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LENR "Cold Fusion" Pons and Fleischman got it right sort of say NASA MIT Stanford etc

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Hi all

First up on the matter of Rossi it is possible he is just running a hoax and fooling himself, I made it clear from the start he is controversial.

I would point out several of his detractors have said his past work on LENR has been innovative and helped in their own work on LENR; he was the first to use Nickel Hydrogen. So within the LENR community he has some credibility.

On the matter of Ugo Bardi the Cassandra Blogger from Pelham's recent post

The Cassandra post is almost as dodgy and prejudiced as the Shut-down Rossi site. I would stay away from quoting such people. Their agenda is kind of too obvious and lacking in objectivity. This is the Author http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ugo_Bardi look who he works for. Though such sites do make clear who the enemies of LENR are because it is a disruptive technology in the energy market and a threat to their business, and the kind of shenanigans they get up to.

Third Party Verification of Rossi's E-Cat in Zurich Rossi Q&A

Video from the Rossi Q&A at the Zurich confernece after they presented the third party Verification.


Is Rossi'e E-Cat a hoax?

The Best analysis of Rossi's Ecat and whether it is a fake that has been so far done is this one:


Rossi would do well to use this methodology to prove one way or the other whether his E-Cat is a fake. Though of course as I point out Rossi is taking the Edisonsonian aproach to this question of producing working examples of the product, that does what it says on the tin.

Rossi's attitude to science

As I pointed out it is obvious Rossi is not particularly interested in the science other than its use as a tool for invention, he is most interested in the invention and the cash, he is a businessman who sees a profit in LENR. The problem for him is that it is being used as a bat to bash him with, either he is making a giant hoax or he genuinely has something and is not that bothered because he knows he is about to be the richest man in the world. On the science he appears to just take the edisonian approach of invent it and sell it and let the science catch up later.

To Rossi the publication science approach allows others to steal the idea and get to market first. There are numerous cases of this Edison himself both perpetrated and experienced it. This is the nature of Disruptive Technology. Rossi understands the social aspects of scientific breakthrough, and that means the scientist rarely sees the profit or the acclaim, consider Thomas Alva Edison, Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse. Who was the better Scientist? Who was the Inventor? Who made the money?

On Censorship and Science

The other problem with the publication science route is that the Fleischman-Pons Effect has been Taboo for more than two decades; until Rossi and the other LENR scientists started making working LENR the Old Guard probably with the help of entrenched energy business interests, and the Cassandra post above is an example, have censored anything to do with the Fleischman-Pons Effect. Here have read of just how complete that Scientific Censorship was:


It makes Stalin and Pravda look like amatuers.

Rossi's attitude to partners, investors and money Leonardo Corp

He has made it clear that until he has something for sale he does not want other people investing, that said some people are confusing the fact that he claims, he has already sold a product the 1MW Ecat that is certified in the above post, with other products he is "inventing" eg the Hot-Cat and the Honey-Comb. The other people involved in developing the product are also his partners those are the people involved in Leonardo Corp along with those who are involved in the sale of the industrial 1 MW devices two manufactured and 14 sold. The money to buy them is placed in Escrow, they cost 1 Million each, after they are delivered 1/2 the 1 million is held in escrow for some unspecified period. I MUST POINT OUT ALL THIS IS WHAT ROSSI and some of his partners have SAID in various posts and interviews. So I refer you to the first paragraph of this post.

Those who are buying in as Licensees on products that Rossi has for sale.

It all so appears that half the Licensees initial fee is held in Escrow too. So I realy do think that all the realeased funds are doing is paying legal fees for contracts etc. The majority of the license fee seems to be held in Escrow until the products is proven with the customer. You can see one of the Licencees in one of the Recently Manufactured 1 MW plants in this Article in the International Business Times published this week; Translated from the Italian.


On the nature of the production life cycle

Anyone who has ever been involved in producing anything from games to industrial process's knows that your first estimates on production are always way out. Consider slipage of delivery dates for games such as ArmA III, it happens. The same applies even more so to innovative physical products that need certification.

On the matter of Certification

The above certification is a self certification: where you pay for some one, a third party to test your equipment. In this case to test electrical safety, energy input and output, and radiation release. You then sign and self certify you have conducted the tests and the certifying agent stamps that they carried them out. By self certifying you make your self legally liable if the equipment fails in these aspects and kills some one. It is the modern financial equivalent of the old Roman tradition of having the engineer/architect stand under the arch while the scaffolding is taken away. Sensible. People misunderstand this aspect of why you use self certification; it is not, as some would characterise, just the inventor saying it works; the tests still have to be carried out and completed, that is the what the inventor/entrepreneur is responsible for. It is thus not the tester that is at risk but the maker/seller. Roman Arches stood up real well, so it worked for them.

90% of what is written about Rossi is speculation and 9% is Rossi's own Chat only about 1% is serious information

The problem with Rossi is we are all, and I include myself, the Blog writers/journalists etc. are all here, sitting outside the Rossi bubble and we do not not know what is happening inside the cloud of NDA's and Trade secrets. Rossi maybe spinning a line on something for any number of reason, to throw competitors off the scent; to boost his own ego, we all do that one, and because he is the CEO not the production manager or researcher. On Rossi all is speculation until he releases a product publicly or untill one of the existing customers speaks up. So leaving Rossi lets head back to the science.

On the more scientific approach to LENR

There is a nice report on one of the more open Scientific LENR researchers; physicist, Francesco Celani, of the Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics in Frascati, Italy. It includes some error reports, calorimetery, blank runs, controls, calibration etc.


I suggest the sceptics read it and the experimental papers. Also consider the degree of support National Instruments are giving him.

And here is the presentation by another of LENR companies to National Instruments at NI Week this time from Rossi's former partner company Defkalion:


Then we can perhaps start discussing the science and its validity or lack of it.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
Grammar Spelling Clarity.

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Hi all

One of the NASA presentations that was not released to the public until a successful Freedom of Information Request though this is still heavily redacted. It deals with commercial aspects of LENR the bits dealing with ongoing commericial exploitation are those that remain heavily redacted.


Note NASA seem to place Rossi at the top.

Addendum Edit

Another NASA presentation to the staff has turned up this was probably the one that started NASA's recent interest it is from 2009 and it describes the state of play at the time as well as dealing with the Skeptical/Optomist divide that has dogged and prevented research into the Fleishman/Pons effect.


There are several other more recent presentations and papers that remain publicly unavailable.

Defkalion have released pictures of their third party testing taking place and of the factory they started building to manufacture their reactors in May:


They have also released their third party tests:


Addendum link for EPRI research paper

The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has released a paper confirming anomalous heat in one of its experiments and recomending further research the paper is called "Program on Technology Innovation: Assessment of Novel Energy Production Mechanisms in a Nanoscale Metal Lattice"


Addendum: Zeolites providing 100% anomalous heat reproducibility

Dr. Iraj Parchamazad Chairman of Chemistry Department of the University of LaVerne along with Dr. Melvin Miles, professor of chemistry, electrochemist, and Navy researcher (ret.) have shown 100% reproducible anomalous heat; with zero input of power, that is a Coefficient Of Performance (COP) of near infinity, using Zeolite Nano particles. This is a gas only system, no electrical power is used, they have also done a test with pure Hydrogen rather than Deuterium and got no heat so the effect is not chemical


Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
added addendum link of NASA presentation from 2009 and EPRI Research and Zeolite discovery.

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Hi all

It now appears that it was Toyota research wing Technova who commisioned Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) research and that they are working on something with Akito Takahashi and Osaka and Kobe Universities in Japan.


This means most if not all of the major Japanese Car companies as well as Shell, Siemens and National instruments are involved in LENR research.

Well anouncements are due in late October.

Rossi is to have a preparitory meeting on the 12th of October to let his affiliates in on what will happen later in the month, his main anouncements will be at the end of October.

A discussion about LENR is then arranged for the American Nuclear Society (ANS)


as an addition to the Bi Annual meeting schedule http://www.new.ans.org/meetings/c_1



Session Organizer: Steven Krivit (New Energy Times)


The Big Picture of Low-Energy Nuclear Reaction Research, Steven

B. Krivit (New Energy Times)

Electroweak Neutron Production via e + p → n + ν and Capture

During Lightning Discharges, Lewis G. Larsen (Lattice Energy LLC)

Slow Neutron Generation by Plasma Excitation in Electrolytic Cell,

Domenico Cirillo (Cirillo_lab)

Transmutation Reactions Induced by Deuterium Permeation

Through Nano-Structured Pd Multilayer Thin Film, Yasuhiro

Iwamura, Takehiko Itoh (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.), Yasuko Terada

(Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute), Tetsuya Ishikawa (Coherent

X-ray Optics Laboratory, SPring-8/RIKEN)


This session will explore the surprising possibility that highly energetic

nuclear reactions and elemental transmutations result from low-energy

nuclear reactions (LENRs). Although the term was not used a century

ago, examples of LENRs go back that far. LENRs are weak interactions

and neutron-capture processes that occur in nanometer-to-micron scale

regions on surfaces in condensed matter at room temperature.

Although nuclear, LENRs are not based on fission or any kind of

fusion, both of which primarily involve the strong interaction.


As always follow the link to see the full original text

The session is sponsored by the Materials Science and Technology Division (MSTD) of the ANS.

The Fleischman-Pons Effect is once again becoming main stream with the massive numbers of repeatable experiments by ever expanding numbers of reputable scientists and organisations, and the increasing acceptance of the Widom-Larsen theory as an explanation for what Fleischman-Pons Effect is. Discover Magazine has now run a two page spread about the return of Cold Fusion to scientific acceptance:


As you can see Mitsubishi Heavy Industry are now involved.

There is a short interview here of one of Licensees of Rossi's product confirming the expected anouncements for the end of October.


There are reports that NASA is now investing in LENR: research, products and companies.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

...NASA Contract NNL08AA16B – NNL11AA00T – Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research – Phase II

N+4 Advanced Concept Development


3.0 LENR Requirements Analysis

The idea of using a Low Energy Nuclear Reactor (LENR) was discussed at the N+4 Workshop,

both as a ground-based source of energy to create electricity or hydrogen, and an aircraft-

carried power source for primary propulsion. Given the potential of clean zero-emissions

energy, further work was identified for both applications. Nuclear energy is a potential source

of clean low cost energy that should be considered in a detailed energy study (see Section 4.0).

In this section we will discuss the potential and requirements for a flying LENR application for


Since a LENR is essentially a source of heat, a heat engine of some kind is needed to produce

useful work that can create an integrated propulsion system for an aircraft. It was decided to do

a relatively simple study to determine the range of LENR and heat engine performance that

would produce an aircraft competitive to a conventional fueled aircraft.

Some potential heat engine cycles with representative engine power to weight ratios are shown

in Figure 3.1. Heat engine power to weight is a strong function of delta temperature from the

LENR. Achievable LENR delta temperature is not known at this time and is beyond the scope of

this current investigation. Nevertheless, we decided to parametrically vary the LENR and heat

engine power per weight and apply a top level operating cost model. Even though we do not

know the specific cost of the LENR itself, we assumed a cost of jet fuel at $4/gallon and weight

based aircraft cost. We were able to calculate cost per mile for the LENR equipped aircraft

compared to a conventional aircraft (Figure 3.2). Looking at the plots, one could select a point

where the projected cost per mile is 33% less than a conventionally powered aircraft (Heat

engine > 1 HP/lb & LENR > 3.5 HP/lb). Since the power requirements are significantly different

at cruise compared to takeoff and climb, we also investigated a hybrid case where batteries and

an electric motor are used to supplement the heat engine + LENR at takeoff. This yielded

significantly improved results (Figure 3.3) which required lower LENR and heat engine

performance levels (Heat engine > 0.4 HP/lb, LENR > 1 HP/lb, & Batteries > 225 Wh/kg).

These numbers are illustrative only, as other combinations could yield useful propulsion and

power systems, and the results are dependent on cost and performance assumptions.

However, the numbers should be useful in establishing initial system goals for LENR concepts. ...


And some more science:


And here is the full report from Rossi's preparitory meeting with partners on the 12th of October that I mentioned in an earlier post.


Apparently a US Patent is in the offing.

We await the third party certification test results for the Hot-CAT

It appears Rossi remains uninterested in merchant bankers and corporation as investors he realises that such organisations have a bad history with regard to innovation and disruptive technology, like Google and entrepreneurs throughout history he prefers to grow his business organicly and keep bean counters from controling his business.


An anouncement is due end of this month, it may affect you.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

An Update on this thread as I have not been doing so for a while.

Rossi goes commercial

First Up Rossi has now started selling the certified 1MW Industrial E-Cat in Italy


The more advance technology, the so called Hot-Cat and is beleived also to be 1MW system in a Barrel conformation, will be available to view in the US where it is being constructed in a Commerical plant for February 2013 so that is in three months time.

Test result from this technology are here:


Rossi's Leornard Corp board members are now known to include former DOD NASA and DOE execs including the Assistant Secretary of the US DOE, Lonardo corp now appears to have struck deals with a major power companies. Some known members of the corporation include:

1) Robert Gentile who was the Assistant Secretary of Energy (DOE). Also involved with DOD & other agencies.(On Board of Advisers of some major interests)

2) Richard Noceti, Ph.D. (LTI-global.com)

3) Karl Norwood

4) Craig Cassarino worth following

5) Prof. Michael Melich (DOD-USA) A well known name to any one in military research circles.

Worth looking up those names and watching their investment profiles.

There are some other names I will add over time.

Which kind of leads us on to:

Political actions

The EU has anounced the technology works and has funding for research:


There was due to be a formal anouncement at the end of last month in the US but it was postponed due to the Hurricane, so that will now take place later in the year.

President Obama is currently altering several laws in the US to enable combined heat and power production in the US.


I already pointed out NASA's support of LENR

Low Energy Nuclear Reactions, the Realism and the Outlook

by Dennis Bushnell, Chief Scientist, NASA Langley Research Center:



For those of you who are sceptical Popular Science did an excelent balanced article on LENR last month:


as did Discovery Magazine:


For those of you who remain more sceptical still here is a Scentific American article that should be right up your street:


The author infact read no recent research on the matter and just quoted stuff written in the magazine from 20 years ago, so its validity got questioned.

It should however be noted that criticism of the blog was censored including posts originaly by a senior figure at Los Almos and her own editors, who were very angry that their own ability to post anywhere on the site had been removed by some idiot. The author an English Lit Major is among a new bunch of writers at the publication who believe it is not their job to read scientific papers ... Scientific American Hmm...

For the less sceptical:


And for the end of the world Godbotherers among you:


Getting back to the science:

Sven Kullander, Emeritus Professor of High Energy Physics at Uppsala University in Sweden and a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and since 2004, chairman of its Energy Committee has let it be known that Rossi's first 1MW Industrial E-Cat went to the US Naval research labs, as well as confirming that he saw that Rossi's LENR system works:


The Proffessor will give a formal lecture on LENR and recent discoveries at Orebro University in Sweden on November the 23rd:


Meanwhile Larson has presented the Widom and Larsen theory of LENR at the American Nuclear Society.


The Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project is doing an Open Source demonstration across several continents repeating the Celani experiment, that Celani has demonstrated in public himself on two continents.

You can view the Experiment online live here:



The experiment iself is available as a kit from Hunt Utilities Group or via the Open source description so that any scientist or lab can carry out the experiment or critique it.

Defkalion have released their third party verification but like all the four other major commerial LENR companies, have now gone dark as they are moving to production.


On the economic effects, there is a new article in Forbes dealing with some of the forseable consequences.


Several other economic business journals especialy in the Oil market are now putting out similar articles warning their readership of the disruptive effects and opportunities unlimited energy will have on various markets.


Just Like Eon, Siemans have pulled out of all Nuclear Power Plants and are now pulling out of all Solar and Wind including a huge investment project they had in Africa to make giant solar and wind farms to supply Europe. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-20357167

They are now busy buying up and ramping up combined heat and power production facilities and have bought an Italian company with strong ties to Rossi. There is an interesting set of power point slides here:


Using the detail it provides it is fairly easy to trace back sources for confirmation ;)

Wall street sources have picked up the story and chased down the Siemans trail.


And who says Cold Fusion Economics can't be fun!?


There appears to be considerable amounts of consolidation and diversification in the energy markets in the offing with several of the companies shifting over to providing building services?!! BP has sold off oil fields in Russia and is currently selling off ohers. Eon have dropped proposed nuclear plants in Finland. Other nuclear plants have also been dropped. Some others in the energy market appear to be just cashing in their chips.

Oh a couple more Patents were granted.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
spelling grammar

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Hi all

A massive amount of US Research into LENR by both Government departments and US Business and academia; including NASA, the DOE and the Department of Defense, as well as private companies such as Microsoft and US academic institutions including Harvard, MIT has been discovered; Over 500 Referenced Papers!:


It appears much of the research has been taking place quietly for a four years, about the time President Obama first took office. I had already heard that President Obama was shielding several research projects; that the fossil fuel lobby had tried to kill. You may remember, that SPARWAR's research was apparently scuppered by a concerted effort from FOX and various Fosil Fuel lobyists, it now appears they just shifted the research to a covert project in the US Navy yards, to protect it.

Some people are going to make a lot of money.

And some others are about to go out of business.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

A massive amount of US Research into LENR by both Government departments and US Business and academia; including NASA, the DOE and the Department of Defense, as well as private companies such as Microsoft and US academic institutions including Harvard, MIT has been discovered; Over 500 Referenced Papers!:


It appears much of the research has been taking place quietly for a four years, about the time President Obama first took office. I had already heard that President Obama was shielding several research projects; that the fossil fuel lobby had tried to kill. You may remember, that SPARWAR's research was apparently scuppered by a concerted effort from FOX and various Fosil Fuel lobyists, it now appears they just shifted the research to a covert project in the US Navy yards, to protect it.

Some people are going to make a lot of money.

And some others are about to go out of business.

Kind Regards walker

It would be neat if this actually turned out to bring results. All I´ve read and heard so far mentions the minuscule energy output by these effects... not really good for energy production. I think, unless a major breakthrough takes place, this maybe-technology will develop even slower than hot fusion. And hot fusion is already a slow project, with the first reactor to supply the grid scheduled to come online in 2040.

And that´s an optimistic date, considering the problems and challenges involved with hot fusion power generation.

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SimCity 4000 allowed you to place fusion reactors by 2050, seems realistic to me =)

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Hi all

I thought the major anouncements about LENR were going to be in February but it apears Celani is jumping the Gun a little.

Celani has anounced a succesful third party replication of his experiment. It appears the company that has replicated Celani's experiment is the European multi billion dollar technology company St Microelectonics http://www.st.com/internet/com/home/home.jsp that is due to announce a major strategic shift in its plans on the 10th of December.


More information here:


It is also known that Shell and Exxon are involved. Shell has been on a massive divestment strategy on its oil field assets, from africa to the far east for the last 12 months, or since Rossi did his first demonstration this time last year.


Other Fossil Fuel companies on a divestment strategy are BP who are selling their stakes in fields in the North Sea, Russia, the Arctic and the Gulf to name but a few and not even batting an eyelid about being refused license to buy future assets in the Gulf.











Even the pipeline parts and refinery companies are joining the rush to divest the fossil fuel business.



Do a google search for any oil company and divest or sell.


Some are trying to cover their strategy and the risk by divesting half of the asset others are just cashing in their chips.


This year has been an Oil Field Night of the Long Knives as all the major players have been dumping these soon to be seriously downgraded assets.

Buckle in people it is about to get real bumpy!

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Makes sense to get rid of oilfields and Pipeleine tech contracts in undeveloped regions after the announcement of the USA to become the largest oil and gas exporter of the forseeable future.

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Hi all

In Reply to Beagle:

Err and Petrobas's desperation to sell a Refinery smack dab in the middle of the US market, that they spent so much time, money and effort, to buy a controling interest in over last year; fits in to your analysis how?

The general desperation in some of the sales where companies are taking massive losses on these dump sales and the fact they are not investing and instead getting cash together to the point that companies like Goldmans are looking at them quizically, is also indicative of a black swan event.

Mean while the source of all this the race to anounce working LENR and establish prior claim is hotting up as Rossi's competitors make some amazing claims.

Something on Celani and St Microelectronics here:


The Japanese are laying a priority claim.

Mitsubishi Reports Toyota Replication.

Dec 062012.

Dec. 7, 2012 – By Steven B. Krivit –

Researchers from Toyota Central Research and Development Laboratories performed an independent replication of a Mitsubishi low-energy nuclear reaction transmutation experiment, according to a physicist from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries speaking at the American Nuclear Society LENR session on Nov. 14 in San Diego, Calif.

The physicist, Yasuhiro Iwamura, told the ANS audience that the Toyota researchers confirmed that nuclear changes from one element to another took place without the use of high-energy nuclear physics. Most scientists who have not followed this field closely consider such profound claims inconceivable. Toyota used a LENR deuterium-permeation transmutation method that Iwamura invented.

Iwamura has been working with this LENR method for 14 years. He said that one of his LENR transmutations was closely but not identically replicated by Toyota. Osaka University and Iwate University previously reported similar replications...


As always follow the link to the original article in full, please be aware that Krivit's site requires registration to see full articles and his reliability on issues regarding Rossi is somewhat suspect

With an astonishing the story of Nation States and Multinationals fight for control of the LENR Pie, as the LENR race to market and publication hots up there are tales of new physics and above room temperature super conductors and a 100 of million dollars dropped on the table to buy a share in the future Rossi's former partners Defkalion are also upping their claims but also revealing some of the technology and back story about Rossi and their own efforts:


Translations Here



Brillion the Stanford based and Chinese patented technology company are claiming the Brillouin LENR Device will generate 355,000 times as much energy as Gasolene

...Godes noted that 1.024 ml, a volume about the size of a #2 pencil eraser, of water provides as much energy as two 48-gallon drums of gasoline. “That is 355,000 times the amount of energy per volume – five orders of magnitude...â€


As always follow the link to the original article text in full

Along with the mass of patents now being granted to these and other parties the legal battle lines are being drawn the next few months.

Kind Regards walker

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Hi all

More Information leaked about the STMicroelectronics duplication of Celani's work.


The price of a barrel of oil has started to drop.

Some estimates put the price set to drop to 5 dollars per barrel before it ends.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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As you can see, there is no major shift to LENR by this company. Your strategy is based on picking those information that fit into your theory - instead of adapting the theory to the information available. Judging by the amount of information in the internet you'll always find some tiny bits that fit. Enough to present them in some kind of convincing manner.

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What itches me is that pretty much all of these websites are ones that buy into the whole cold fusion thing to begin with, so there´s a conflict of interest here. Where are the independent groups confirming these claims?

So far we only have vague pointers by NASA and other scientists that stuff may be happening, but nothing that remotely verifies that meaningful amounts of energy can be drawn from this. Everybody can work on something and post fancy articles and papers. Without professionals who understand the field to verify anything, all this information is a worthless circlejerk, it appears.

As for the legal battles.

Science is not done by patent, and it is not done in courtrooms. All these things raise red flags. Are these people interested in finding a new energy concept, or are they interested in finding a cheap gadget they can sell to gullible people and governments for massive profit?

A good example of this quackery were the dowsing rods used in Iraq to find mines and IEDs. There have been dozens, if not hundreds (or as wikipedia claims, thousands) of victims both civilian and military due to this. The desire for magically cheap, magically easy, and generally downright magic solutions is an innate desire in humans, it´s called wishful thinking, and if you try it at such a level, you will get people killed.

Thankfully this thing seems to do nothing at all, so at least the only things wasted on it are time and money.

The laws of thermodynamics and Einsteins theories put hard caps on how much energy a given system contains, how much can be used, and how much is wasted or inaccessible. Again, if anything at all was produced by these devices, it was either due to wonky error margins, bad controls, or if something was indeed produced (which has apparently not been replicated on a large scale) the amounts of useable energy drawn from the experiments were miniscule. If your powerplant needs to be the size of a city to produce enough energy to run a small town, you´re not on to a good solution.

I do not care about companies producing things. Companies are not about innovation, companies are about safety, control and growth. Innovation has a huge risk attached to it, which is why the basic work in Rocket research or Nuclear Power was funded by the government (though in the former case mostly conducted by private companies.). And as long as nobody proves at base that there is something going on with these latticeXhydrogen based devices, any government investing money into this would probably waste it.

Consider, the basic Idea seems to be that a lattice of some metal is saturated with monoatomic hydrogen (which leaks trough any solid surface anyways.), which trough some complex and poorly understood (and strangely difficult to replicate) mechanism results in the structure giving off excess heat. The mechanism is either a fluke (again, pointing back at the poor controls and inadequately reproduced experiments.) or so inefficient as to be useless for power production. And saturating a material with hydrogen isn´t unique anyway: again, monoatomic hydrogen leaks trough pretty much any material: it literally runs trough inbetween the containers -atoms-. Pretty much any experiment seems to use H, in one form or the other (Deuterium, for example.), and another material as a reaction matter. But in general, there are many different setups, nobody seems to really know what does something and why it does that. To top it all off, some of this stuff is also kept secret by the makers... and secrecy is the antithesis of science.

Again, I am open to anything that produces results, but right now this seems about as wonky as any fringe science. Unless somebody comes up with a clear and concise explanation how this actually works without violating the laws of the known universe, and a well designed experiment to go along with it, I will remain skeptical. Everybody can talk technobabble on internet forums. But unless major mainstream science opponents of LENR theory suddenly switch and agree that these people are on to something, and that something is fully disclosed to the public, this isn´t going anywhere. And if you say that the mainstream science will not agree to this anyway on ideological grounds, you are mistaking the stance of individual scientists to the stance of mainstream science. If something turns out to work, even if the majority was wrong, it will be accepted and go into the textbooks. The old "truth" will in turn be discarded or corrected.

The luminiferous aether went that way. That it is impossible to split or fuse atoms was disproven. That it was impossible to fly was disproven. But in each case, we had clear experiments with MASSIVE spikes on the tables outside of any reasonable error bar, so that just by looking at the data, without even doing the experiment themselves, everybody could see that these theories -worked-. The given examples are the theory of relativity, related to that the advance of nuclear physics, and the theories about lifting aerofoils.

LENR is bumbling about just barely off the bottom line on the charts right now. And, reading all of these texts, there is a lot of hope, but not much promise of delivery outside of daydreaming.

Again, hope to be proven wrong. But right now, I think anybody investing in this is making a mistake, and unless you´re a fraud bound to rip off gullible people, no money will be made from this, and no sustainable, powerful energy production scheme will result from this.

Meanwhile, France is continuing the construction of their big, full scale Tokamak reactor at Cadarache, which is planned to go online in 2020. This shows how difficult the problems associated with fusion are. If LENR really was a valid theory or field, that would be producing energy as easily and as abundantly as nuclear fission or hot fusion, we would have a cold fusion reactor built in ITERs stead. And all lobbying aside, cold fusion has been on the table for a -long- time, and I doubt that the collective scientific establishment of Europe could be so stupid as to completely disregard a valid, easy and cheap theory in favour of a massively expensive, time consuming, difficult and not even guaranteed to work concept. And even if the scientists had overlooked it, the politicians wouldn´t have, because they like spending as little money as possible.

I am ranting, but I love science, but all this seems like cleverly disguised quackery at this point. I would be seriously surprised if anything comes out of this in the end.

So much for my negativity. Cheers


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Hi all

In reply to InstaGoat

A hydrate or hydride sucks in atoms

To correct your understanding on how the Hydrogen and or Deuterium is permeating the metal Hydrate (Water) or Hydride (Pure Hydrogen or isotope of Hydrogen). They are not simply entering the metal willy in dribs and drabs. You need to understand that they are Water or Hydrogen Philic ie they act like sponges. You may have done the experiment at school where Ammonia or Chlorine gas is used to create an instant vacuum by exposing it to water.

In the case of Palladium it absorbs in the order of 900 times its volume of hydrogen. Hence why much of the experiments to do with observation of excess heat come out of the battery industry. So it is not just hydrogen being absorbed it is actually being sucked in and takes considerable effort to eject it.

Hydrogen Embrittlement

This ability of certain substances to absorb vast quantities of Hydrogen or Water is well known science and stuff I had to do as an engineer welder 3 decades ago where Hydrogen embrittlement of some of the more esoteric metals and some of the more normal ones with specialist functions that I welded was a significant factor; necessitating very complex chemical and physical systems to ensure Hydrogen could not enter the weld or surrounding metals. We used welding in a Vacuum using electron beams and lasers, inert noble gas plasmas, clean rooms to ensure no hydrogen loaded materials, oils from you skin or hair, could get near and serious chemical and sonic cleaners.

One of the factors causing increased hydrogen absorption was electrical charge, with particular frequencies causing it to happen faster, another was heat, a third is pressure. You may have noticed the similarities to methods of loading Hydrogen into the metal latices. By the way on the matter of crystalline latices: within the crystalline structure, it is not just the Lattice but cracks in the lattice that seem to be important in LENR according to Storms and some others. There is an interesting paper here that gives some idea of what is happening at the atomic level.


The levels of Hydrogen in these LENR metals are all that I tried to avoid in welding. They are actually trying to create the environment in the metal my former industry sought to prevent.

LENR is involved in a Development Process Cycle leading to a viable industry.

The Scientific Method

If you want the Scientific experimental approach to LENR then go here:


It is the Martin Fleischmann Memorial Project where they are repeating the Celini experiment as an open source project.

The low energy levels produced in scientific experiments are a function of science and the need to keep things small so you can exclude variability and error. That is how desktop scientific experiments are conducted. What you have to do to understand the energy release is scale them up to industrial levels. So the STMicrolectronic Replication of Celini dropped the test wire to a 5th of the mass of the Celini experiment and got 1.5 Watts excess energy compared to the 10 Watts that Celini gets.

Here is the STmicroelectronics repetition of the the Celini experiment.


While measuring excess heat, just like Takahashi, STmicroelectronics measure no radiation or Neutrons significantly higher than background outside the apparatus. SPARWAR did measure Neutrons in their deposition experiment where the detector was right up against the active material but as per Widom Larson they are low energy Neutrons. Ditto radiation. Others including rossi have seen significant Neutrons when the Reactors are driven hard at high temperature.

Moving beyond the science to exploitation

After basic experiments you then come to creating prototypes, refining the experiment for the real world.

As I have made clear Rossi is an inventor/entrepreneur/businessman and takes the Edisonian Approach to prototyping from the experiments of Professor Sergio Focardi. At this stage people get canny about what they do and are not above throwing red herrings in to the mix.

You then move to the next level which is Industrialisation. This is the stage LENR has just begun. At this stage Industries try to keep knowledge of the industrial process secret with NDAs and to acquire patents as ammunition for future legal battles which is what is happening now. This always happens and any successful business is built on keeping the competitors out of the market. By keeping things in house (Trade Secret) by Legal battles:

Check out the patent wars that the Wright brothers had with competitors.

Check out Edison and Tesla and Westinghouse.

Check out Microsoft Apple and Commodore

Check out Apple, HTC, Samsung and Google.

It is the nature of business.

The next stage is to lobby for licensing and certification often confused and disguised quality and safety protections but the reality is that most of this about controlling the Market Read up on Alfred Nobel and his battles with his competitors and charlatan thieves who had political connections in the US.

Is it wrong that such shenanigans go on. IMHO yes but those who invest their money insist on these protections to their capital.

As to the theoretical side. I have posted links to peer reviewed papers and Widom Larson seems to be the best theory as to why the Fleischmann/ Pons excess heat occurs. I think that the factors I mentioned about Hydrogen embrittlement are good sources to find suitable materials for LENR effects as is the battery industry hence why Mitsubishi and Toyota just repeated the Transmutation experiments.

As you may guess I think papers on the subject of Hydrogen Embrittlement may offer clues as to what is going on.

As to its reality an examination of the known partners of Rossi in Leonardo Corp shows that we are not dealing with a scam. These people have thoroughly tested this before investing, they are not Gullible fools.

By the way:

Aerospace Industry takes up LENR

Have a read from page 5:


Read page 19


You then need to be aware that at the 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting on Wednesday, January the 9th 2013

There will be an event entitled: Low Energy Nuclear Reactors for Aerospace Applications

Hosted by: Rich Antcliff of NASA LaRC, Emerging Technology Committee; who will act as moderator

With the following speakers:

Joe Zawodny, NASA LaRC Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR)

Marty Bradley, Boeing SUGAR (Subsonic Ultra Green Aircraft Research) Phase II N+4 Study

Roger Lepsch, NASA LaRC LENR Launch Propulsion System and Vehicle Research

As to Rossi we will know in February when the first non millitary plant goes live.


In Reply to kavoven, STMicroelectronics dropped their mobile phone business and shifted into manufacturing electronics to control small combined heat and power systems. Oh and in case you had not noticed Siemens sold off all their Green Energy business and their Nuclear power and spent a billion and half on buying up a small combined heat and power plant producer from Italy with links to Rossi. Of course they could all be Gullible fools. :)

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
spelling and added a papers and revised for clarrity

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Hi all

A new video Swedish science program with English subtitles, does a fair and balanced assesment of LENR and interviews Rossi and scientists on both sides of the discussion.


LENR has started to enter the mainstream media food chain.

Kind Regards walker

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Hey Walker, I'm still waiting for the ground breaking announcement?

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Hi all

In reply to Beagle

Like any new technology things get delayed ArmA III was supposed to be out originaly last year, a little patience never hurts. Rossi has delayed his public demonstration a month and is waiting for the third party report; who after testing his technology then had the peer reviewers test it, which is a good sign.

In the mean time NASA has been confirming LENR is real, and is going to change the world:


The story is being followed by Forbes


And several other media outlets round the world:






MIT is now doing a course on LENR/LANR:

Perhaps more importantly some one noticed that the Oil Companies and Big Investment Funds are disinvesting from Oil and are actualy shorting it:


You may remember earlier in the thread I said that when oil companies and investment fund activities became apparent it would be about a month before the anouncement about LENR being made public.

By the way I also think I may have already mentioned that as well as disinvesting from the Nuclear Power Industry, like so many others, Siemans also sold their 33 Billion Dollar green industry portfolio; where they were market leaders in Windmills and Solar. Since then they and GE have been buying up every combined heat and power manufacturing company they can buy. Oh and by the way back in August President Obama signed a rare Executive order to allow the License for any factory to install and run a combined heat and power plant in their business.

It always amazes me how many people follow what big investors say, rather than on what they do. The shell game still works on some huh?

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
Forgot to include link to LANR/LENR course at MIT.

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Not really heard about this and was very excited when I read it just now - what a waste of time. Bottom line is: there is no "ground breaking announcement".

-NASA hasn't completed research and is still investigating if LENR has any usefull practical application.

-The oil companies and investors are selling long term futures in oil for a variety of reasons most of which have nothing to do with LENR (electric cars, manipulating markets for profit, US Govt. policy to move away from oil, BP requiring funds to pay fines etc).

-Obama's Executive Order (40-50 issued per year-rare?) has nothing to do with LENR - it's suggests existing power stations should use their waste hot water to heat homes/businesses rather than just dumping the heat into the atmosphere through cooling towers. Or, existing large boilers producing heat should be converted to produce electricity too.

"Instead of burning fuel in an on site boiler to produce thermal energy and also purchasing electricity from the grid, a manufacturing facility can use a CHP system to provide both types of energy in one energy efficient step."

-The EU issued a similar directive in 2004 which predates the LENR acronym, the US is just playing catch up on energy efficiency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHP_Directive

Please don't waste your time on this like I did. According to level headed bloggers - much of the current media noise about LENR is generated by green activists who seem to have a semi-religious belief in 'free energy' / using it as leverage against their industrial monsters. If NASA ever find anything useful, I would celebrate it, until then.....

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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*reads op, notices he doesn't even know how to spell evidence, closes thread*

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Not really heard about this and was very excited when I read it just now - what a waste of time. Bottom line is: there is no "ground breaking announcement".

-NASA hasn't completed research and is still investigating if LENR has any usefull practical application.

-The oil companies and investors are selling long term futures in oil for a variety of reasons most of which have nothing to do with LENR (electric cars, manipulating markets for profit, US Govt. policy to move away from oil, BP requiring funds to pay fines etc).

-Obama's Executive Order (40-50 issued per year-rare?) has nothing to do with LENR - it's suggests existing power stations should use their waste hot water to heat homes/businesses rather than just dumping the heat into the atmosphere through cooling towers. Or, existing large boilers producing heat should be converted to produce electricity too.

"Instead of burning fuel in an on site boiler to produce thermal energy and also purchasing electricity from the grid, a manufacturing facility can use a CHP system to provide both types of energy in one energy efficient step."

-The EU issued a similar directive in 2004 which predates the LENR acronym, the US is just playing catch up on energy efficiency: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CHP_Directive

Please don't waste your time on this like I did. According to level headed bloggers - much of the current media noise about LENR is generated by green activists who seem to have a semi-religious belief in 'free energy' / using it as leverage against their industrial monsters. If NASA ever find anything useful, I would celebrate it, until then.....

Knowledge is never a waste of time. :)

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Hi all

I have a big Grin on my face :)

A little patience now people. ;)

Kind Regards walker

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I think that this now going to be a bit of sci fi, that becomes real.

Proper game changer.

fingers crossed ;)

Edited by Thomas C
syntax error

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