rinsa 1 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) Hai~ As everyone might have heard, there have been massive bans today with BattlEye, the anticheat BIStudio uses for their servers. Oh yeah, no more hackers and cheaters ! Almost all of those bans that happened today never cheated, hacked or used any scripts on the game. Don't believe me ? Some people have been unbanned, I've been unbanned yeah, but got unbanned a few hours after this. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/65572-global-bans-for-legit-players/ http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/xwk4r/global_bans/ This is serious business, so, people from Bohemia Studio Interactive, may you stop using BattlEye anticheat and start using a better anticheat ? (I'm sure there are tons of good ones .. oh .. every anticheats are better than this BattlEye thing) Thanks Petition link removed because it calls the Developers n00bs and some other childish crap I won't even mention here. Edited August 9, 2012 by W0lle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bee8190 10 Posted August 9, 2012 hai Well I would trust the dev's on deciding what's the best anti-cheat software for their engine. Furthermore you completely fail to state why are other anti=cheat's better than said battleye. This thread will fail pretty quick, without ANY evidence whatsoever why would be, for example, punkbaster any better :rolleyes: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maturin 12 Posted August 9, 2012 I'm sure there are tons of good ones There's your problem. There's a bunch of half-working programs, and then there's always-on DRM. :mad: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 9, 2012 Your petition is as pointless as this thread is. What is a real anticheat? And why is it better than BattlEye? What you're doing is starting a petition without showing any alternatives. No matter what anticheat solution you take, there always will be problems. The perfect anticheat engine doesn't exist, else you would have named it. And obviously a lot of the people banned recently were actually banned for hacking and cheating, many of them even admitted it. So the "unreal" cheat engine obviously does what it should. :) Besides that, I have removed the link to your petition which inlcudes a picture in which you call the Developers n00bs and childish crap I won't even mention here. All of above shows that you can't be taken seriously at all. Maybe get some facts for your next petition so you don't appear like a 14y/o raging kid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Charles 22 Posted August 9, 2012 I personally never had any problems with Battleye, while the same cannot be said for other Anti-cheat programs such as Punkbuster, which kicked me from BF3 for having an opened ArmA2 Launcher. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eddieck 10 Posted August 9, 2012 I personally never had any problems with Battleye, while the same cannot be said for other Anti-cheat programs such as Punkbuster, which kicked me from BF3 for having an opened ArmA2 Launcher. Agreed. I've been kicked by PB before for having the Steam overlay enabled on a game I bought through Steam. BE has never kicked me for any bogus reason like that. There is no anti-cheat that will detect every single hack. When you look at the overall picture, BE is doing a fairly reasonable job - most public hacks are detected pretty quickly. There are some changes BIS (not BE) could make, such as having an option to disable setVehicleInit (it was disabled in one of the betas), and to either disable the packet encoding OR have some kind of packet logging on the server. (Actually, a -pcap option that would save a pcap with decoded network traffic would be nice!) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phantom Six 25 Posted August 9, 2012 I prefer Battleye over the other anti cheats. VAC is probably my second though I have heard there's no such appeals for VAC bans (which I thought was dumb when some dudes got banned for modding their Dead Island games) but that haven't happened to me. Punkbuster was horrible to me, I remember playing America's Army 2 and I would get PB kick out just because my game was alt tab for a bit and I came back in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tiaitchsi 1 Posted August 9, 2012 (edited) Hackers have the capability to retrieve other players GUID's and use them instead of their own, therefore allowing them to cheat without getting punished personally. (OTHER PLAYERS GETS PUNISHED INSTEAD) They are also able to DOWNLOAD server files such as the SERVER.CFG containing the RCON. (Yes, the server was messed up, people were super admins and other BattlEye stuff). We changed ALL passwords, only to notice that the server owner were globally banned after connecting to his own server. Coincidence? I think not. I'll keep on playing as usual, but if I recieve a global ban, I am FORCED to use 3rd party programs to play the game I purchased. LINKS: PEOPLE GETTING BANNED PT.1 PEOPLE GETTING BANNED PT.2 SERVER/CLIENT FILE DOWNLOADING TOOL Link removed, we do not allow linking to cheating websites! I recommend you stop spreading these links and tools right now, else you end up being banned here as well! Edited August 9, 2012 by W0lle Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 9, 2012 And 2 of the 4 links you posted are related to DayZ. Interesting isn't it? How many "normal" ArmA2 players are hit by this. No, before you come up with any false assumptions, I'm not ranting against DayZ but obviously there the most hackers and cheaters are gathering these days because they suck and the game is too hard for them. From all the cheaters I run into the past weeks and months, all were cheating at DayZ. Yes, the server was messed up, people were super admins and other BattlEye stuff That's surely not a problem of BattlEye but the failure of the server admin. If I have no knowledge how to run and administrate a server I better leave that to someone with the knowledge. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
call_911 10 Posted August 9, 2012 Because BE fails to stop most determined hackers. Open source=script hacks etcs.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rinsa 1 Posted August 9, 2012 And 2 of the 4 links you posted are related to DayZ. Interesting isn't it? How many "normal" ArmA2 players are hit by this.No, before you come up with any false assumptions, I'm not ranting against DayZ but obviously there the most hackers and cheaters are gathering these days because they suck and the game is too hard for them. From all the cheaters I run into the past weeks and months, all were cheating at DayZ. That's surely not a problem of BattlEye but the failure of the server admin. If I have no knowledge how to run and administrate a server I better leave that to someone with the knowledge. :) I've been saying things too quickly about BattlEye and I'm sorry. You're shooting yourself in the foot by saying this. The more people there is on a game, the more likely there will be hackers/cheaters. Same thing with Windows/Linux/Mac. See the point ? If the explanation is about hackers allowed to spoof the GUID, then BattlEye have failed. No system is foolproof (same for other anticheats I guess) BE can permanently or temporarily ban players from your server. The advantage over ArmA 2's PID banning is that the BE GUID cannot be hacked/changed client-side, therefore the only way for a player to get unbanned is to buy a new game/cd-key. BattlEye still needs to be improved on this point.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eddieck 10 Posted August 9, 2012 Hackers have the capability to retrieve other players GUID's and use them instead of their own, therefore allowing them to cheat without getting punished personally.(OTHER PLAYERS GETS PUNISHED INSTEAD) This is a claim that is constantly made, yet nobody has offered up any actual evidence to support this. Read this document for information on why GUID spoofing isn't possible. Because BE fails to stop most determined hackers. Open source=script hacks etcs.... Script hacks and signature check exploits are BIS's problem, not BE's. BE handles external app hacks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4084 Posted August 9, 2012 Most if not all servers you see in MP are run by individual players that rent or own a server. The admins of these server can configure their server in the server.cfg to have battleye running, and other security verification settings. such settings as: kickduplicate = 1; Does not allow duplicate game ids. Second player with an existing ID will be kicked automatically. verifySignatures = 2; Addon signatures are a way to reduce cheating in Armed Assault. They are used to detect data files modified by anyone else but the addon creator. They are based on strong cryptographic principles (private/public key pairs), therefore hacking around them is very hard. Addon is signed by its creator using a private key, while the public key is used by the game to verify that the addon has not been modified. BattlEye=1; Enables or disables the BattlEye anti-cheat engine. Server side scripting: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Server_Side_Scripting doubleIdDetected = "command"; onUserConnected = "command"; onUserDisconnected = "command"; onHackedData = "command"; onDifferentData = "command"; onUnsignedData = "command"; regularCheck = "command"; requiredBuild=xxxxx; From 1.60 Patchlog: requiredBuild=xxxxx; in server.cfg preventing obsolete clients to connect. Since 95691 the required version is limited to the server version. ================ There are alot of things a server admin can do to protect their server. Some codes that should not be used if not configured correctly will boot or kick a non cheating player. So overall it has nothing to really with BIS, as the admins are all responsible for their own servers, BIS provided all these security measures which do work but if admins dont use them then its their own fault. As for the point that Battleye needs to be improved then contact battleye themselves and report any issues you think you have found that is possibly making you think that battleye is not working as it should. http://www.battleye.com/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
W0lle 1052 Posted August 10, 2012 Good points Günter, very good points actually. ;) I presume that some admins prefer not to use above security settings because they are afraid not getting enough players. But as you said, if l33t h4x0rs then join their party it's entirely their fault. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted August 10, 2012 BattlEye is real anticheat, some us remember times when there was no PunkBuster, VAC, HackShield, GameGuard etc :) this thread is closed for nonsense Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted August 10, 2012 (edited) BTW, if you buy your key from somewhere dodgy that sells the same key to multiple people, it's quite possible that one of the other people buying the same key is the one who cheated and got the key banned, that's not a flaw in Battleye, that's a flaw in the seller ripping people off and the buyer looking for a cheap "bargain", example all people buying from Plati.ru There's a reason we say don't buy from CD Key sellers and there's a reason we refuse to support anyone who does so. It's funny that the people complaining most about Battleye, about these supposed global bans for no reason are people who joined less than 3 months ago and have less than 5 posts usually... I am FORCED to use 3rd party programs to play the game I purchased. Just a slight correction here, you are not forced to use Battleye, it's a voluntary install and you can choose to play on non-Battleye protected servers. Edited August 10, 2012 by Placebo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites