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The lighting effects in the game and their impact on player ability to discern details is awesome. But wearing sunglasses would largely negate such effects. Sunglasses should be a wearable item in the game and reduce glare and over contrast when sun is at low angles.

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I believe ACE2 does something sort of similar to this. I don't believe that eyewear in that game can do the exact function you're looking for, but certain items can change the way certain things affect you when you take them on and off.

For example, sunglasses help protect you from flash grenades, while a gasmask protects you from tear gas and the like. You can take eyewear on and off at will in ACE, so you might want to give it a look. This isn't something BIS will ever be implementing in ArmA2.

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Okay, nice to know. To use eyewear, you need to take some from a gear box or something like that, and it should appear in the same inventory slots that your compass, map, and other general utility things use. Then use the self-interaction button (left windows key for me) to take them on and off as you wish.

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The only bad thing about sunglasses in ACE is that they don't really reduce any of the glare/lens flare effects in the game, but rather just kind of dim/discolor everything depending on which ones you pick.

I'd love to see some actual, functional sunglasses in ArmA 2 or (more likely) ArmA 3.

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Reducing the glare and over contrast to me is the whole point. Guess it don't exist yet then.

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There are glare remover mods, so I wonder if you could just make them kick in while wearing the right eyegear.

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If you could that would make for some nice glasses, although it would be nice if they had something like the tactical glasses which had the same affect.

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One way might be to apply some of the new tonemapping commands when the glasses are worn. settonemapping "filmic" basically makes the visuals look like they are seen through polaroids.

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yes this would be a great idea!

We have coloured sunglasses and mirrored ones.. all could apply some differnet tone mappings / contrast settings. As normally without glasses contrast and sharpness isnt that high (even for normal people who dont need to wear glasses).

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With ACE the yellow tactical glasses actually already give you a little more contrast in low light situations, and hence better vision.. so changing visuals based on type of glasses is very well possible..

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