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Online cheats

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I was half kidding...

You are a good player. You have surround sound. It helps you locate people. But when you use an exploit like the sound bug to hear someone from a km away is not the way the game was meant to be played.

Oh well. I still have a good time.

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it's not cheating at all if it's in the game it's in the game what if know onw heard a sound you would have no clue where to get in the action they should shorten the distance you can hear foot steps & heavy breathing and leave gun fire able to hear at far distances but no matter to me i like hearing shit makes for a good hunt biggrin.gif

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Cheating will never bother OFP because the cheats are easy to catch. Besides, if i think any1 is cheating, i just put on a coop map, die, and spectate the guy and watch for anything unusual.

Besides ofp isnt like Cs, its more like TFC where cheats hardly do much to change a game.

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If you do something that is available to anyone, I'd call it a technique. If you exploit a bug that only affects only a subset of the hardware/software out there, I call it a cheat.

Using third-person views (if permitted by the host) is something that can't be done in Real Life, but anyone has the option of doing so -- it's a technique. Exploiting the EAX sound bug can only be done on some systems, and givess you an unfair advantage -- it's a cheat.

I wonder if you would still think it is a fair thing to do if everyone BUT you has the option to hear other players from a long distance away.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ June 23 2002,22:27)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Harnu @ June 23 2002,20:51)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I neglected to mention I used cheats as defense.  Against cheaters.<span id='postcolor'>

That's one of the most pathetic excuses I've heard.<span id='postcolor'>

Guns dont kill people. I kill people. With my guns. That I have to protect me from other people. Who have guns.


Btw Harnu, we dont smile upon people who have cheated in the past, present, future, or at any metaphysically determinable temporal point in history. We fight fair, and we dont want anyone within 3 and a half miles of us who doesnt.

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if its a bug then why cant BIZ fix it

going by that point a view then using 1600x1200x32 res mode is cheating, cause it's not avaible for 60+ of the gamers out there.

In the mean time when a rookie complains I should not beable to kill him 2 miles away with a AK I'll just shake my head and say I must be cheating

Whiners suck ass more then cheaters do

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Suma has already explained the nature of the footsteps problem -- it is a non-compliant implementation of sound ramping by Creative Labs.

However, they have addressed the problem with V1.60, and I assume this workaround is also in Resistance. So I'm sorry Mal, you will soon have to learn to play on a level playing field.

Regarding your example of playing at high resolutions, you see the same things as other people, albeit with more detail, whereas the footsteps bug lets you detect people on the other side of a hill or building, which those without the footsteps bug can't do. I can't help you if you can't see the difference between these two issues.

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Wow, the good ole' Mal's back.

And still not progressive in any way.

I thought, after getting a lot of hits by all those

forum members, you were hiding there in the trees of CAN  biggrin.gif

You still seem to be proud of your "super hardware", to

shout out what you have.

OK, no flame war, no offence anymore.

At one point, Mal is right this time:

If he efforts more money for his performance, he should

also be able to use it.

See it this way, a soldier with a big money account goes

to the face chirurg, and makes a change to his face so that

he gets a natural cammourflage (why not)

Then he goes to the ear-doctor and enables a better hearing

(why not).

Wether it's a bug or not, it's available and it's also open

to all (compare it with 56k'ers and beyond).

~S~ CD

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Ive seen the foot steps on most snd cards, the Onboards on most Asus will still allow it

tell the guys who I drop from two miles away how I did NOT cheat when I used a AK47/bizon/hk, they're really sure I was cheating

Dead guy: "there is no way to even see me at that distance"

Mad Cow: "yeaa sure buddy"

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (DV Chris Death @ June 26 2002,22:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Wether it's a bug or not, it's available and it's also open

to all (compare it with 56k'ers and beyond).

~S~ CD<span id='postcolor'>

I still laugh over 56kers that swear to god the shot you 1st - "YOU ARE CHEATING"

there are way to many "ifs" in MP.

Lets face is HIGH RES MODE is now cheating

Getting back to the snd issue, did you guys notice that kegteys winter maps had a LACK of foot falls, still the same snd drivers, more like a game issue then any thing else

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I have that bug because i have a Sounblaster card, but it's fixed in 1.6, i have not used the ability to hear for miles for ages, mainly because i have been involved in clan matches. That way i have no more or no less advantage than i need, if someone else is using it while we match then fair play to them, it's available, you don't have to alter anything so in my book it's not a cheat. But there is one thing out there that could potentially ruin this game, sorry but i'm not gonna tell you, i have emailed BIS about it, so hopefully they can do something about it. Another one i have heard bandied about is a cable cheat, dunno wtf it is, but it's out there.......ps Malboeuf i hope you can still play when you lose the EAX bug biggrin.gif , thats why i stopped using it, i realised that one day they are going to fix it, so i needed to learn to do without it......

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RN Malboeuf @ June 27 2002,03wow.gif)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">tell the guys who I drop from two miles away how I did NOT cheat when I used a AK47/bizon/hk, they're really sure I was cheating

Dead guy: "there is no way to even see me at that distance"

Mad Cow: "yeaa sure buddy"<span id='postcolor'>

LMAO. I’ve never heard so much BS in all my life. Malboeuf, this forum can always rely on you to keep us amused with your amazing talent and tales of greatness.

Can you hear us all ROFL with you bionic ears? biggrin.gif

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stick to the discussion and stop flaming

Like I said, to many ppl crying this or that is a cheat kills the game, regardless of sound levels I have never lost a one on one regardless of sound card or the distance I can hear.

Tactics go farther then simple hearing

care to have a go. we're having a 2vs2 tourney very soon

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Mal, I dont think that using the eax is cheating, but I agree that it gives u a huge advantage: I introduce this guys to ofp and his game was affected from the bug, I thought that it was fixed already but it wasnt. We had an mp game and I was able to PINPOINT direction of enemies. I always knew when some1 was coming for me. I told my friend to disable eax bcuz if they'd fix it he would find himself in trouble. Is it expoiting a feature: yes

is it cheating NO

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Mal's "cheating" is worse than my invisible face idea.

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MAlBOEUF contact me at hk@dvsquad.com................nobody called you a cheat once, just contact me at that email, i find it VERY hard to believe that you can hit a target at that range, no matter what resolution you are running.........prove me wrong.........IF you can let me know what monitor and graphics card you have I GOTTA GET THEM................


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (RN Malboeuf @ June 27 2002,23:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">stick to the discussion and stop flaming

Like I said, to many ppl crying this or that is a cheat kills the game, regardless of sound levels I have never lost a one on one regardless of sound card or the distance I can hear.

Tactics go farther then simple hearing

care to have a go. we're having a 2vs2 tourney very soon<span id='postcolor'>

Mal. I am not trying to flame u m8, but your stories are so far fetched I had to reply.

So what if you can hear ppl miles away, that’s possible and I wouldn’t consider it cheating or doubt you can do it. All I’m saying is that NO WAY can you drop someone with ONE shot at distances OVER one mile (1.61KM).

1. I’ve tried hitting targets with an AK at a mile + and found that I needed to aim well over the targets head and thereby completely obscuring the target with the sight post. I’m not sure how accurate bullet trajectory is reproduced in OFP – anyone?

2. To be able to see a target at 2 miles you would need the command "SetViewDistance 3200" added to the mission by the map maker to enable viewing at that distance. I don't care how good you think your pc is pal, that would cause all sorts of lag problems. The default view distance for all maps is about 900 meters.

So, if you dropped me from a range of two miles I WOULD call you a CHEAT. I don't believe that is at all possible. If you did it with an AK at 800m I would praise your marksmanship.

I too have a s**t hot games pc, but I can't be bothered to tell everyone the spec. Not that ppl really care.

Have a nice day. smile.gif

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Anyone who relies on his machine that much is obviously lacking some fundamental skills. As for Mal, he is obviously overstating his OFP skills somewhat. the rest of you, you would do well to start taking his posts with a grain of salt

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TEX m8 believe me i do take it with a bucket of salt never mind a grain biggrin.gif, thats why i wanted to see it in person, but alas no email so i could arrange to see it happen, am i surprised......NO.

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