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Problem in the sights and shooting

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Glued to the wall?

Is to fix this?

If you will change the laws of physics in real life - I'm sure developers will be more than happy to make adjustments.

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OP, you do know bullets are fired from the barrel of a gun not from the middle of your eyes, right?

Of course they will hit a wall if you are pointing your barrel at it.


or I dont understand the OP

make screenshots

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Use your iron sights and not your crosshair, then try again.

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Oh, I see what you're talking about. You're talking about the crosshairs, not the sight.

The crosshairs are zeroed at some distance, 30m or something. Here is a diagram of your problem:


It's intended behaviour, so there's no fixing it. The closer the target is to the range the crosshair is set for, the more accurate your shots will be.

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Correct. In ArmA, the bullet actually comes out of the rifle, not the crosshair. You need to actually look down the sights of your rifle to get an accurate shot.

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Aim in first person, or at a wall in front of you, not at the ground.

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Correct. In ArmA, the bullet actually comes out of the rifle, not the crosshair. You need to actually look down the sights of your rifle to get an accurate shot.

It'll be the same. If I put the gun from scratch, it will go a little below. In first person, too. Added more screens. Look!

---------- Post added at 01:44 ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 ----------

Aim in first person, or at a wall in front of you, not at the ground.

It'll be the same. If I put the gun from scratch, it will go a little below. In first person, too. Added more screens. Look!

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None of your screens are in first person. Make a few in first person and show us.

---------- Post added at 19:52 ---------- Previous post was at 19:50 ----------

Even in first person it may appear to be off, because the bullet will come out of the barrel of the gun, not the crosshair.

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Perhaps your new screenshots aren't public, or did you forget to upload them?

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Oh, I see what you're talking about. You're talking about the crosshairs, not the sight.

The crosshairs are zeroed at some distance, 30m or something. Here is a diagram of your problem:


It's intended behaviour, so there's no fixing it. The closer the target is to the range the crosshair is set for, the more accurate your shots will be.

This means that a picture 4m wall, for example, will come under the shot, but will leave the target even 30 m?

---------- Post added at 05:25 ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 ----------

Perhaps your new screenshots aren't public, or did you forget to upload them?

Upgrade. http://steamcommunity.com/id/danielabrantes/screenshots/

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By the screenshots, your game is working properly.

Edited by Max Power

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I don't know what more I can really do to explain the phenomenon of parralax other than to suggest that that is why rifle sights are so close to the barrel, and not floating up some ways over your head, or on an arm that comes up from the rifle to your face. Your game is working properly, and the phenomenon you're experiencing is explained in the diagram I drew for you this morning.

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Come on, OP, is it this hard to understand?

Bullet needs time to reach the point ironsights are pointing at since they are zeroed to 200-300m out which is the only place when the bullet will be where they are pointing at.

This is how it is with real guns.

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Stop shooting walls and go shoot at something father than an arm's length away!

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I notice that when I am just Zooming in without using the iron sights, the bullets will hit right where the line on the crosshair is (before bullet drop). However, shooting the same range while Iron Sighted and Holding Breath, the bullets will almost never hit where I am looking at. They land in the range of the scope, but never anywhere near the center. I no longer bother with sniper rifles because of this. I can only seem to hit where I am aiming when firing from the hip, and you can't zoom in fully with a sniper rifle firing like that.

I am not noticing the angle of the scope and the parabolic nature of the bullet. They are landing in the area I am firing, just not with the same accuracy as they do when not looking directly down the sights of the weapon, and this applies to every weapon and every type of sight; be it a 12x scope or a plain iron sight.

Edited by TheCoolSideofthePillow

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I notice that when I am just Zooming in without using the iron sights, the bullets will hit right where the line on the crosshair is (before bullet drop). However, shooting the same range while Iron Sighted and Holding Breath, the bullets will almost never hit where I am looking at. They land in the range of the scope, but never anywhere near the center. I no longer bother with sniper rifles because of this. I can only seem to hit where I am aiming when firing from the hip, and you can't zoom in fully with a sniper rifle firing like that.

I am not noticing the angle of the scope and the parabolic nature of the bullet. They are landing in the area I am firing, just not with the same accuracy as they do when not looking directly down the sights of the weapon, and this applies to every weapon and every type of sight; be it a 12x scope or a plain iron sight.

That is not normal behaviour.

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OP, try clicking the right mouse button ;)

Edited by Max Power

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Dont hold your breath (right click) for too long it will actually gets worse, right click for 3-5 sec and shoot. Release and repeat, also rest a bit before sniping after you have been running around for a bit. Shooting while in prone position will give you the most stable firing position than standing.

I have been smacked on my head for shooting on a kneeling position by my trainer last time because i dont want to hurt my body by diving to prone position :p

Edited by gunso

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