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Why am I getting fps lag while I play ARMA 2

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Hey guys, I keep getting fps lag on ARMA 2 on minimal settings and I don't know why, this is my setup.

GFX: AMD Radeon HD 6870


RAM: 3070 Mb


AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 6000+ 3.10 Ghz

Any help?

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Hi Welcome to Bis forums!

What are you playing where you are experiencing this lag?

Have you checked the following:

any registry errors?

defragged your HD lately

gpu overheating?

Whats your PSU?

any services running in the background, antivirus doing a scan while you are playing?

You have post processing on, and or shadows?

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If I understand well how the thing is working, video settings on low means that most of the video rendering is done by the CPU, because you tell the game you have "low" video.

In your case as your GPU is far ahead your CPU -Arma2 wise- try to play with settings on "normal" , disable "post-processing" and use a 1500m view distance.

I have answered here to help you as you seem to be a newbie - welcome :cool: -, but I will suggest to post such question in the troubleshooting section of the forums.

Edited by Old Bear

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Also check your Task Manager. Close/Kill anything you don't need. Memory hogs such as WSearch will definitely cause you to lag when they are running.

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If I understand well how the thing is working, video settings on low means that most of the video rendering is done by the CPU, because you tell the game you have "low" video.

In your case as your GPU is far ahead your CPU -Arma2 wise- try to play with settings on "normal" , disable "post-processing" and use a 1500m view distance.

I have answered here to help you as you seem to be a newbie - welcome :cool: -, but I will suggest to post such question in the troubleshooting section of the forums.

I've done all that, when I played just earlier the lowest I got was 10fps average of 15 and maximum was 21 fps.

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I don't know how to fix it. I can play Dead Island on maximum running very smoothly aswell as Crisis 2 on High running smooth.

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I've done all that, when I played just earlier the lowest I got was 10fps average of 15 and maximum was 21 fps.

That is pretty normal for a dualcore. If you want to play ArmA II without lag than you need to upgrade your system there's no way around that. My dualcore broke down a few weeks ago and I got me a new i7 3370 K. Now I run ArmA II without lag on high settings on even very demanding missions. If you want to run ArmA without lag you need to buy a new rig. I'm telling you from experience it is a complete different game. ArmA is very CPU hungry even though the clock speed of your processor isn't that bad, but Dual cores are Stoneage. There are some threads around here to tweak performance. Do a search . . . the search button is your best friend here on this forum.

welcome :welcome:

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