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[SP] Morning dew - ACR official mission remake

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Morning dew

Version: 1.0

Required addons: None

Required version: ArmA 2 Combat Operations 1.62 + ACR DLC

Supported languages: English, Czech

Dubbing: None

Author: Watty Watts

As I have written in the ACR DLC's thread, some people are surely going to make scenarios using new units, even though the DLC is quite bugged compared to the others. Well I am one of them, but before I make something that came completely out of my head, I got an idea to make some remakes of official SP missions first. These of course wouldn't be just exact copies with different units, basically I'm using the concept of the mission and the area where it was situated, but other aspects - objectives, balancing, briefings, gear etc. - were modified (sometimes quite a lot).

First remake is the Morning dew, mission that came out with British armed forces DLC. This mission has quite good concept, but in my opinion is not working as it was planned. I can't remember single gameplay in which the Wildcat didn't crash and only rarely it was able provide some support. Jackal just drove in the middle of the city and was quickly destroyed etc. so most of the fighting remained on player's squad. Also not using the first aid module (which I basically use for units with body armors) mostly resulted in massacre and if the player wanted to win, he ought to eliminate at least half of the enemies including one or two vehicles, which is not so ArmA style, but more likely Rambo style (similar to the other BAF mission, where you lead few men with one Warrior against lots of enemies with tanks, apcs and Hind).

Considering this, ACR Morning dew is the outcome. I wish you good luck in playing.

Download links: UlozTo.cz, Armaholic.com

Edited by WattyWatts

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I tried the mission and I liked it. It is well-structured, not too long, great for a quick SP-game. The briefing provides enough information to understand what you have to do and why. I did not like the rifle with iron sights, but this is my personal opinion, I am not requesting to change it. The vehicle and the second team performed very well throughout the whole mission.

I found the player's team advanced too slowly when an area was cleared. Sometimes it felt as if certain triggers had not been activated or if the AI was constantly in danger mode even if there was no threat. One example: The team attacked the enemy camp (final task) from a safe distance - which was good. After the fight was over, they simply stayed in position. I waited several minutes for orders which never came and advanced alone. A single opponent was left but before I could move to a good firing position one of my AI comrades took care of the threat. Then I inspected the empty camp, searched all the buildings and the tents, deliberately walked across the marker, but nothing happened. I even shot at the red barrel in case it might trigger something, but still nothing happened. I thought I might have to abort the mission. Then I went back to my colleagues who were now slowly approaching the camp. When the first AI arrived at the marker, the mission suddenly ended.

If I may suggest something: Why don't you enable teamswitch and give the player the option to lead the team if he wants to?

Thank you for sharing this mission and if you make more, I will download them, too.

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Thanks for the feedback.

So long "AI stuck" (caused by auto combat mode when the enemy is spotted) didn't occur to me while testing the mission. The group's progress is not dependent on triggers - clearing areas - but only by AI commander, so I can't do much about this. For mission makers it's always better to make the player commander, but not everybody want to command and as in the original mission the player was subordinate, so is he here.

As for the end of the mission, I didn't want to end it as soon as the camp is clear, but when your squad (squad leader to be precise) is close enough to confirm it, which is about 30 meters. Well if this occurs too often I will change it from 'group leader' to 'anybody from the group'. The expected gameplay is from 12 - 15 minutes.

Sa-58 with ironsights is there to make it a bit more difficult :icon_smile: In almost every mission you can use at least CCO or ACOG variants of scopes and take down targets hundreds meters away while in relative safe distance. And as the mission takes place few years ago, I didn't use modernised variants of Sa58s or CZ 805 BREN.

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I lik this mission. Thanks for your work, now i wait for next missions for ACR made by you.

Ps: Sa-58 with ironsights is one of my favorite weapons in Arma 2 :) i added this weapon to many of my missions and campaigns.

Edited by tom3kb

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The mission is very well made, but why not give those poor soldiers proper modern western weapons instead of Vz 58s? They lose all the tecnological advantage over the talibans..

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The mission is very well made, but why not give those poor soldiers proper modern western weapons instead of Vz 58s? They lose all the tecnological advantage over the talibans..

Well, that same technological advantage is exactly what sometimes makes the game boring. Shooting up poorly equipped takis with ACOG is no excitement.

Iron sights all the way!!! :yay:

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I just played the original mission. Although I just got one kill, it went all well. the Jackal survived as well as most of my squad. I had to fire suppress a lot, but that was my job, I guess.

I cannot really understand the bad remarks about the original Morning Dew mission. :confused:

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