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Remove Dayz servers from the list

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Hi all,

Is there any way to remove dayz servers from the list in arma 2 oa without removing all the servers using mods ?

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Not an easy way working right now that I know of.

As much as I like the occassional DayZ, it would be nice to be able to do it when I want to find some public coop or other servers I can't search for by name.

Two suggestions how this could be done by BIS or Rocket:

1) This is easier, petition Rocket to change Mission Type in his mod from Coop to some Other (perhaps "DayZ"), so you could filter servers by Coop if possible (still would not get Coop and CTI onscreen at once but not a big deal). Would require a new DayZ mission file to propagate to all the servers (or wherever is the mission type stored). Then you could filter by Mission Type for e.g. Coop and DayZ would not show in it (seriously - DayZ is coop? The second most time I was killed was by player due to my carelessness - once I got more careful and crawled, the most time I died it was crawling under a tree and killed by colliding with the tree geometry bug)

2) BIS would have to rewrite Multiplayer Browser in new beta to allow search to use NOT operand, as in filter by server name NOT DayZ. With current popularity of DayZ, this would be nice to have at least in the full 1.61 patch when it comes.

In the meantime, or if nothing like that happens, a somewhat clunky solution is to use an online arma server browser, at least one allowed NOT operands, find the server you want there, and then filter by server name ingame. Or if SixUpdater supports NOT operands in its own server list, you could connect to the server directly from SixUpdater (which is an excellent mod downloader/manager/server browser all in one).

Edited by fraczek

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Good god I just posted this same thing not 10 minutes ago.

Thanks for the info.

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You can also filter out the server list if you have Six Launcher. You can use the arrow keys to filter which mod to use and stuff. Right now I see that you can set it to filter for DayZ, Vanilla, ACE, CWR2, and I44.

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Filter the other 3 missions people play nowadays Domination, Insurgency or Warfare ;)

and when you've found a server, filter its name next time round

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You can also filter out the server list if you have Six Launcher. You can use the arrow keys to filter which mod to use and stuff. Right now I see that you can set it to filter for DayZ, Vanilla, ACE, CWR2, and I44.
Also the Server Browser in the Six Updater has advanced filtering options, incl Mod, Mission, World etc. For mod filtering, right click a mod in the Mods datagrid, and select "Find servers with Mod"

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