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Sneakers O'Toole

scripting in baby steps

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I just made my first script. Not quite a masterpiece. But I stitched it together from my very limited understanding rather than just copied it.

_playerpos = getpos player;
hint format["You are at co-ord %1",_playerpos]

(crowd noise):bounce3:

Anyway. How would I make it so that it is continuously updating in real-time? I'm guessing some kind of loop?

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while loop.

Go figure out how it's done, f you have questions, ask away. Try to figure it out yourself first though.

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*noise* :hyper:

Thread title immedeately captured my eye, totally on the same boat with you, since what .. +10 years :D

As for loop, my ghetto senses tell me while do could work, no clue though about performance impacts or general economy of this approach.

while {alive player} do
_playerpos = getpos player;
hint format["You are at co-ord %1",_playerpos]

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Hi Sneakers!

You need to use the while command. Here's the code:

while {true} do

_playerpos = getpos player;
hint format["You are at co-ord %1",_playerpos];
sleep 0.5;


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Learning process ruined :(

Just a note about while do. If you are not giving it a condition to terminate after some time it will continue on and on and if you have other parts of scripts under the while loop this will not get executed.

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Heh, I've gone away from the keyboard for a moment and two posts have been written.

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sweet. Thanks for help.

I notice though that there is no ; for line 1 or 2, and that there is a ; for even just the } on line 8. Small things like this are scary.

Also, now I am thinking to have a enable/disable this function via mouse wheel menu...

But maybe I shouldn't try to run yet.

Thanks again.

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  SneakersO_Toole said:

But maybe I shouldn't try to run yet.

You forgot the semi colon on the last line. :)

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  SneakersO_Toole said:
sweet. Thanks for help.

I notice though that there is no ; for line 1 or 2, and that there is a ; for even just the } on line 8. Small things like this are scary.

Also, now I am thinking to have a enable/disable this function via mouse wheel menu...

But maybe I shouldn't try to run yet.

Thanks again.

You don't need to use ; on the last statement of any given scope.


while {true} do { 

_playerpos = getpos player; 
hint format["You are at co-ord %1",_playerpos]; 
sleep 0.5 [color=#ff0000]// doesn't need a semi-colon because it's the last statement inside this scope[/color]

}; [color=#ff0000]// doesn't need a semi-colon either, unless you code below it. So I'll code below it.[/color]

hint "I'm writing code below the while loop, so a semei-colon is required above." [color=#ff0000]//doesn't need a semi-colon because this hint message is the end of the main scope (the script).[/color]

Edited by Iceman77

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You don't need to use ; on the last statement of any given scope.

DID NOT KNOW THIS - lol cheers Iceman

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haha you're welcome. That's one thing I've gotten my head around. I see very good scripters putting semicolons after every single statement and scope no matter what and it baffles me. But maybe it's just a good practice? idk. In any case, it's not required.

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Is there a LIST of commands anywhere..?

A huge problem for me is not knowing exactly what words are recognised. Eg, I could put "eat rations" and it wouldn't work... do you get me..?

How to know what words are available please..? This would cut down the learning time without skipping a step so to speak..?

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  Iceman77 said:
haha you're welcome. That's one thing I've gotten my head around. I see very good scripters putting semicolons after every single statement and scope no matter what and it baffles me. But maybe it's just a good practice? idk. In any case, it's not required.

It's pretty good practice to end every statement with ;, same for scopes. This prevents errors when you edit the script a few hours / days / months later and forgot to put a semicolon there. What I also like to do is end a scope before I add content so I don't forget that.



Includes OFP & Arma.


Aaand ninja'd by Iceman haha

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  tryteyker said:
This prevents errors when you edit the script a few hours / days / months later and forgot to put a semicolon there. What I also like to do is end a scope before I add content so I don't forget that.

what? lol. If i edit it a few months later why would it matter if I forgot to put one there if it's not even required?

---------- Post added at 17:41 ---------- Previous post was at 17:38 ----------

nvm I get what you're saying. though, when writing, I generally make sure the scope / tatement above has a semicolon if nessecary

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  Mikie boy said:
DID NOT KNOW THIS - lol cheers Iceman

I didn't know it either but it seems sensible to do it. I find it simpler to end every statement with a ; rather than having to remember which need one and which don't. The final declaration in a function and #includes are enough already.

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  Iceman77 said:
haha you're welcome. That's one thing I've gotten my head around. I see very good scripters putting semicolons after every single statement and scope no matter what and it baffles me. But maybe it's just a good practice? idk. In any case, it's not required.

The only time I leave out the semicolon is if the line is supposed to be the return value of the scope.

DFS_calculateNonsense =
  _nonsense = 9 * _this;   
  if (_this == 4) then
     _nonsense = 32;

  if (_nonsense > 20) then
     15  // return value
     _nonsense  // return value
  }  // return value

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In the init-line of a logic:

onEachFrame { hintsilent format ["[%1,%2,%3] [%4 ASL] [%5°]",round (position vehicle player select 0),round (position vehicle player select 1),round (position vehicle player select 2), round (getposASL vehicle player select 2), round getdir vehicle player]; };


Edited by RogueTrooper

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  Deadfast said:
The only time I leave out the semicolon is if the line is supposed to be the return value of the scope.

I see. May I ask why? I mean if it's not required for the last statement of any scope. Is it just a good practice to do?

Edited by Iceman77

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