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Ghost (Ghost Recon WIP Character)

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(lower quality below because of filesize)





Ghosts are something I've wanted to have in ArmA for a long time.

Mostly looking for comments and criticism. Be harsh if you want to.

Everything is heavy WIP.

I have no idea when this'll get finished. Maybe for ArmA3 at best.

Edited by AlexVestin

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The model looks good, but I've got a couple of questions:

1. Did you create this from scratch? I ask because of the pose it's in. If so, then you should be aware of how to copy your weighting over from whatever 3d software you'e using...I'm sure you already know that though.

2. If you're planning this for Arma3, are you building it with the customization aspect of the game in mind? Remember that you can change the player's clothes and gear in the new game, and we're not quite sure how models should be configured for that yet.

Still, I'm looking forward to your progress!


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The model looks good, but I've got a couple of questions:

1. Did you create this from scratch? I ask because of the pose it's in. If so, then you should be aware of how to copy your weighting over from whatever 3d software you'e using...I'm sure you already know that though.

2. If you're planning this for Arma3, are you building it with the customization aspect of the game in mind? Remember that you can change the player's clothes and gear in the new game, and we're not quite sure how models should be configured for that yet.

Still, I'm looking forward to your progress!


Yeah. It is all from scratch, no porting/ripping/stealing. I've used the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Intro as a reference.

I haven't done much weighting in 3ds max, but I know the point of it all. Can I keep weighting from max when exporting to oxygen?

I've kept it quite modular. Can be used w/o the belt with just a normalwaist underneath instead. Pockets could be re-aranged and replaced by something more fitting.

Most armor except the vest can be hidden.If it turns out you need geometry under the vest too, then that can be done fixed later. I have the shirt modeled too.

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nice model for a creation from scratch, are you planing to make them multicam only, or more version ( ARPAT, multicam and A-TACS ) ?

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Just to share some ressources with you Alex. I talked with a friend of mine from the states that could provide me with some modelingshots from the latest GR entry, future soldier. PM me if you are interisted in them.

Aside from that, very good idea to go next century already.

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Can I keep weighting from max when exporting to oxygen?

From what I've seen, this can only be done with Modo so far. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one, though.

Keep it up!


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Glad to hear you made it entirely from the ground up. Always good to see original work.

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Glad to hear you made it entirely from the ground up. Always good to see original work.

Seems to be the only way to go around here! (understandable)

From what I've seen, this can only be done with Modo so far. I'd be happy to be proven wrong on this one, though.

Keep it up!


There is that one 3ds max tool/script/plugin that you can use instead of oxygen. Never used it ,though.

Just to share some ressources with you Alex. I talked with a friend of mine from the states that could provide me with some modelingshots from the latest GR entry, future soldier. PM me if you are interisted in them.

Aside from that, very good idea to go next century already.

Wouldn't hurt at all, if it isn't too much hassle for you. Could be interesting to see their topology and ways of making proportions.

I will probably not go into future stealth/super-thermal/invisible/autoaim/other lolz technology here that'll surely exist on those models. Only existing technology. More or less.

nice model for a creation from scratch, are you planing to make them multicam only, or more version ( ARPAT, multicam and A-TACS ) ?

Multicam would probably be the most authentic way to go with this body armor. As Crye Precision is the designer of the "Gen1 Cage armor" (I'm quite sure?).

More camos are easy to make, though. Altough I'll probably be focusing on the multicam first. Don't worry. When this get's done, I'll make ALL the camos.

Only have to get it done first..

(Notice the waist in the pic below. No belt or crotch protection)


Not sure what these packs are called. Anyone?

It's a small pack. I've only got molle pouches attached to the sides of it.


Current gear, and what's been UVW'ed so far of it. Rest is WIP.

Edited by AlexVestin

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Eagle Industries Modular Assault Pack


Atleast that's what it looks like.

Project is looking good mate.

Exactly the one I was looking for, and thank you!

Maybe this can be usefull, information about the charakters and the gear (pictures): http://ghostrecon.wikia.com/wiki/Ghost_Recon_Wiki

Thank you =)

(Different versions: Light, Medium, Heavy)




Another thing:

Is it accepted to take one of BIS weapon models, reskin it, and release it here?

The XM8 is mainly what I'm talking about. I've tried to get some help before in reskinning a rifle, but I couldn't get the config to work.

I'll probably look through that thread again.

It has become one of the Ghosts iconic rifles. Would be sweet if I could make some of them rifles with the GR camo too.

Edited by AlexVestin

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So you wanted to work these models into A2 afterall :p Should be interesting to follow. Shout on samstudios if you need any swedish help implementing it ;) I think weighting is still probably best done in O2. Not so hard when you get the hang of it. The released character-mlods are great for base and reference.

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I have no idea when this'll get finished. Maybe for ArmA3 at best.

I've liked everything I've seen so far, except for that last line, especially the words "...for ArmA3 at best."

Please, especially in light of the Ghost Recon missions that have been lovingly made for ArmA 2, do whatever you can to also release it for ArmA 2. I have no doubts that a ton of players are still going to keep ArmA 2 on their hard drives when ArmA 3 comes out, and I'm sure that these models will find a lot of usage in ArmA 2 (I know that I would certainly use it!).

If it sounds like I'm begging, that's because I am. :)

If you want another superb source for visual reference, check out the official live action film, available here:

Again, don't forget about us ArmA 2'ers yet!

Thanks for sharing your hard work, I wish the best with your endeavors on this worthwhile project! :bounce3:

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Awesome,love the graw series not too into the new future soldier though. I was wondering if anyone would attempt this great job man.

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Exactly the one I was looking for, and thank you!

Thank you =)

(Different versions: Light, Medium, Heavy)




Another thing:

Is it accepted to take one of BIS weapon models, reskin it, and release it here?

The XM8 is mainly what I'm talking about. I've tried to get some help before in reskinning a rifle, but I couldn't get the config to work.

I'll probably look through that thread again.

It has become one of the Ghosts iconic rifles. Would be sweet if I could make some of them rifles with the GR camo too.

Really looking forward to this, for ArmA3 even moreso than ArmA2.

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Besides these characters have in mind to develop even those of ghost recon future soldier?

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Hey, don't forget to check out MilitaryMorons. They've got all the Crye gear featured on their website, Gen1 - Gen3 stuff. What you're looking for is Gen1 Crye Armor and Combat Apparel.

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So you wanted to work these models into A2 afterall :p Should be interesting to follow. Shout on samstudios if you need any swedish help implementing it ;) I think weighting is still probably best done in O2. Not so hard when you get the hang of it. The released character-mlods are great for base and reference.

Thought I'd show it here atleast!

I've liked everything I've seen so far, except for that last line, especially the words "...for ArmA3 at best."

I have a tendancy to work really slow or just abandon it for weeks!

Besides these characters have in mind to develop even those of ghost recon future soldier?

That won't happen. Those are just bulletproof fuse-boxes. With that ugly cloth in their face, making them look quite silly.

What I've got is Crye Gen1 gear that mostly exists.

Hey, don't forget to check out MilitaryMorons. They've got all the Crye gear featured on their website, Gen1 - Gen3 stuff. What you're looking for is Gen1 Crye Armor and Combat Apparel.

Great link, ty!

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looks awesome! can't wait to see everything textured

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Thought I'd show it here atleast!

I have a tendancy to work really slow or just abandon it for weeks!

That won't happen. Those are just bulletproof fuse-boxes. With that ugly cloth in their face, making them look quite silly.

What I've got is Crye Gen1 gear that mostly exists.

Great link, ty!

Will you be doing just GRAW1 Ghosts or will you consider GRAW2 Ghosts also? They're basically the same, but CPT Mitchell has a different helmet.

EDIT: And here's the specific Crye Precision page (4 pages in all) of that website:


Edited by antoineflemming

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Just found this, really awesome looking. I will be very much keeping an eye on this.

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