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[SP} Senkaku/Diaoyu Island Conflict (VME_PLA MOD)

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Well I'm looking forward to playing the whole mission this time around =p. No more running around with a squad of "this allowdamage false" to test the triggers...I'll actually have to play it =p!

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  Jeza said:
Yeah nettruckers set-pieces were fantastic, Indeed to keep the legs on this you'll want to create a mini-campaign and sustain the quality put into the first mission, along with Uns which is fantastic, also you have VTE, again if you want to go smaller and just an island check out Razoreniya Island which has some of the best dense jungle features around, as mentioned cant go wrong with Icebreakr's stuff also, there are many variables to choose from, so its up to you to choose what fits. As i said getting a campaign with persistent quality from mission to mission is the key, and well done again!.

You guys are overgenerous. I'm glad you liked the cutscenes. Yeah I remember Razoreniya a really dense jungle, but if I recall correctly that Island had some problems with view block on LODs. The AI could see you throughout the thick foliage and I got always my butt kicked with the proper amount of force. It was frustrating so I gave up making missions for it. I don't know if that flaw is still present or if it has been fixed. It's along time ago when I played on that Island.

Well in case you really want to make a campaign then I would choose wisely the terrain. Bear in mind that people gotta download already 2 full mods and Mana Island. Nah . . . forget what I said. Use whatever you like . . . me fanboy gonna download whatever it takes. :yay:

MgbNam by Mondkalb was also a jungle terrain.

VTE had a lot of Jungle terrains. They had some problems at the time and I don't know if snakeman was able to fix them. But there were a lot.

In any case looking forward for more missions.:bounce3:


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Hey Kommiekat, im not quite through it yet but I've really enjoyed the mission so far, I have an updated version of mb vegetation now available for download which fixes the annoying flickering tussock plants, thanks for using mana island for the mission, fantastic work to all those involved.


edit: hey, I've just noticed you've included the mb_manaisland, mb_veg and mb_rocks inside you're mission, thats probably not a great idea (i know i dont update often but I do it eventually :) ), It would be better if you just treat these mods the same as the other mods required for the mission and have people download them seperatly. This way's better for me because then I can keep my work updated, get credited properly and make sure the latest versions get distributed, its better for you because it insures that people who download your mission get the latest version of manaisland etc... and hopefully experience a bug free and finished island.

Edited by mikebart

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  mikebart said:
Hey Kommiekat, im not quite through it yet but I've really enjoyed the mission so far, I have an updated version of mb vegetation now available for download which fixes the annoying flickering tussock plants, thanks for using mana island for the mission, fantastic work to all those involved.

Hey Thanks for the update, Mark. I'll update the mission asap. I have a few other things to change as well.

What I really need to know from players is if it's too easy, not enough enemy and the last two Objectives....maybe I made those too easy as well.

EDIT: BTW, that update of yours is rock'en!


  mikebart said:
edit: hey, I've just noticed you've included the mb_manaisland, mb_veg and mb_rocks inside you're mission, thats probably not a great idea (i know i dont update often but I do it eventually :) ), It would be better if you just treat these mods the same as the other mods required for the mission and have people download them seperatly. This way's better for me because then I can keep my work updated, get credited properly and make sure the latest versions get distributed, its better for you because it insures that people who download your mission get the latest version of manaisland etc... and hopefully experience a bug free and finished island.

Sorry about that. I wanted to package it so players would not grumble too much about "Dude, so many mods just for a SP mission" sort of thing.

I'll be sure to leave them separately on the next update.

Thanks for the update and thanks for playing.

Any input when you finish would be much appreciated so I can improve the play-ability of the mission.

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I think its at a good difficulty level as it is now, im hardly a skilled player but im managing to get through it slowly (up to the motor pool) getting killed alot but not finding it impossible, i save alot though. The only real problem im having is when i get AI to place satchels, they tend to detonate them out of the blue and kill half the team, but i think thats an Arma2 AI issue

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wenn you give ai order better be sure that rest of team is in save plece. I do it like this, i give one ai order to put sachel, to the rest of my men i give order-stop 1-6 in save place ~100m from sachel. Then i use 1-1 (get back) for that one soldier that put bomb, he will detonate bomb wenn he is ~50m from place where he put that sachel charge.

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@ mikebart

you could also place the satchel yourself after having ordered your squad to a safe location. In case you order the AI to do that, than tom's method is recommended.


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  Kommiekat said:

Downloading now. A humble suggestion . . . you should always name the file with latest version number in order that distracted guys like me are not confusing the latest version we are playing. It happened once that I thought I've played the latest version of a campaign but I wasn't though LOL.


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Could you give me an idea about that. I wasn't sure what to do.

I went from v. 90 to v 1.0

I really don't know the order of how it's done. If I do it the way I did, what would be the next update? v 1.2??


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  Kommiekat said:

Could you give me an idea about that. I wasn't sure what to do.

I went from v. 90 to v 1.0

I really don't know the order of how it's done. If I do it the way I did, what would be the next update? v 1.2??


Just name "pboname1.2" so anybody can easily identify the latest version. And with every update you change only the version number. In your case next update should be when exporting to single mission and create the pbo "SenkakuDiayutaiConflict1.2"

That's what I meant with it. very easy and it keeps things organized.


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I think its better to not change pbo name. If you change it you will have two pbos in arma2\missions and you must find and delete old mission.pbo file. If the name of pbo will be the same new file will overwrite old file. You can always add info to readme that this is v1.1 etc. Also you can add (v1.1) to overview file. Or you can put mission.pbo with readme in to folder called missionamev1.1.

Edited by tom3kb

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Yeah naturally you should delete the old one first. In any case as Kommiekat prefers to do in any way.


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In my solution you pack this missionnamev1.1 folder with winrar. So if someone will download archive he will know that the mission is in v1.1. And mission.pbo will have the same name as old file. Player just put this new file in arma2\missions. End of work, you dont have to search and delete old file :) becose new will ovewrite old mission version.

Edited by tom3kb

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This mission is no more available... Any possibility to receive an updated link ?


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Hey Cimalex!

Glad to see you have some interest.

I made a very big hit with the Chinese community on this mission. They were all surprised that a Gwielo (Ghost: meaning for a White boy like you and me :eek:) could make a mission on some political issue related to China.

Anyways, have not touched this mission in ages. I'm sure a lot of things could be changed and updated.

If you find anything, let me know and how things could be changed!

Here ya go!



I'll put a link up for MediaFire

---------- Post added at 10:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:15 PM ----------

Updated link in first post and here:


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Thanks a lot mate !

Will let you kno what I think about...

And if I can make a sequel...

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I just tested this mission and I found it great, concerning the idea, addon selection and ambiance, as well as custom sounds and objectives. BUT, there are many laptops, and none has an action to retrieve it. Hence this mission objective cannot be ticked off and the mission Does not end. Also, there is a submarine on standby and a CAS combat controller on my team, so where is the air and cruise missile support? ;)

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