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Best sound mod?

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What is the best sound mod out there? Just looking for a sound mod that gives me the most realistic experience.

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Best sound mod to me is a personal taste thing, any mod can sound realistic if you like how it sounds, some mods

dont sound good to me at all whereas others sound ausome, so its a personal thing you have to discover.

Go over to Armaholic to the sound mod section-->http://www.armaholic.com/list.php?c=arma2_oa_files_addons_soundmods

and test between J.S.R.S. RWS,HIFI, these are the major ones, but there are many others.

If your interested I could give you a compilation sound mod I built that has a combo of all three of these mods J.S.R.S. RWS,HIFI.

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It's all down to taste. If you don't mind some weak 5.56/5.45 weapon sounds, ACE_SM is pretty good. A lot of people dislike their weapon sounds, but their explosions and vehicle weapons are probably the best there is, with plenty of unique little additions like rotating vehicle turret and artillery sounds.

On my own time, I use a mix of (mostly) JSRS and ACE_SM, with just a little bit of RWS thrown in. The latter two have the best sonic snaps in my opinion.

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Yeah, it is mostly personal taste. Another thing to consider though is how well made the mod is - as in does it fill the debug log with errors etc. Some of them are quite bad in that department. JSRS is fine, as is ACEX_SM. Those two are my favourite.

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Thanks. I'm trying out the JSRS.. So far it's decent, but the explosions sound like little firecrackers. I blew up a truck and all I could think of was baby firecrackers. lol

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Try my sound mod compilation, its the only sound mod I play with, it has Jsrs in it but a previous version has better explosion sounds.

If you want it then send me a pm.

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