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How to make patrols? Can't find out how.

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So I searched around and I can't seem to find out how to make something as simple as patrols, I figured it was simple so that it'd be easy to find out how but apparently I suck at this.

So basically I want to know how can make waypoints that repeats kinda, so that certain groups will be doing the same route over and over again until they're interrupted/attacked/spot someone.

I'd also like to do the same with jets if possible and maybe a minimum radius before they actually engage spotted targets or something.

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try this..... works

_powpatrol1 = [(getMarkerPos "name_of_your_marker"), EAST, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "BIS_TK" >> "Motorized" >> "TK_MotorizedPatrol")] call 


_wp1 = _powpatrol1 addwaypoint [ (GetMarkerPos "name_of_your_WP_marker"), 0];
_wp1 setWayPointType "SAD";
_wp1 setWaypointStatements ["true", ""];

for the groups search here http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Ambient_Combat_Manager_-_Group_types

for the waypoints here https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addWaypoint

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What's the difference between using the traditional way of placing Groups on Editor and making simple waypoints for the group to follow as opposed to UPSMON or UPS or UPSP or even ACM by BIS?

Also, need patrols for a current mission I'm making with a Jungle map (MBG.nam). I've got a few areas of 500m and 400m and 300m open space areas (no buildings) that need patrolling.

I don't know which is best, the scripts mentioned above or traditional style grp to waypt method.

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Waypoints are dead simple, predictable and cost no resources with no risk of script errors.

But if you take the time to learn how to employ UPSMON and the like, you will add a lot of tools to your missionmaking kit.

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UPSMON vs the stock BIS random patrols is that UPSMON is an AI mod as well. AI make flanking maneuvers, throw smoke, and stuff along those lines. UPSMON also has options for fortification of buildings, and other types of defense options, it's just a great mod in general.

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UPSMON also makes the patrols more dynamic in that they are not starting at the same location (although they can), and are assigned different waypoints each time you run the mission. Using waypoints in the editor is great but you lose that 'replayability'. There are tons of other features as well


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You might want to try MCC: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?127214-MCC-Sandbox-The-Mod

It's all in there.. UPSMON based patrols will be just a few clicks away... : create a zone area you would like to be patrolled, select the unit/group/vehicle you would like to patrol the area, ready

There's also a special zone type option to select a number of specific areas the patrol should visit.

If enemies are detected, the AI will abort the patrol and attack/defend. After threat is gone, they will resume patrol.

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^ I really need to start using that (MCC).. UPSMON and DAC in one sexy package!!

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