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Server queue system

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Is it possible to add one to the server browser? Joining dayz servers that are always full would become so much easier and simpler rather than just smashing the enter hoping you will get in someday.

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Six Updater now has a server queuing system. Probably inspired by the popularity of DayZ!

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That's great that six updater has it, but I/We would like all the players be put in queue not only the ones using Six.

If you are in queue from a separate program u can wait forever.

Created a ticked for it today:


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Arma 2 definately needs this, as does arma 3. Day Z popularity has shown how poorly arma servers handle influx of players. A que system is civilised and rewards the patient, not the one with fastest finger, which is what arma is all about isn't it?

This would cut down on server traffic as u wld no longer have people spamming to get in.

Other games have this, arma needs it badly. Do the British thing and que like gentlemen :-)

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+1 for this. A queue system would be better for everyone - server admins and players.

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