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I'm a beginner, and I need some questions answered!

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Hello. Today, I was playing the free version of Arma II, and I had seen that Arma II is on sale on Steam, so I'll probably get the full game.

A couple of questions:

Motion blur. There is no way to get rid of it (as it seems) in A II free version, so I was wondering if there was a toggle or slider for motion blur in the paid for game.

The players. Are they as sparse and uncoordinated as in the free version in the full version? Everyone seems to be all over the place in the free version.

The servers. I'm guessing that there are many more servers in the pay version than free, right? Or wrong?

Overall, how much of a better experience does the paid-for version of Arma II offer over the free version?


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To get rid of the motion blur, you need to turn down the post processing effects in the graphics options.

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With CO there are a whole lot more servers available, and also with all the mods (which aren't possible to use in A2 Free) the whole game gains much more of "fun"-components.

Regarding the players: You might find your best moments in a Clan. Public is fun too - but after some time, there are almost always the same things - Domi, Warfare, Insurgency etc..

Some guys create awesome missions - which become awesome² (Multi-double-awesome-extreme) - when played together with well known players.

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Once you've bought the game, you can use oktNoBlur to get rid of motion blur without having to disable postprocessing.

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Once you've bought the game, you can use oktNoBlur to get rid of motion blur without having to disable postprocessing.

What does postprocessing do other than the motion blur?

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I have never been a fan of PP, much better disable it, than walk around in a drunken blurred state or worse still, a hangover..;)

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