\
 A3_Structures_F_Households_Slum in a3\structures_f\households\slum\
 A3_Weapons_F_Acc in a3\weapons_f\acc\
Mods: A3
Distribution: 0
Version 0.5.102571
Fault address:  00C21FC2 01:00820FC2 C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3.exe
file:     CO_22_GITS_Evolution_v1-3 (__cur_mp)
world:    Stratis
Prev. code bytes: 8B 4C 24 08 85 C9 75 04 32 C0 EB 0C 8B 01 FF 10
Fault code bytes: D8 46 08 B0 01 D9 5E 08 5E C2 04 00 55 8B EC 51

EAX:00F57D8C EBX:00000000
ECX:387E4C40 EDX:387E4C40
ESI:00000000 EDI:00000000
SS:ESP:002B:01C7C7AC  EBP:01C7C7D8
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B
note: Minidump has been generated into the file Arma\arma3.mdmp

Please tell if someone has the same issues and/or a soultion. ;)

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all fixed - i just imported the A2 paafile.

next up:

- find out why the paras don't get out of their helicopters

Ah so that's the purpose of those hovering Kasatkas. Enemy paras would be great. :D

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Another question/observation. After we've attacked and cleared the 1st objective (airport), we get the second objective as seen on the map. After a short period of time, the second objective disappears (circle is gone but enemy AI is still there) and the circle at the airport appears again. This has happened multiple times. Bug?

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One of the crashes killed the whole win installation so we had to set up the server once again.


Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 00C21FC2

Allocator: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3\dll\tbb4malloc_bi.dll

Please tell if someone has the same issues and/or a soultion. ;)

ok we're seeing the same memory crash problem - it's seemingly caused by rockets exploding - either using a ka60 to nail enemy ifrits or using an NLAW on them. we think it's the alpha as nothing in the mission would make this happen.

if you've lost your whole windows installation from arma crashing to desktop i would query your server provider - are they running backups or installing software during peak playing time?

Tankbuster put in a ticket about this crash to BIS.


---------- Post added at 05:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:55 PM ----------

Another question/observation. After we've attacked and cleared the 1st objective (airport)' date=' we get the second objective as seen on the map. After a short period of time, the second objective disappears (circle is gone but enemy AI is still there) and the circle at the airport appears again. This has happened multiple times. Bug?[/quote']

hopefully fixed in 1-4 (to do with local and global marker mix up) but it has haunted us for a while. I made a workaround - if you have been on the server and have the correct marker and someone joins, moving the marker back to the airport, press radio 0-0-2 and it updates all players with the server location of the marker. anyway i hope i fixed this just now, but we have used the workaround happily for a long time!

---------- Post added at 07:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:57 PM ----------

anyone running 1.3 or lower should definitely upgrade to 1.4 - just released

much improved i think

Edited by eggbeast

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ok we're seeing the same memory crash problem - it's seemingly caused by rockets exploding - either using a ka60 to nail enemy ifrits or using an NLAW on them. we think it's the alpha as nothing in the mission would make this happen.

if you've lost your whole windows installation from arma crashing to desktop i would query your server provider - are they running backups or installing software during peak playing time?

Its a root server, the provider should not touch the software with our permission. Perhaps its really the NLAW, i added our crash files to the bug-tracker ticket. Thanks for your effort.

Edited by [LB] boggler

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The other day on the airfield I did stumble acroos an Ifrit(MG) that apparently had been placed inside a building, so dunno if thats where some of your missing vehicles might've gone. Sry meant to take a screenshot of it, apparently I forgot after watching s sneaky snake in the builing crawl up to a door, open it an crawl out:butbut:

all fixed - i just imported the A2 paafile.

next up:

- find out why the gear menu repeatedly closes at base

- find out why some of the enemy vehicles don't spawn

- find out why the paras don't get out of their helicopters

- find out why R3F logistics and green player markers crash after a certain amount of time

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all fixed - i just imported the A2 paafile.

next up:

- find out why the gear menu repeatedly closes at base

- find out why some of the enemy vehicles don't spawn

- find out why the paras don't get out of their helicopters

- find out why R3F logistics and green player markers crash after a certain amount of time

Nice work, it is really is starting to come together with 1.4. Just to let you know, it seems that we don't have access to the diving goggles in the 'diver can'.

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Egg, you taking suggestions for an interim radio tower object?


classname Land_Communication_F

well done for finding the classname mate - i'll see if i can spawn one toot sweet

---------- Post added at 11:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

Nice work, it is really is starting to come together with 1.4. Just to let you know, it seems that we don't have access to the diving goggles in the 'diver can'.

yeah i added all the goggles before and every one of them got a "no entry bin config.bin blah blah g_diving" etc

which sucks cos you can put your own pair in the damn crate lol

so i made a workaround

if you put on a wetsuit and save your gear then the loadout recorder adds the goggles... but then aerosons script superceded mine, so it's gotten lost along the way

//cheat for goggles for frogman

if ( ((uniform player)=="U_B_Wetsuit") or ((uniform player)=="U_OI_Wetsuit") ) then


removeGoggles player;

player addGoggles "G_Diving";

} else {

removeGoggles player;

player addGoggles "G_Tactical_Clear";


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We just cleared the first two markers and while working on the third, it reverted back to the first (airbase). No one had joined our server so it wasn't that. Using v1.4

Are we meant to be locked out of the enemy vehicles? In previous versions of Evo, we use to bring enemy vehicles back to our base as a 'trophy case'. Can't do that now.

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There seams to be a bug with this mission when players return. We are running V1.4 (Downloaded tonight) and unfortunally users can get in normally when first starting the mission but when returning the mission crashes the clients game when loading.



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We just cleared the first two markers and while working on the third, it reverted back to the first (airbase). No one had joined our server so it wasn't that. Using v1.4

Are we meant to be locked out of the enemy vehicles? In previous versions of Evo, we use to bring enemy vehicles back to our base as a 'trophy case'. Can't do that now.

you can use enemy vehicles but if you get out of them they eventually despawn to stop things like this:


(playing hohei evo in arma 1)

they are ranked though so you need the right rank to drive them

regarding the marker - try the 0-0-2 fix

we have found that the marker is now moving correctly through 6 cities and only new joiners need ask others to press 0-0-2 to update them - this means i'm halfway there with fixing the marker problem we've had since arma2 1.6 changed the marker handling on servers...

the green player markers are fixed tonight - after again nearly a year of it not working since the 1.6 change.

---------- Post added at 01:17 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------

There seams to be a bug with this mission when players return. We are running V1.4 (Downloaded tonight) and unfortunally users can get in normally when first starting the mission but when returning the mission crashes the clients game when loading.



we've been playing fine tonight with lots of people in and out - about 15 in all, many reconnected without a problem

do you have any thoughts what may have caused it?

are you playing on a delicatedserver hosted off-site? or on your own machine with mates connecting in?

we managed to destroy all 12 MHQ's tonight for the first time ever in us playing evo. this was caused by them cycling in after one was destroyed at base and then the splash from the explosion destroying each one as it spawned in - will fix...

Edited by eggbeast

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nice sangar!

here's what you will eventually be able to do with that function (once A3 has sandbags, static MG's and ladders)


this didn't end well

http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t247/eggbeast/eggnpickmg2.jpg (139 kB)

here you can see the ladder access to the roof


of course i wouldn't recommend putting your sangar on top of a highly combustible building like a petrol station lol - this scene did not end well

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Yeah that could definatly add up badly.Hopefully full A3 has more compositions at our disposal, the stackable sandbags from ACE in A1 were awsome feature too. Abilitiy to improve defensive positions I think are gonna be more important now more than ever in ArmA series.

Somthing I just stumbled upon on Armaholic which think looks awsome an hope finds it's way into Gits Evolution...http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19471

Edited by Call_911

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