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[CAMP] Lions of Kandahar

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Has anyone played this with JSRS? I wouldn't have thought it could cause any problems but I had a bit of a buggy mission so wanted to check whether it could be JSRS that caused it.

What happened was on M4, I went to check the compound and found nothing. I was only checking the second building when someone said something liked "it looks lived in but no-ones here". Then I was going upstairs when I got new orders to join Rusty's team (follow either HMMV or make my own way to the marked point). Two HMMVs stopped just north of the compound and when I drove up behind them Rusty said to follow him. I had no idea which vehicle was his but followed the one going down the road to the west. He was quite a bit in front of me, so at some point I lost sight of him (I heard him say to go off-road) but his position remained marked on the map, so I drove around there but he was nowhere to be seen. After a while, I heard him talk about finding shell casings and then he was given orders to get out of there. After that I saw him coming back down the road towards me and then he went off-road, so I followed him for a while but his vehicle was going very slowly and kept stopping, reversing and generally faffing about, so I decided to drive down the road and to the marked point to the North of the compound myself. However, just as I approached the point where I was going to turn North (more or less where the vehicles started) the mission ended. The debriefing said the compound I'd cleared now appeared to be quarters for the Taliban, but I got no indication of that during the mission. It also said I came under fire at the training camp but as I never made it there I missed that as well, so there wasn't much that happened for me in that mission. May have been my fault for trying to use JSRS though!

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It happened the same to me, exactly as you said, but I followed Rusty sucessfully and when they found the casings a guy popped out and fired at my vehicle, the Dshk killed him and then when going out of there the mission ended. And about the taliban quarters, I think it's fine because in the cutscene before that mission they show to you the same village but with a lot of talibans settled there, so one may think that when seeing the village again as a player.

I don't think it's JSRS fault since JSRS doesn't change things about the AI itself, it only checks in the scripts for bullets, distances, sounds, and stuff like that.

I'm enjoying the campaign, i'm in the fifth mission and the atmosphere is really well made, I also did enjoy the 5km run as concept, it was fun and made the character feel more alive.


Edited by NacroxNicke

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Thanks, yeah i didn't think JSRS was likely to cause any problems. It sounds like it's just the way the mission plays then.

I enjoyed M3, although there was a minor bug after we cleared the compound and we got an incoming radio message but it jumped to the debriefing screen shortly after that started, so I didn't get to hear what was being said.

Whilst I totally appreciate the hard work put into them, I'm not really a fan of any cutscenes I've seen in Arma2. They just don't really tell me anything useful and just show me some vehicles driving across a desert, or some people standing around and there tends to be long pauses or pans where nothing at all is happening and I'm just looking at empty scenery (and when there are conversations, they always seem to have long pauses between characters speaking, which makes it very jarring). I guess a short flyover if there's a large base to give the player an overview of (like in this campaign) can be nice at the start though. Just my opinion but I feel the time spent on cutscenes can be better used giving the player as much information in the briefing/map as possible (and if players have just been impatiently watching cutscenes they're probably eager to get on and play and might not read the briefing as carefully as they should).

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Thanks, yeah i didn't think JSRS was likely to cause any problems. It sounds like it's just the way the mission plays then.

I enjoyed M3, although there was a minor bug after we cleared the compound and we got an incoming radio message but it jumped to the debriefing screen shortly after that started, so I didn't get to hear what was being said.

Whilst I totally appreciate the hard work put into them, I'm not really a fan of any cutscenes I've seen in Arma2. They just don't really tell me anything useful and just show me some vehicles driving across a desert, or some people standing around and there tends to be long pauses or pans where nothing at all is happening and I'm just looking at empty scenery (and when there are conversations, they always seem to have long pauses between characters speaking, which makes it very jarring). I guess a short flyover if there's a large base to give the player an overview of (like in this campaign) can be nice at the start though. Just my opinion but I feel the time spent on cutscenes can be better used giving the player as much information in the briefing/map as possible (and if players have just been impatiently watching cutscenes they're probably eager to get on and play and might not read the briefing as carefully as they should).

This is a good point-- from my perspective, it was my first time doing intros/outros ever, so it was new territory. I too am not fond of cutscenes that just feature guys standing around without animations, so I tried where possible to zest things up, but things could always be better and I will definitely keep in mind the usefulness of a cutscene that shows off the AO a bit more and helps the player get a sense of the operational conditions on the battlefield. Still, as an adaptation, I tried to use these cutscenes tie the book in (for example, "East bound and down playing as they exit the desert in M3's outro," or Maj. Gen. Freakley's visit to Sperwan Ghar in M12's intro) and, most importantly, the Canadian side of the story (since they really were the main subject of what happened during Op. Medusa)-- so people who read the book may be likely to get more out of the cutscenes.

Anyway, I have started doing some of the due-dilligence and research for each of the bonus scenarios. Trying to tie in as much fact as I can find so playing the mission is something of a learning experience at the same time. I myself find it highly interesting to explore the interplay of the Afghan National Police (ANP) and the various branches within and those of the ANA-- you will experience both perspectives in Bonus Mission #3 as you respond to a cowardly attack in a civilian-filled area and then take the fight to the enemy in-response. For mission #2 (Dutch Apache), I have found specific details on what air assets the Dutch contingent had at Kandahar Airfield, and I hope to find out more about what specific role they played during Medusa-- you will fly in to KAF and land there for a more specific briefing, and then you will take part in providing CAS and escort of MEDEVAC/CASEVAC. Finally, for mission #1 (Canadian Motorized Inf) I have been reading about the Battle of Panjwayi, which took place about 6 wks before Medusa commenced, and the struggle for the infamous "white schoolhouse" (which I assume is the "Objective Rugby" described in Lions the book as Charles Co.'s objective).

So yeah, things are beginning to pick up slowly, I've learned a lot over the course of the past few months working on LoK-- looking forward to giving all you guys some more content to sink your teeth into.

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Yeah, I've learned it's from some kind of missing config in one of the mods, but I'm not sure specifically which one. It's likely either ONS or SGW's ANA/ANP, I am fairly sure Tier One Operators is not the culprit. It may for some wacky reason be Reshmaan but I doubt it.

Almost 100% sure it would be ONS - I've seen other strange bugs like that (not that one in particular however)

I think I'll finally have time to play this next week... can't wait :yay:

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Did a bit of work on the ANP/ANA scenario last night-- does anyone know of a script or addon or technique that can add heavy vehicle traffic GTA style? As of now, I just put a bunch of stationary civi-populated vehicles on the streets, I need to decide if I can/want to make the traffic move and how to if so.

Pretty excited for this, even though it doesn't have all that much to do with the source material for the Campaign, it will be as immersive as I can make it and using ANP/ANA seems rare, especially in a SP scenario with a narrative. Stay tuned, updates on the bonus content will begin to become more substantial hopefully.

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h34dup -

I have managed to create "traffic" of a sort using Norrin's AI Vehicle Respawn Move to Waypoint script in conjunction with the deleteVehicle command. Basically, just choose a few terminal (spawn/despawn) points then connect them with waypoints as needed. To achieve a regular flow of traffic, you'll need to start most vehicles somewhere along their planned routes, which will require each vehicle to have its own waypoint .sqf, but it's all cut & paste once the first couple are finished. I'll be honest, it does take some tweaking to find the optimal placement of waypoints to keep everything flowing, but when it's working, it looks pretty good. The read-me provided explains the basics fairly well.

There is probably a better/easier/more efficient way to do it, but I can provide you with an example mission for this method if you'd like.

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h34dup -

I have managed to create "traffic" of a sort using Norrin's AI Vehicle Respawn Move to Waypoint script in conjunction with the deleteVehicle command. Basically, just choose a few terminal (spawn/despawn) points then connect them with waypoints as needed. To achieve a regular flow of traffic, you'll need to start most vehicles somewhere along their planned routes, which will require each vehicle to have its own waypoint .sqf, but it's all cut & paste once the first couple are finished. I'll be honest, it does take some tweaking to find the optimal placement of waypoints to keep everything flowing, but when it's working, it looks pretty good. The read-me provided explains the basics fairly well.

There is probably a better/easier/more efficient way to do it, but I can provide you with an example mission for this method if you'd like.

This looks interesting and makes sense looking at the page, if you can go ahead and PM me a link or something to the sample mission you created that may help save some leg-room. I'm starting to lean more toward having something happen during the intro that brings all traffic to a halt, but I'm still open to seeing how it could work.

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Did a bit of work on the ANP/ANA scenario last night-- does anyone know of a script or addon or technique that can add heavy vehicle traffic GTA style? As of now, I just put a bunch of stationary civi-populated vehicles on the streets, I need to decide if I can/want to make the traffic move and how to if so.

... .

I vaguely remember this attempt:


Function Name: Traffic Transportation System

Author: WCRffsx

Required Game version: ArmA2 Combined Operation (v1.59.79600 or higher)

Author Website: http://blog.163.com/evbs_1/

Latest Function Version: v1.11


*Endless vehicles driving on the whole map.

*Random vehicles.

*Random drivers.

*Perfectly combined with official script modules. (Optional)

*No addons can be used in any missions easily. (For CO users)

*Airport transportation System.

*function for Desert.

*Function for Proving Ground.

*Function for Shapur.

*Function for Zargabad.

*Function for Takistan.

*Function for Utes.

*GTA system (Coming later).

*Up to date conversation system.

*CPU friendly.

*Automatic checking system.

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So, after fixing my lag issues for the most part I managed to play through to M6. Horrendous AI and saving was in my way a couple of times but I managed, only took me the whole night.

I'm running into issues during M6 with the Special Forces part. After spending an hour or so clearing out the camp and the ZU I had to go back and forth to plant the Satchels etc, and when I finally reached the OP and called the CAS on the village nothing happened. :(

I tried in various ways. Have my Laser Marker on Target for 5 mins straight, use sniper rifle for targeting, call Radio Trigger without targeting at all. Nothing helped. I think you missed a 0 here, as it clearly says "1 Minute 30 seconds", but I feel that you kind of meant 10 minutes 30 second.

What I liked about the mission though that if you die you an just switch back to Rusty and do nothing (except hear the radio clutter from the Canadians dying 1 by 1 to the ZU or the camp haha), not sure if this was intended or not.

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I vaguely remember this attempt:


Function Name: Traffic Transportation System

Author: WCRffsx

Required Game version: ArmA2 Combined Operation (v1.59.79600 or higher)

Author Website: http://blog.163.com/evbs_1/

Latest Function Version: v1.11

That looks pretty great, but apparently only supports official maps.

Here's the topic for it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?119820

I'll drop you a line sometime this weekend, h34dup. Just need to slap together an example for you.

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So, after fixing my lag issues for the most part I managed to play through to M6. Horrendous AI and saving was in my way a couple of times but I managed, only took me the whole night.

I'm running into issues during M6 with the Special Forces part. After spending an hour or so clearing out the camp and the ZU I had to go back and forth to plant the Satchels etc, and when I finally reached the OP and called the CAS on the village nothing happened. :(

I tried in various ways. Have my Laser Marker on Target for 5 mins straight, use sniper rifle for targeting, call Radio Trigger without targeting at all. Nothing helped. I think you missed a 0 here, as it clearly says "1 Minute 30 seconds", but I feel that you kind of meant 10 minutes 30 second.

What I liked about the mission though that if you die you an just switch back to Rusty and do nothing (except hear the radio clutter from the Canadians dying 1 by 1 to the ZU or the camp haha), not sure if this was intended or not.

Man, sry to hear this isn't working out for you-- fortunately, it sounds like an isolated or rare incident, as I haven't seen others report having an issue with this mission. Not to sound like a broken record, but you are using ONLY the addons in the required addons list and none others, right? Have you tried restarting the mission? The mission end script should be triggered when the A-10s enter the area and fly over Ishfaaq-- you'll get some dialogue and the screen will black out with some narrative. I can't think of anything that would prevent the pilots from doing their job than an accidental crash or some kind of mod that messes with the AI.

That looks pretty great, but apparently only supports official maps.

Here's the topic for it: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?119820

I'll drop you a line sometime this weekend, h34dup. Just need to slap together an example for you.

I was pondering using Zargabad actually, but decided (initially, at least) to stick with Dilshad in Reshmaan. I could give this a whirl too tho, thanks dondaddah! No huge rush on getting the example together Harzach, but thanks for doing it! I'll look forward to checking it out...

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Here's what I use:

All required addons (ALTHOUGH I do get an error. Explain below)





(COSLX) (has been tested with and without, no difference)

Getting an error upon startup of game with all the above mentioned addons loaded:

"Cannot load texture: ons_core\inv\cc_130h.paa" (For clarification: I have @ons_oa)

I didn't think this would be relevant at all so I left it. Any ideas if this affects the mission?

Also, how do you handle the spawn of the Aircraft? Do they get spawned away from the player at a set distance or do they take off from the NW Airport on the map? This would help estimate flight time a bit since if it's the latter it is quite obvious that it takes a longer time.

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Here's what I use:

All required addons (ALTHOUGH I do get an error. Explain below)





(COSLX) (has been tested with and without, no difference)

Getting an error upon startup of game with all the above mentioned addons loaded:

"Cannot load texture: ons_core\inv\cc_130h.paa" (For clarification: I have @ons_oa)

I didn't think this would be relevant at all so I left it. Any ideas if this affects the mission?

Also, how do you handle the spawn of the Aircraft? Do they get spawned away from the player at a set distance or do they take off from the NW Airport on the map? This would help estimate flight time a bit since if it's the latter it is quite obvious that it takes a longer time.

Yeah, these mods will undoubtedly have an effect on the Campaign, I didn't incorporate any of them into development, or as a result testing, so I can't guarantee things will run with them active. I'm 99% sure that a mod is altering unit behavior somehow-- I even ended up removing the script version of TPWCAS/LOS because of the AI and performance issues it was causing. JSRS has been reported as causing problems in Mission 10 too earlier in the thread. Try restarting the mission and running only the required addons. Don't worry about the error message about the cc_130h, this is one of ONS' numerous errors- fortunately it doesn't affect anything in the Camp so it can be disregarded.

As for how the A-10's, everything in all of my missions are pre-placed, so CAS and MEDEVAC usually sits at KAF (or sometimes Dilshad airport), or maintains a holding pattern elsewhere, until you hit a trigger that will put them in the air. I can't remember though, if they are in the air when you arrive at OP Charlene and maintain a holding pattern half-way there until you activate the radio trigger, or if they wait until you call it in to take off. In any case, their arrival has been timed pretty reliably-- it should only take 1.5-2 minutes for them to arrive.

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I will retry without the AI Mods and report back with the results. I don't see JSRS causing issues unless you implemented custom explosion / gun sounds somewhere, but I can understand why you didn't include it in development. I was kind of foolish enough to start a mission with loads of addons loaded and now JSRS is a requirement even though that was not intended at all. :(


Tested only with addons required by mission.

No luck. The A10 gun run never shows up, I waited 5 real minutes with SOFLAM ready and laser on targets. Nothing. :(

I replayed the mission from the absolute beginning.

Edited by tryteyker

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@H34dup - First let me say that I am thoroughly enjoying this campaign. Your work on this is outstanding!:yay: I'm somewhat of an Arma 2 newbie, but I have been grabbing and playing some SP missions and campaigns off Armaholic and I have to say that this is by far the best one I've played to date. You certainly set the bar for my expectations going forward. Adapting the book (which I have to read now) was brilliant and really adds significance to the subject matter. Anyway......my hat is off to you!!

So here's my issue: I'm currently at M11 and I can't progress because I can't kill the Opfor before they overrun Blufor on the hill. The reason is, and here's where it gets weird, they keep disappearing before I can take them out! What I mean is, I flip on white hot FLIR and as I start laying down fire, the AI literally disappear!! In fact, everything (AI, buildings, trees, etc...) just starts melting away. I just can't figure out what is causing this. I'm running the mission with only the required addons. I center the AC130 flight path around the hill and I can get some of them, but when I swing the camera back around as I pass over, that's when it all goes to hell. I uploaded a youtube video clip of this phenomenon as I passed over a village in normal camera view, which gives you a real good idea of what I'm talking about. You can take a look at here:

........Please help!! I REALLY want to continue with this awesomeness!!!

Thanks for all your hard work!!

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@H34dup - First let me say that I am thoroughly enjoying this campaign. Your work on this is outstanding!:yay: I'm somewhat of an Arma 2 newbie, but I have been grabbing and playing some SP missions and campaigns off Armaholic and I have to say that this is by far the best one I've played to date. You certainly set the bar for my expectations going forward. Adapting the book (which I have to read now) was brilliant and really adds significance to the subject matter. Anyway......my hat is off to you!!

So here's my issue: I'm currently at M11 and I can't progress because I can't kill the Opfor before they overrun Blufor on the hill. The reason is, and here's where it gets weird, they keep disappearing before I can take them out! What I mean is, I flip on white hot FLIR and as I start laying down fire, the AI literally disappear!! In fact, everything (AI, buildings, trees, etc...) just starts melting away. I just can't figure out what is causing this. I'm running the mission with only the required addons. I center the AC130 flight path around the hill and I can get some of them, but when I swing the camera back around as I pass over, that's when it all goes to hell. I uploaded a youtube video clip of this phenomenon as I passed over a village in normal camera view, which gives you a real good idea of what I'm talking about. You can take a look at here:


........Please help!! I REALLY want to continue with this awesomeness!!!

Thanks for all your hard work!!

Looks like the default view distance needs to be bumped up for that mission?

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Thanks for the feedback Harzach. Good thought. At first I had been running the campaign with TPW's Dynamic View Distance http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13304&highlight=DVD. I figured that might be causing the problem, so I disabled it and restarted the mission, but still the same. I have my default VD set at about 2200. I'll bump it up and report back..................Thanks!!

Looks like the default view distance needs to be bumped up for that mission?

UPDATE: Well that appears to have been it. VD needs to be at about 4000+. Simple. Thanks for pointing out the obvious Harzach!!

Edited by Itsnada_Tumah

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I just finished M6 and really enjoyed that.

The only problem I had was that some of the radio messages (both from and to me) weren't audible and I just saw the text on screen. I've got the Audio Samples set to 128 so that shouldn't be a problem.

For instance at the camp when I found the intel the radio comms weren't audible but before and after that they were and then later again they weren't again.

Great mission apart from that though

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Thanks for the feedback Harzach. Good thought. At first I had been running the campaign with TPW's Dynamic View Distance http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=13304&highlight=DVD. I figured that might be causing the problem, so I disabled it and restarted the mission, but still the same. I have my default VD set at about 2200. I'll bump it up and report back..................Thanks!!

UPDATE: Well that appears to have been it. VD needs to be at about 4000+. Simple. Thanks for pointing out the obvious Harzach!!

Yeah, I find that you need to have the view distance jacked up a little for both M8 and M10 when you use the UAV and AC-130. I didn't need to go so far as 4000m, but I bet that would definitely help fix the issue. I am pretty sure you can also lower the AC-130's altitude (this would be listed in the F1 Help screen controls) at the risk of being more exposed. It is also very easy to remain fixated on a target even after the plane passes it, so not spending too much time on a single area is part of the challenge. Still, glad that got figured out.

I just finished M6 and really enjoyed that.

The only problem I had was that some of the radio messages (both from and to me) weren't audible and I just saw the text on screen. I've got the Audio Samples set to 128 so that shouldn't be a problem.

For instance at the camp when I found the intel the radio comms weren't audible but before and after that they were and then later again they weren't again.

Great mission apart from that though

As for M6, you are the second person to report no radio after I released the update-- it should all be in there and working, so this is something I'll have to address in the next round. I have not yet gotten to testing M6 since the latest update, but I'll be sure to keep an eye out for it. Thanks for reporting it!

In other news, this weekend was not productive in the least...since the initial release of this camp, I find my creative and editing energies have been sorely depleted. I'm sure this is just a temporary phase that will pass, but progress is sluggish right now. Still, it is my hope that this bonus content will get done and released, I believe each of the three are solid ideas that would be worth exploring more about Medusa from different perspectives. So it's worth sticking around and chatting about here in the thread. Ideas on what you would like to see are welcome for each of the following scenarios.

B1 - Canadian Forces "Charles Co." - Ground assault supported by LAVs and CAS - Need to make a decision on what point during Medusa would be most conducive to being recreated in the Arma 2 engine. Planning to include something about the infamous "white schoolhouse" - though I'm not sure if this is the same one that Rusty and Co. secure or a different one, referred to in LoK as Objective Rugby.

B2 - Dutch AH-64 Apache Pilot (Need to determine specific unit) - Provide CAS and EVAC escort - Thinking of having this take place during the failed initial assault on Sperwan Ghar, which will allow the player to assault enemy forces on the hill, RTB to refuel, refit and rearm, and then return to the battlefield to escort the CASEVAC for Zack and the two ANA WIA's. Need to learn a lot more about the Apache's role in combat, how missions, briefings, tasking, etc. happens, specifically for Dutch and ISAF/NATO. Need to find at least one native Dutch-speaking voice actor.

B3 - ANP/ANA - Recreation of July 22, 2006 in Kandahar (Dilshad) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/5205754.stm - Need to confirm whether the Afghan Civil Order Police (ANCOP) existed at this point and were involved or not (they were activated in July 2006, but it's not clear when exactly and at what capacity). Mission will involve response to a double suicide bombing on a Canadian convoy, and the subsequent ANA Commando-led response - need to decide what exactly that is, leaning toward a night raid.

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In other news, this weekend was not productive in the least...since the initial release of this camp, I find my creative and editing energies have been sorely depleted. I'm sure this is just a temporary phase that will pass, but progress is sluggish right now. Still, it is my hope that this bonus content will get done and released, I believe each of the three are solid ideas that would be worth exploring more about Medusa from different perspectives. So it's worth sticking around and chatting about here in the thread. Ideas on what you would like to see are welcome for each of the following scenarios.

Heh, don't worry about it I'm sure it's just that post-Christmas sluggishness ;)

I'm the same, was working feverishly to get my brother's present finished before Christmas and when I missed that, before New Year's Eve when he went home. Didn't manage that either and now the pressure's off I'm struggling to find the energy to get on with it but I'm sure we'll both get our energies back soon :)

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In regards to M6, I was going to confirm that I don't hear any radio when picking up the Intel on M6, but I have general issues with M6 (I didn't get the A10 to work yet :(). Was going to leave that out because I thought it's not supposed to be voice-acted, but since it's a bug, thought I'd confirm.

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In regards to M6, I was going to confirm that I don't hear any radio when picking up the Intel on M6, but I have general issues with M6 (I didn't get the A10 to work yet :(). Was going to leave that out because I thought it's not supposed to be voice-acted, but since it's a bug, thought I'd confirm.

Ah man, sorry to hear it's still bugged out. I hate to have to suggest it, but since you've essentially done everything in the mission, there is that "cheat" code that allows you to skip missions that I remember people using for other Camps when they got stuck. Other than that I'm afraid I'm out of suggestions, but I hope that you're able to get past the issue in M6 and experience the rest of the camp.


Hey Itsnada (haha) what program did you use to capture that video? Would love to be able to get some video footage of the game onto YouTube, but Fraps ended up sucking and I couldn't get the files into an editing program.

Edited by h34dup

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Hey Itsnada (haha) what program did you use to capture that video? Would love to be able to get some video footage of the game onto YouTube, but Fraps ended up sucking and I couldn't get the files into an editing program.

Hey H34dup! I used Fraps! Seems to work ok for me. Sucks down the frame rate a bit when you're recording, but other than that, I don't have any complaints. The .avi file should be easy enough to import into an editing program (although I've never had occasion to try it) What sort of issue did you have with it?

I did finally get through M11. Great fun! Like shooting ants with a BB Gun!!! Gonna soldier on tonight w M12. As I said before, pure awesomeness you've created here, so thanks again for all your hard work. Looking forward to the bonus stuff............

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Got to play through some more of the latest version, and I confirm that almost all the dialogue lines from the Canadian portion of Mission 6 are not working-- I thought I had all this fixed in the last update, I was really pissed to see that this was not the case. I should have been more dilligent and tested to confirm the lines were in, instead of assuming they would be after dropping the files in.

I have added this to the list of updates to be made in the next round, along with most of the points you guys all brought up (hopefully didn't miss anything).

Progress on the Dutch Apache bonus mission was neutralized due to updates of the DAF mod, which I was using for the Dutch pilots and aircraft. So now we are back to square one on that practically...good thing I didn't get too deep into development on it. So, while another update should be on the way pretty soon, it will most likely just be more bug fixes and no new content for now.

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