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Deadly Islands mod (10th Anniversary Edition)

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Thanks a lot, much appreciated. I'm glad it is adding to your enjoyment of the game.

No Problem man Cant wait to see what you got up your sleeve next maybe a free camera haha

Wish i knew how to code and mod this game would try and do it myself

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Updated to v1.13:

-Added fuel management system. With this option enabled, the following functions are available:

-Refuelling or repairing units onboard the carrier will cost carrier fuel. Each unit carries the equivalent of 2.5% of the carrier's fuel, and repairs cost double this amount. If the carrier's fuel falls below a customizable level (default is 20%), units cannot be refuelled or repaired.

-The carrier can be refuelled at any non-neutral island's pier. To refuel the carrier, move the front of the carrier as close as possible to the end of the pier. The pier must also be activated before refuelling is possible. This is done by simply pointing to the pier on the map. This will also display the progress of any refuelling that is in progress. Refuelling is a slow process, refuelling from empty to full will take 30 minutes, and you cannot cheat by using timewarp.

-New units being delivered from storage will only contain minimal fuel, the rest will need to be supplied by the carrier. There is a customization option for this, so you can opt out of this if you prefer.

-When carrier fuel is too low to refuel docked units, they will start transferring fuel to each other to achieve equal fuel levels. There is a customization option for this.

-If the carrier runs out of fuel, it can continue sailing by taking an equal amount of fuel from all docked units. It will never put a unit below 20% fuel, so units will still have enough fuel to defend if needed. There is also a customization option for this.

Other improvements:

-When using the manta simple docking option, mantas will now return to the carrier at the correct speed for their armor level. If you prefer all mantas to return to the carrier at unarmored speed, there is a customization option for this. Mantas will now also climb a bit higher when close to a shielded command center to reduce the chance of hitting the shield.

-Early warning system reminders will now state if the island is under attack.

-If the enemy stops attacking one of your islands, a notification will appear.

-Compatibility remains for the 1.06.0004 beta as well as the recent 1.06.0011 update.

Thanks to the dev team for including my request in the last beta, which was key to making the fuel management system possible, and Rob04 for continuing to help with playtests.

Download page HERE

Edited by Species1571
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Well I downloaded this mod without playing the vanilla and those islands are indeed deadly. I'm loving the challenge, this is an impressive mod with a nice list of customizable features. I'll try to give some more detailed feedback once I've played some more. Thanks!

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I have been playing with this mod for quite a while and it is fantastic. In my opinion, it is essential for the game because of the great features it adds and the user customization. Thanks, Species!

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Great mod absolute phantastic, hope you continue your great work.

Would it be modable to have also infantry on islands?

And the visible self repair of island structures when at the island?

This game has so much potential!!

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Thanks for your comments. I don't think those things are moddable. There are AI infantry on islands, but they are largely decorative and no threat against units anyway.

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Great mod absolute phantastic, hope you continue your great work.

Would it be modable to have also infantry on islands?

And the visible self repair of island structures when at the island?

This game has so much potential!!

Unfortunately I don't think this is possible as Species said, because islands are not actually self repairing like they do in the original. The island will only be repaired if you leave the island and come back again, in which case the island will be at full health again, no matter how quickly you make it back. This is also true if you destroy the enemy carrier at an island, the game re-loads the island you are at, and the island health is fully restored :-(

Species, again i'm really enjoying the mod and I agree with Rob04 that it really is an essential now in order to enjoy the game! - you have added more features as a single person in a shorter amount of time than the entire BI team has done!

LOVE the idea about using piers to re-fuel the carrier, however I have noticed that on Styx (and perhaps the problem exists elsewhere) I was unable to refuel the carrier because I was unable to get close to the pier before grounding. The distance to the pier may need to be increased slightly.

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Species, again i'm really enjoying the mod and I agree with Rob04 that it really is an essential now in order to enjoy the game! - you have added more features as a single person in a shorter amount of time than the entire BI team has done!

LOVE the idea about using piers to re-fuel the carrier, however I have noticed that on Styx (and perhaps the problem exists elsewhere) I was unable to refuel the carrier because I was unable to get close to the pier before grounding. The distance to the pier may need to be increased slightly.

Thanks for your comments. I have just tested Styx, and I was able to get close enough to refuel without grounding. Remember it's just the nose of the carrier you need to get close to the pierhead, you don't need to pull alongside the pier.

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After fighting to get my id back (jureidinim) and failing, after the forum hack incident, I had to re-register as a new user.. oh well

@Species - great mod. I have had to turn off the deadly turrets part for now - i'm just nowhere as good as you guys to fight these upgraded islands.. lol..

but... love the rest of the mod features.

Question/Request - I have been hoping Bohemia would continue to evolve the research tree portion - and somehow make those Research labs on islands be worth something in the Strategy game.

Could you add to your mod (if its possible) something along the lines of:

1) If we capture an island with a research building on it, we unlock two upgrades


2) Every island we capture gives us the one upgrade and a percentage chance of a second (and maybe third) tech unlock. This percentage chance would be increased based on how many islands we have that has a research lab on it.

Just something to add importance to those labs

Keep up the great work :-)

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Could you add to your mod (if its possible) something along the lines of:

1) If we capture an island with a research building on it, we unlock two upgrades


2) Every island we capture gives us the one upgrade and a percentage chance of a second (and maybe third) tech unlock. This percentage chance would be increased based on how many islands we have that has a research lab on it.

Welcome back. There is already a chance of a second upgrade when you capture an island, and all islands have research stations, so your first option would just be giving two upgrades on every island. It may be possible to do something like: If you place a walrus next to the research station and point to it on the map while the island is still enemy controlled, the research will be unlocked and you will only get the extra tech unlock after you hack the cc. That way you would have to make some additional effort to get the bonus.

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Ahh ok - I didnt realize ALL islands had research labs. That does render my suggestions useless.. lol

Your suggestion sounds good. Gives the player something to consider - is it worth the effort (and potential losses) for the second unlock or just finish off capturing the island quickly.

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Thanks for your comments. I have just tested Styx, and I was able to get close enough to refuel without grounding. Remember it's just the nose of the carrier you need to get close to the pierhead, you don't need to pull alongside the pier.

It was just the nose i was aiming for, but i think perhaps just something else went wrong, like maybe activating the pier too late (i was too close to it already perhaps?) or something like that! it works amazingly anyway. truly well done.

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It doesn't matter when you activate the pier, you can activate them as soon as the island loads, or you can wait until you are right next to it. It also depends on the position of the rest of the carrier, I had the back end facing out to sea.

Also, it seems I was wrong in my last post, not all islands have research stations.

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Hi, I tried the deadly islands mod, and the different deckview mod. (my first time.) Here my experience with deadlyislands mod:

I started the strategy game, was positivly surprised that it worked, like in the readme described. And it is very true, it is very hard. So I stopped and returned to the normal game. I know, I am coward. Nevertheless I try to say some thing positive to say about it: The start buttons are good rearanged, and on the whole it worked without crashes, its just for me too hard. I did not encounter the carrier yet, I think it would sink me very fast. Very appreciated the option of manual timewarp. Great feature.

The deckview v1.2 is very nice, I would like to similar freedom on walrusses and mantas. The optimum would be a freedom via mouse, and even let the HUD dissapear via a keystroke.

I didn´t combine the two different mods.

Well done. I continue to be on the lookout for new mods.

Edited by Antares

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@Antares: Did you read the fu...ll ;) manual? You can edit nearly any part of the mod, including if and how much islands are upgrade in ccgame.c (you will need a text editor)

@ Species1571: I know the mod is not intended for the tutorial, but since the last version I have an issue with looping script actions/messages just after the second island (arachnid) that make the tutorial unplayable. If you like to test: you can skip the underground FPS section by simply not entering the elevator but just walking straight through the valley to the command centre, that is just after being separated from your partner. When you complete arachnid, there comes a repeating success message. You can ignore it and go to the next island treasure but after completing treasure the autosave is looping (doing endless saves)

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@ Species1571: I know the mod is not intended for the tutorial, but...
Hi. Thanks for letting me know about this. Can you tell me, this problem, does it only happen when you enter timewarp or some other specific thing?

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Hi. Thanks for letting me know about this. Can you tell me, this problem, does it only happen when you enter timewarp or some other specific thing?

It happens when entering timewarp. It seams one action (message or autosave) just after you conquered the island is getting into a loop that starts repeating when you hit "set sail" to next island.

I restarted the campaign but always get the issue with mod installed. I also tested without mod and there is no such issue.

a unrelated question:

as currently discussed in the forum enemy islands "rebuild" instantly as soon as the player leaves them, to e.g. defend an own island. Would it be possible to track the damage and temporary reduce the defence rating of the island?

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I would just like to say that I have just installed this mod and it enhances the game so much, Thank you for all your hard work Species1571. :D

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It happens when entering timewarp.

OK I know what is causing this. I have made a small change to the file, can you download it again and see if it fixes the problem? You may find it more likely that control of island units will not be available, if this happens you can enable island unit control by pressing F12. Only do this if the current island is not changing, as it cancels any change.

For your other question, I don't think so, because island units and turrets are spawned when you arrive at the island, so even if I knew how to find the damage of an island, they would still be fully respawned when you come back.

I would just like to say that I have just installed this mod and it enhances the game so much, Thank you for all your hard work Species1571. :D

Thanks very much, your feedback is welcome.

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It doesn't matter when you activate the pier, you can activate them as soon as the island loads, or you can wait until you are right next to it. It also depends on the position of the rest of the carrier, I had the back end facing out to sea.

Also, it seems I was wrong in my last post, not all islands have research stations.

Any option you could do with the research labs would be great. :-)

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OK I know what is causing this. I have made a small change to the file, can you download it again and see if it fixes the problem? You may find it more likely that control of island units will not be available, if this happens you can enable island unit control by pressing F12. Only do this if the current island is not changing, as it cancels any change.

That seams to have fixed it. Don't ask me why I like that tutorial, somehow I find it fun :o

For your other question, I don't think so, because island units and turrets are spawned when you arrive at the island, so even if I knew how to find the damage of an island, they would still be fully respawned when you come back.

hmm, yes, maybe I was not clear. If a player destroyed half the turrets and units on a "deadly" rated island you could downgrade it to "strong" for some time? So when the player returns within a given time the turrets and units would respawn but weaker like on "strong" islands. After a certain time the defences would go to deadly again, or he would return and again destroy half the defences, lowering the island to "normal" and so on.

I could make interesting options, like deadly defence islands that can't be taken (in one go).

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That seams to have fixed it. Don't ask me why I like that tutorial, somehow I find it fun :o
Thanks for letting me know. If you play the campaign to the end with the mod, I'd be keen to hear how you got on with it.
hmm, yes, maybe I was not clear...

I get what you are saying, it would be nice, but there are several problems, mainly that I don't know how to find the overall % damage of an island. I'm sure there will be a way, but I'm on a learning curve here, and mod functions get added as I learn ways to do things. This same reason is why you have to activate piers by pointing on the map for refuelling. Also as island turret and unit ratings are spawned on arrival, there is no way to make them gradually get stronger over time (the island could go from normal to deadly while you sit at the island, but they wouldn't change). Another thing is that even if I could do these things, if you went to another island and exited the game, when you load back into the game, it wouldn't know that you had been at the other island.

Any option you could do with the research labs would be great. :-)

I'll work on something for this, expect to see something in the next version.

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Refuelling rocks! Great idea.

Just one more suggestion: Wouldn't it be useful if we could get a status message, whenever the supply bark re-arrives at the stockpile island?

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Refuelling rocks! Great idea.

Just one more suggestion: Wouldn't it be useful if we could get a status message, whenever the supply bark re-arrives at the stockpile island?

Yes, I've had this thought before. I will look into it and see if I can find a way to do it for the next update.

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Something is wrong with the link, is anyone else getting a problem with it?

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