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Wearing clothes

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Is there any way to put on other clothes else than what you're wearing? I've tried to add different clothes and fatigues to crates but the inventory shows red when trying to wear them.

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I have had problems with this also. In testing I had limited success when I would walk away from the crate and then remove camo I was wearing first. But then the clothes in the crate would still show red when I tried to drag them across. I'm looking for a script alternative now.

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Drop them on the ground usually worked for me.

So dissecting what is happening there does that mean when you drop them on the ground they become "public" ie visible to all on the server and therefore usable?

Is there a way to do this with scripting?

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So dissecting what is happening there does that mean when you drop them on the ground they become "public" ie visible to all on the server and therefore usable?

Is there a way to do this with scripting?

No idea what this command does https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addItemCargoGlobal but I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it. I suspect this is the reason why global versions of some commands exist.

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No Jsmuk that just updates the vehicle/ammo box across the network(so all players know about it).

This issue with the cloths (the best I can tell) is that they are limited to a certin faction or class, and when you try and pick up something that is blocked it wont let you put it on. Now its a bit buggy and you can get around it by droping it on the ground sometimes.

But you can overcome most of this by scripting. ( There are still limitations. If you script the civ clothes on yourself, they are actulay only visiable on your client. Others cant see it in MP).

For a greater selection of gear use my Gear Select Menu and my ammo box script.

*note the gear system is very buggy right now, people have to remember this is still an Alpha.

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