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astast WIP mods

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How Big are you aiming exactly?

All of the District of Columbia? Whitehouse, Pentagon, Airport, Bolling AFB?

About Whitehouse, Pentagon, Airport and congress. And of course the surroundings of them so they wont be right at a open field

Edited by astast

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Okay, so i choose to go with the shape, made a few changes to the lines and such here is the ressult of it:


Hope you guys like it :)

I figured that with the basic shape of the mich 2000 i will be able to create mich 2001 and 2002 just by changing the earthings.


Does anyone know if there is a differenc between a mich 2000 helmet and an ACH helmet?


Hey I had time to make a few different mich helmets today and also versions with covers, and i'm thinking about releasing the mlods for them so people can use them, I'm just not sure if it would be a good idea but still just wanna let you know that i'm thinking about it.


Click for 2x size

Edited by astast
Finnished basic shape of Mich 2000

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+1 on Astast's project list. :D

What do you mean with that? This is not a new project if that's what you think, I'm planing on using the mich 2001 for the seals and the others i just have for the future like for a FBI Swat team like this :D

If someone is interested in having one of the helmets on their unit then Pm me and we might be able to work something out

Really nice stuff man.

Thanks a lot :)

I've made a NVG mount take a look here

Edited by astast

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Not bad astast. The shape is pretty close, just follow reference images closely and you'll get a good result.

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Not bad astast. The shape is pretty close, just follow reference images closely and you'll get a good result.

Thanks man :D i think i found the right shape the first picture i showed of the mich 2000 is very outdated by now :D

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omg astast...i cant wait with all your mods...GPNVG...and this SWAT(FBI) unit...keep it going man..god job!!

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Thanks guys :)

Further down the road (way further) i wanna make some us soldiers maybe some airborn troops like the ones in afghanistan that's another place to use the helmets ;)

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Thanks guys :)

Further down the road (way further) i wanna make some us soldiers maybe some airborn troops like the ones in afghanistan that's another place to use the helmets ;)

This sounds great!!

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Okay so school has been a b*tch lately, but weekend is weekend and relaxing so i will get back to working on the seals i hope :D also i started making this today not sure if i wanna port it to arma, i hope to sell it on one of those 3d model sites and earn a few $ on it lol maybe i'm a bit too confident...




Edited by astast

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Rolls Royce? :O

Looks like a Rolls Royce or a Bentley :)

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Looks like a Rolls Royce or a Bentley :)

Yes it is a Rolls Royce Manorite (not sure about how that was spelled) im almost done with the outside of it, after that i will have it configured and im also looking for a kind soul who would be interested in texturing it so we can get it into arma as soon as possible :D

*Edit 1*

I'm going to Focus on the units for a bit since i wanna remodel everything except the helmets and the gpnvgs. I will show you guys a WIP of that later when i think it can be showed :D Meanwhile you will have to look at my Rolls Royce progress ;)


*Edit 2*

Here is the pants in their full shape :D just need to make the pockets and make the combat shirt and then they should be ready for vest fitting :D


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From now on i will only release for arma 3. I know that wasn't the plan but well things change and so on here is my arma 3 thread

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