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[SP/MP] Dynamic Whole Map ArmA3 Missions by SaOk

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Now things are starting to liven up on the map after having done NATO Sitrep and captured the pier for NATO to arrive. A lot of NATO markers showed up on the map, but only a few opfor markers. Not sure if that is a bug or not.

Other RPT report

Error in expression <bj select 0);
_mid = [((_start select 0)+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error position: <+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error Generic error in expression
Error in expression <_this];
_cc = 0;
_w = (_obj select 2) addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error position: <addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error 1 elements provided, 3 expected

---------- Post added at 20:21 ---------- Previous post was at 20:19 ----------


I am sorry if this question may be annoy you, but, have searched around and found no a clear answer to this question :

What is the correct way to save and resume a mission in WLA...?

I ask this for I love this mission, but I always have problems in resuming the mission...

Every time I use the 'Restart' option and then 'continue old saved game', a lot of stuff is lost, I have to create all squads from scratch, many vehicles are gone, and I have to 'buy' them again, loosing all my merits...

So, I am pretty sure my way of saving or resuming is wrong some way...

Could someone tell me anything about it...?

Thanks for reading and any help...


SaOk, would be nice if the 'Rearm weapon' in the WLA Menu appear under the weapon itself, not in the weapon submenu ( with change weapon, and so on )...

Rearming a whole platoon is quite boring passing though all those menus...

The correct way is to use 0-0-0 or shift+1 and "save game". If you just continue the same mission with the same WLA version, just resume normally, but if you have updated the WLA version, then you should restart the mission and use "continue old saved game".

Missing things sounds like a bug and should be reported.

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Thanks stlassen for the report...

Then, I saved the right way, using 0-0-0 and resuming normally...

But after some saves this way, it appewars like the game slows down, WLA menu may require few seconds to appear ( but not an FPS drop ), and the only way to resume all at a playable speed ( at least for wla manu), is to restart again...

Then all speeds up again, like sone 'dirty stuff' in thge save is purged off during the 'restart' loading... but then weird things starts to happen...

1) I am never restored from last save but some other save, so, I thought I saved the wrong way ( sometimes I made a menu save to have a 'mission start' point, not a 'quick save', that may be the cause )...

2) apart team organization lost, some stuff is missing... I updated today to last WLA, restarted, and I found my self in the same saved place with my vehicles column, but, most of vehicles were missing...

3) I have the impression that when I reload a mission, the whole 'environmental situation' is not restarted, but continued on... I mean : lets say I started attacking an enemy camp, few enemies were there, after few minutes enemy reinforcements arrive... if at this point for some reason I restart the mission from the save before I attack, usually, appears like the reinforcements are already there, as if the campaign realoads your mission, but it does not restores it's state... only way to restore it, is to exit the game and reload again...

4), if I loose some merits for I 'buy' something, my merits level of course lowers, but, if I decide to reload the mission where I started before ( of course in same game session ), the merits level is not restored back to the 'saved' level, again, like point 3, like such a variable/state is kept in memory and not restored by the reload...

Sorry for being so long...

I hope I said useful things...

Thanks again for help and support, and to SaOk for the great work...

P.S. There is a way to restore playing with my player ID instead of being Jackson...?

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But after some saves this way, it appewars like the game slows down, WLA menu may require few seconds to appear ( but not an FPS drop ), and the only way to resume all at a playable speed ( at least for wla manu), is to restart again...

Then all speeds up again, like sone 'dirty stuff' in thge save is purged off during the 'restart' loading... but then weird things starts to happen...

That's a known bug SaOk is working on fixing. Not an easy one to fix, it seems.

The rest of what you report is for SaOk to look at. :)

Cheers ;)

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Thank You guys, for information how to save properly this mission. I guess it have to be done this way.

BTW - Sometimes when I buy vehicle at camps (using MilCenter->Buy option), vehicle spawns just above building, then it falls on it, explodes (tearing the building down). This happens, when I'm inside camp area, close to camp buildings. Only way to workaround this problem, I found is to get away as far as I can from any buildings belonging to camp, and parked vehicles, but still beeing in camp range, and only then use this menu. If I use this workaruond requested vehicle spawns with parachute, and land a few meters away of camp installations, buildings etc.

Maybe solution for this, would be checking if spawn area of vehicles requested/bought this way, is above anything else other then ground. If there is some object, push a few meters in some direction spawn location, and check again. It could be done in loop like :

while (OverObject)
   push_spawn_location_in_m(cur_spawn_loc + 10);

Its much simplified code, provided only to document my thoughts. I didn't yet analyzed Your source code, so functions, variables may be different, and also set of conditions etc., but in general maybe this could fix this problem. If game engine gives such possibilities, and its scripting/mod making support.

But if it is possible to check if two objects are in the same coordinates, then its possible to check if they will collide if one fall to the ground, etc.

Just a couple of thoughts.


I have found "SupportDrop.sqf" in root mission directory, is it a place where also camps production / vehicle drops are coded ? If so It could be done like in SAOKDFACCREATE in "FactoryCreation.sqf" plus this kind of searching of non colliding position I mentioned above. However each loop of this kind for each building in a camp will slow down mission a bit on weaker computers, if its called frequently in other code. Or maybe faster and better solution wold be for MilCenter->Buy use code from Factory->Buy option, so the vehicle is not dropped, but spawned in non colliding fashion near player position. When I used Factory->buy option in recently build factory inside one of my guardposts vehicle wasnt dropped, but spawned behind, not colliding with anything. In code I believe controlling this behaviour You check if vehicle spawn posiotion doesnt collide with other objects. And this is OK, in My opinion.


I have searched more for code that routes calls to this files (functions). It seems, that "SupportDrop.sqf" function is called from inside "BuyVehicle.sqf", which is called by "Ostamassa.sqf" in case of buying vehicles from camps. Spawn position is a bit diferrently calculated there than in case of buying vehicles from factories. If it is not necessary to split these two calls in code into two ways of buying vehicle, I would think of merging them, for better code mainetance in future.

What I mean here is if buying in factories works good, maybe instead of using this code only for factories, use this code for buying and spawning vehicles from local shops, MilCenter etc. And leave SupportDrop.sqf functions only for dropping support from air, as it is in case of requesting vehicle paradrop. This way we have two major call rutes, and easier code maintenace in future (and solution that works in all cases where its used)

Of course it is Your decision, I don't want to hijack this thread, all I wanted to share a couple thoughts.

Edited by waski35

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Thank you, :) if I understood right, you tried to resume in scenarios menu after updating mission file? That is not supported and cant be fixed. Need to always restart and then in mission start options load the old save. Also if using the esc-menu save button or exit, then my custom savegame file isnt created. That also cant be fixed, need to use shift+1 menu, 0-0-0 or shift+1 options autosave.

When resuming the mission progress, I need to recreate tasks which gives those displayed hints. I will try to see if it would be possible to hide those.

I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying with regards to saving....

Basically the only way you save the game properly is by using your save function in the wla menu. Also, the only way you can resume the mission properly is by clicking restart and then resume mission through wla. What I thought was that these two rules only applied if you've updated the mission file and then were resuming but it sounds like you're saying that you should follow those rules regardless if the mission was updated or not. Is that correct?

If it is, then there's no way to set a save point? Meaning for example what I like to do is save the mission right before I do something like build a base or do a base assault so that way I can go back to my save point if something gets screwed up.

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I just want to make sure I understand what you're saying with regards to saving....

Basically the only way you save the game properly is by using your save function in the wla menu. Also, the only way you can resume the mission properly is by clicking restart and then resume mission through wla. What I thought was that these two rules only applied if you've updated the mission file and then were resuming but it sounds like you're saying that you should follow those rules regardless if the mission was updated or not. Is that correct?

If it is, then there's no way to set a save point? Meaning for example what I like to do is save the mission right before I do something like build a base or do a base assault so that way I can go back to my save point if something gets screwed up.

You should always use 0-0-0 or shift+1->save if you want to be able to continue a saved game using the game restart option.

"Continue a saved game" should normally only be used if you have upgraded the mission with newer files.

You can use the menu save and 0-0-0 and then just load or resume a saved game later., as long as the mission files haven't changed.

There is no problem in doing what you want to do, to save right before you go on a mission and reload from there if it goes badly. I do that myself.

If you only use the menu save (not the mission save 0-0-0) and you update the mission files, then you wont be able to restore the saved game.

---------- Post added at 08:44 ---------- Previous post was at 08:12 ----------

BUG report

I see an antenna marker on map, but there are no antenna there.

---------- Post added at 10:19 ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 ----------

Although the slowdown isn't as much this time, or takes longer to accumulate, I'm again experiencing it and can't access the game config menu.

Status: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mb17f2xqv0t70j3/statusWLA003.JPG?dl=0

How do you calculate FPS? The FPS reported in your statusWLA is quite different from what FRAPS report. Yours is almost half of FRAPS.

---------- Post added at 10:44 ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 ----------

Are you not saving crates?

All the crates I got from "Gear drop" as well as the Vehicle Ammo crate I got dropped, are gone after using "continue saved game" from game main menu.

Nor does it look like you are saving all mission settings. The setting for "Player needs" resets to default. I have it disabled, but after "continue...", it is enabled.

---------- Post added at 10:51 ---------- Previous post was at 10:44 ----------

Error in expression <bj select 0);
_mid = [((_start select 0)+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error position: <+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error Generic error in expression
File missions\__cur_sp.altis\AmbientVehicleZone.sqf, line 61

Error in expression <_this];
_cc = 0;
_w = (_obj select 2) addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error position: <addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error 1 elements provided, 3 expected
File missions\__cur_sp.altis\AmbientVehicleZone.sqf, line 55

---------- Post added at 11:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:51 ----------

Not sure how you can address this one, but after using "continue...", the dynamics of the mission changes.

Before I used it, I had land, air and water superiority around the area I was located.

After using it, I got overrun by aerial vehicles shooting down my armoured vehicles and there were opfor armies in my backyard, etc.

Complete change of dynamics.

---------- Post added at 11:55 ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 ----------

Just a statusWLA call before and after using "Continue you old game" option

Before: https://www.dropbox.com/s/mb17f2xqv0t70j3/statusWLA003.JPG?dl=0

After: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x1dqmgbdraichlb/statusWLA004.JPG?dl=0

Edited by stlassen

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Thanks for all feedback, looking those all through. Seems like there is especially some issues with the marked zones currently, will work on it.

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New SP WLA update. Fixes (including one bad random bug) and tweaks.

There was heavy stutter causing bug randomly when the capture airfield task was meant to start. Also fixed many other issues. More updates soon.

Edit: As extra note, that stutter bug happens also if playing with non-supported maps since there is no airfields/other locations set. Only play the mission on Altis, Chernarus or Takistan. Will try to support more maps soon.

Edited by SaOk

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New SP WLA update. Fixes (including one bad random bug) and tweaks.

There was heavy stutter causing bug randomly when the capture airfield task was meant to start. Also fixed many other issues. More updates soon.

Sounds good. Will test it out. :)

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Great, i will try it now :) My last heavy stutter which i have mentioned here was also next to an Airfield, great to see that you fixed it :)

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Great, i will try it now :) My last heavy stutter which i have mentioned here was also next to an Airfield, great to see that you fixed it :)

Yeah! Airfield! That is the common factor. All my reports about that, has also been close to an airfield, or with airfields captured.

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The task over-blacklisted airfields that caused it. Also if loading progress at mission start, it might have triggered the same stutter. But I keep looking for issues. There is still some error from vehicle zone moving fucntion, but dosent seem to cause stutter. Will gather more fixes/tweaks for next update in day or few.

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Some new RPT stuff: :)

Error in expression <bj select 0);
_mid = [((_start select 0)+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error position: <+(_x select 0))*0.5,((_start select 1)+(>
 Error Generic error in expression
File missions\__cur_sp.altis\AmbientVehicleZone.sqf, line 62

Error in expression <_this];
_cc = 0;
_w = (_obj select 2) addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error position: <addWaypoint [_x, 0]; 
_w setWaypointStat>
 Error 1 elements provided, 3 expected
File missions\__cur_sp.altis\AmbientVehicleZone.sqf, line 56

---------- Post added at 10:43 ---------- Previous post was at 09:28 ----------

RPT spam

Error in expression <thisList call SAOKVZFUNC1;>
 Error position: <thisList call SAOKVZFUNC1;>
 Error Undefined variable in expression: thislist

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Error in expression <cT in talot && {!isNil{missionnamespace getvariable _varN}} && {typename (missio>
 Error position: <getvariable _varN}} && {typename (missio>
 Error Generic error in expression

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Still wondering why the mission is so aggresive against Players using Aircrafts, not necessary in my opinion. When i enter a Helo or Jet the enemy unit numbers raises with a x3 ratio

Example: have eyes over a large area, seeing only 2 small groups with 4 clowns in each group. When i now enter a chopper to wipe those pigs out it feels like the mission is pissed about my behaviour and throws everything at me what the mission have and the enemy unitcounter goes from 8units to 24units (Units counted with TPW_HUD) within a second and a range of 1200-1500meters, mostly BTR-Kaymesh´s and everyone knows that this cunts dont give a shit how far you are the 1200 meters they hit you with closed eyes with each shell.

CSAT AA´s got some kind of magical Reammo systems:

Example: played yesterday and was hovering in an area and a CSAT AA decided to spawn just right in ~900m away from me. Takes 2 seconds and this AA fired all of his 4 rockets to my position, was able to let 3 of them pass through with my flares but the 4th rocket hit my and i landed secure with Autohover. So i decided instant after exiting the wrecked heli to spawn a new one to kill this cunt. Reached 100 meters altitude as the next 4 rockets were fired by the same AA to my position, and no, there was no ammotruck or something next to this AA, no soldiers, nothing. It was an AA Tank chilling alone in the area but with magical ammoressources.

Also the static guns which are placed in camps are defintley not in Combatmode, this AI cant be so stupid, sometimes they dont even think about to fire a missiel on a Target they defintley can see. They follow the enemy as i can see it by their movement, but they sometimes dont shoot, mostly they shoot when they under fire, so it must be a kind of "aware" mode they use.

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Thanks, :) the first two were the earlier ones waiting for new mission update. Fixing those other two and also the error coming when trying to move spawned friendly vehicle zones from map.

Will continue trying to make the flying easier. Currently the vehicle zones reset ammo and damage (except destroyed vehicles are removed), when getting far and back near. Storing the ammo state is bit tricky but would be nice addition definitely. Could have more role for the support vehicles after that too. Will see.

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Will work on the issue as top priority, but also working on one game review that slows down editing bit during this week.

Edit: One thing to try would be to disable animals from shift+1 options. Those cause most likely the physX crashes so maybe its possible that those would leak too, but just a guess.

Edited by SaOk

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New WLA SP update. Fixes and tweaks including one possible big leak fix.

Found one highly possible big leak and fixed it hopefully. Let me know if it still appears.

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New WLA SP update. Fixes and tweaks including one possible big leak fix.

Found one highly possible big leak and fixed it hopefully. Let me know if it still appears.

Sounds great!

I will test it out in a few days time.

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Having trouble using the gear storage building you can put down. Does this actually have a function or is it static? Also, is there any way to change any of the hotkeys you have assigned in the mission?

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Having trouble using the gear storage building you can put down. Does this actually have a function or is it static? Also, is there any way to change any of the hotkeys you have assigned in the mission?

The gear storage does have a function, but it depends on difficulty. What it does is give you access to gear menu in shift+1. On easy difficulty though, the gear menu is already active.

As for the hotkeys, there isn't.

---------- Post added at 09:03 ---------- Previous post was at 08:09 ----------

Finally got a chance to test the new stuff.

First thing I notice after "continuing my old saved game" is that one of my teammates didn't "teleport" to where we actually are. He is back where I guess we default spawn in, about 21 km away.

I then restarted again as a test and "continued my old saved game". This time it happened again, only with a different unit.

Third time was a charm though.

I have 17 units in the team right now.

An other thing is, not all the vehicles and stuff I had, is being spawned in. I lost a few tanks. And then what else...

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Vehicles going missing has always happened, i brought it up a page or two back but i don't know if that's a mission or arma issue i would guess the latter, it sucks because sometimes you don't need a certain vehicle but you do later and its just vanished.

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Thanks :), will work on the issues. New stuff coming soon in day or few and have been rewriting some data storing functions.

Sorry, the hotkeys are very difficult to change. There is not much good key combinations available and letting player choose his keys may be tricky but will see (in more distant future).

Edit: As reminder the COOP version is also taking part in the MANW, consider supporting if enjoying the concept:


Have been releasing some small updates for the COOP, fixing some errors. Also VAS is replaced now with virtual arsenal.

Edited by SaOk

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