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Danish Military Advisors

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[ALPHA] Danish Military Advisors Test -Thanks to armaholic :)

DMA Test



Addon for Arma 3

Mainly conversions/retextures.

Thanks to:




Combat Divers

Recon Operators






Custom Hunters

Assault Boat





































You are not allowed to make money of this. This addon must be a free addon.

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Edited by RavenDK

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Some news from the workshop..

Currently im updating the pack

Sofar there is now

C8A2 (with M4A1 handle -detachable ofc)

Elcan C79 optics (Orginaly made by AAW)

Smaller silencer


@Admin, could this be moved to Addons and mods pls ?

Edited by RavenDK

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Nice job there, but you need to add Danish flags, so its possible to see who they are and where they are from :) (i know there is one on the Diver.)

by the way, why is the Danish Diver team in a Multicamo Diver suit ?? they are black ;)

Frandsen ikk ?? :) ellers meget godt men der mangler nogle Danske flag på unformerne (ved godt der er et på dykkeren), så man bedre kan se hvem de repræsentere, ellers ligner de bare regulere US soldater :)

Måske nogle flag på ærmelommen ved skuldrende :) forresten hvorfor er dykkerne i Multicamo de er da sorte, jeg har aldrig set dem i det andet ihverfald.??

best regards


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Its 2035.

Abt flags, since its covert ops the advisors are doing they have removed all armpatches.

As for a multicam divesuit.. its all the point (even today there is camoed suits) and how well dos a black dildo disapper on land ;) the camo is there to give the divers the ability to go up and inland a bit, do there job and get out again.

As for looking like US troops, well, even today the danes are looking like US troops :O

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Haha yes i know its 2035, but still.. And i know with the new Danish uniform In multicamo they look more like US troops, thats why i Think they should have Danish flag on the uniform :)

Are you planning to transfer or make a new ddam for A3 ?? Hope so :)



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Some news from the workshop..

Currently im updating the pack

Sofar there is now

C8A2 (with M4A1 handle -detachable ofc)

Elcan C79 optics

Smaller silencer


@Admin, could this be moved to Addons and mods pls ?

Love your addon and after some tests, could you also look into shortening the barrels on your carbines while you also do the suppressor? They look entirely too long, even without the suppressor. Other than that, great work! :D

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Haha yes i know its 2035, but still.. And i know with the new Danish uniform In multicamo they look more like US troops, thats why i Think they should have Danish flag on the uniform :)

Are you planning to transfer or make a new ddam for A3 ?? Hope so :)



No bluefor of what ive seen got flags.. As i said covert ops, so no patches of any sort.

When i get arroun making some Other uniforms, there might be..

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Thats would be cool :)

og det var ikke for at presse på, så bare gerne nogle regulære Danske soldater :)

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Nice job there, but you need to add Danish flags, so its possible to see who they are and where they are from :) (i know there is one on the Diver.)

by the way, why is the Danish Diver team in a Multicamo Diver suit ?? they are black ;)

Frandsen ikk ?? :) ellers meget godt men der mangler nogle Danske flag på unformerne (ved godt der er et på dykkeren), så man bedre kan se hvem de repræsentere, ellers ligner de bare regulere US soldater :)

Måske nogle flag på ærmelommen ved skuldrende :) forresten hvorfor er dykkerne i Multicamo de er da sorte, jeg har aldrig set dem i det andet ihverfald.??

best regards


Frømændene har ikke ikke mærker der kan identificere dem hverken flag, patch eller andet - lige som med et navy seals team vil man ikke være i tvivl om at der er tale om et SF team. Våddragter på land har jeg svært ved at forestille mig da de er af neopren hvilket som nok ikke holder til meget hvis du skal kravle rundt .. der er jo en grund til de har så meget oppakning med.

De fleste missioner vil foregå i ly af mørket, dårligt vejr eller andet der sinker fjendens sigtbarhed eller andet hvor de vil have den dragt på der er bedst egnet til de omgivelser missionen foregår i.

ex. sort dragt på lys sandbund er der ikke meget sjov i.. så jeg syntes camo er et godt valg og at de ligner amerikanerne, briterne, tyskerne eller andre allierede sf enheder som heller ikke bruger patches, flag eller andet.

ja det går det vel kun mere virkeligt da det vil medføre endnu mere forvirring for en evt. fjende. Så kun ros herfra til det store arbejde .. fedt der er nogle der i det hele taget gider!

Frogmen have no tags to identify them neither flag patch or other - just as with a navy seals team will not be in any doubt that there is a SF team. Wetsuits on land I find it hard to imagine since they are made ​​of neoprene which that probably does not hold for much if you have to crawl around .. there's a reason they have so much outings with.

Most missions will be carried out under cover of darkness, bad weather or anything that slows down the enemy's visibility or else they will have the suit on which is best suited to the surroundings mission takes place in.

ex. black suit on light sandy bottom there is not much fun in.. so I thought camo is a good choice and that they look like Americans, British, Germans and other allies sf units which do not use patches, flags or other.

yes it is surely only more real as it will cause even more confusion for a possible. enemy. So only praise from here to the great work ..

Edited by Buster4ce

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Since this thread has been necroed, I would mind asking: is it still going to be updated? It was the first ArmA3 addon (available even before the alpha was publically pre-saled) and I use it till now, thou the C8 is low poly and low def testured, and has this issue that renders it invisible at first =/

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Currently im working on updating things from this pack to make a danish army pack, so stay tuned :)

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Buster4ce, please keep you posts to English only, as it's the sole language allowed here. This makes it possible for everyone to understand what you are posting. Thank you!

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Sorry champ; I will do that.

added a google trans, manually..

will there be the mp4 with red dot, silencer and side by side clip? in the new pack, @raven?

Edited by Buster4ce

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Sorry champ; I will do that.

added a google trans, manually..

will there be the mp4 with red dot, silencer and side by side clip? in the new pack, @raven?

So far there is this:


C8A2 w M203A1





M84 Helmet

M84 Uniform

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Currently im working on updating things from this pack to make a danish army pack, so stay tuned

Good to know Raven, looking forward to use it... have you got some screenies to tease the community a lil? ;)

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Currently im working on updating things from this pack to make a danish army pack, so stay tuned :)

Nice cant wait, hope to see some Pictures soon :D keep up the great Work.

Can we get a list of what you are planning to get in the pack ??

best regards


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