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Herbal Influence

What happens in Luxemburg ?

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There is since a few weeks an absolutely unproportional amount of gamers from Luxemburg online ... half of the population during the day !!! :mad::o: :cool:


For example: At the moment there are

Us US 4877.0 (32%)

De DE 3600.0 (23%)

Lu LU 1891.0 (12%)

Ru RU 1238.0 (8%)

Fr FR 910.0 (6%)

Gb GB 803.0 (5%)

Se SE 378.0 (2%)

Au AU 309.0 (2%)

No NO 243.0 (1%)

Nl NL 204.0 (1%)

Nz NZ 204.0 (1%)

Ca CA 72.0 (0%)

Jp JP 58.0 (0%)

If you know that the population is only 511.840 and the US with about 311 Mio and Germany with about a 82 Mio. people??!!

Well, I know, that a lot of the wealth of Luxembourg is from dealing with money. And maybe money works itself without a need to watch it working ... but ...... :j:

In other words, if you compare it with Germany (2x the number of gamers), Luxemburg should have 41 Mio inhabitants and not 0,5 Mio !!

Anybody knows the answer??! Maybe a lot of servers in Luxembourg?

Edited by Herbal Influence

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They are training, cause in Luxemburg there're a chimical weapon that will put the world in a zombie apocalypse :P

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1891 gamers are only roughly 0.3% of the population of 511 840, not half. :confused: But yes, there are a lot of Arma players from Luxembourg compared to other European countries, which is interesting.

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This is showing server location, not player location. My server, for example is in Germany, but I'm not.

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This is showing server location, not player location. My server, for example is in Germany, but I'm not.

It says: "Server / Player distribution by Country" in the title and the server distribution is given additionally, as you can see. So if not Swec is cheating it is exact about both: Gamers and servers location.

I showed only the gamers location given by Swec.

Edited by Herbal Influence

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The link wasn't working when I first posted.

You'd probably expect the % of players and servers to be the same in a given country, but in Luxembourg, they aren't. It's quite a small country with a relatively high cost of living. Perhaps players there prefer to rent their servers from elsewhere, mostly France, it would seem.

But I still wonder about the data. When I play on my own server, do I show up as being at home in the UK or at the same place as my server.

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Yeah. Merkel will be the new President of Greece soon.

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Maybe vilayer is good but is it any better than other serverhosters? There are many others ... in Germany, Netherlands, France, Belgium ... nearby.

And: It's about the extraordinary number of gamers!

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Just because a server is flagged as LU doesn't mean that there are people from Luxembourg playing on it... (and nothing has changed in Luxembourg, I live near LU :D)

Many people from the EU rent servers in Germany but no german plays on them...


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Exactly what I said earlier. My server is in Germany, but we rarely have German players on it.

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The statistic data obviously make an exact difference between the place of the server and the gamer.

Which is easy because of the IPs.

Its about gamers in LU not servers.

The streets MUST be empty ... it's 15 o'clock and 1300 citoyen are gaming ...

And another question from the statistics here: Why is it always at this time that the USA has the same amount of gamers online as Germany?

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Nope, as others said before me, this is about servers from Luxembourg, WITH players on it. Not Luxembourg players.

There's no public/supported way to retrieve the IP's (/countries) of players from outside the server.

It is possible if the stats site has BattlEye RCON access to all the servers (which it pretty sure doesn't have), or by running some utility on each server (which it pretty sure doesn't have either).

The distinguishment between servers and players is to show how populated servers are in a country compared to amount of servers, compared to other countries.

The LU stats are saying that there are e.g

1295 players, playing on 56 servers that are hosted in LU.

Edited by Sickboy

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Nope, as others said before me, this is about servers from Luxembourg, WITH players on it. Not Luxembourg players.

There's no public/supported way to retrieve the IP's (/countries) of players from outside the server.

Thank you, SB. :)

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