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mikie boy

Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

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NEW VERSION 6 RELEASED!!!! - New updates again to fix FOB issue

Not sure if anyone is interested, But between Pelham, myself, and members of the fockers team we have created a new rank based co-op map. No Mods required - OA is required.

Three fold game. Assist locals, attack main targets, identify location of 10 terrorist leaders.

Game designed to promote team play so at present it does not run in Single player.

what to do

Game starts out with the computer randomly identifying villages (from the available 16) which are held by Opfor (terrorists).

Markers on the map either show red or green to identify whether they are controlled or not. Red controlled markers spawn enemy who seek out green markers to control. Left unchecked the whole map could turn red.

Long story short. Attend any red (clear enemy first) or green marker and provide the supplies. Red markers will only turn green when you provide supplies - killing all the enemy will not change the marker's colour.

Do this twice, either at the same location or different locations in order to be provided with a main objective to attack.

Once the main objective is completed - search the towns in order to seize various supplies left behind, which in turn you can then provide to the villages.

From providing supplies and clearing the main objectives - intel markers are obtain to highlight location of terrorist leader - Insurgency intel markers have been used for this as they work well (cheers guys). 10 terrorist leaders in total - only one on a map at any time. kill all ten and mission is complete.

[R3F] arty, logistics, and first aid scripts have been used - massive thanks for these scripts.

Ranks structure has been implemented throughout for weapons and vehicles. This also applies for ordering vehicles. no rank no vehicle!

Loads of other stuff in the game - hope people find it enjoyable.

Its been tested with 5-6 players continuously and no network problems. Not sure how the scripting holds up on a larger scale. However the game is not quickly completed and has been left running for weeks at a time with no real issues.

Basically this game was an end result of a years worth of scripting practice. So in places it may be a bit flaky but some cool stuff in their as well.

Instructions (WORD 2.4mb) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Fockers%20MW%20InstructionsBackUp.docx

Instructions (PDF - not fully updated) http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Fockers_MW_InstructionsBackUp.pdf

4 maps ported...Arma OA is required for Takistan - the rest require both A2 and OA.

Takistan: - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Most%20Wanted%20V.%206%20all%20maps/FockersMostWanted.Takistan.pbo

Duala: - https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Most%20Wanted%20V.%206%20all%20maps/FockersMostWanted.isladuala.pbo


Celle2:- https://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/Most%20Wanted%20V.%206%20all%20maps/FockersMostWanted.Celle2.mbg_celle2.pbo

This game can be un-PBO and transfered to any map as far as i am aware - Simply copy and paste all from the map to new map and copy files across. Arma OA is required as a minimum.

NO mods required. Not tested with any mods but users have been playing with ACE with no issues.

Changelog in the files along with a few lines of known errors.

additional main target missions to be added and smaller side missions to the villages.

Enjoy - feel free to jump on the FOCKERS Server to test it out.

Edited by Mikie boy

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Thanks Mikie ... will take a look mate. Interesting idea :)

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Will upload this to the [RCB] Public server and give this a blast! :cool:

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cheers chaps - much appreciated - any probs running, or working out what is required let me know - still updating it as we go along - so will update a bigger release if anyone shows interest

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Yeah -i like the idea of helping the elders etc..

---------- Post added at 00:55 ---------- Previous post was at 23:17 ----------

Can't belive ppl haven't picked up on this?

Tis like Insurgency but with logistics!

Just a few ideas..

Maybe some help hints in the briefing/notes? (some ppl don't read the pdf etc)

And start porting to all islands :D

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thanks for the feedback - any other feedback would be much appreciated.

ill add the briefing version asap - good idea

I have ported to chernarus. I will add this and a few others hopefully this week or next.

However I designed it so that anyone can simply go into OA, open the map and copy and paste the map contents to a new map. The towns and villages are placed with markers so people can move the towns and villages where they want, so the map can be different depending whose version you play on :)

again - appreciate the feedback guys - and all welcome to test on fockers server

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Thanks Mikie .... hope you got your 'invite' to the other project as well :)

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Think the only thing missing is maybe IED's?

There is reezo's version that is in MSO/Krem's stuff (scripted) or the addon version?


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I'm sure it would be easy to add in, and perhaps would indeed add to some interesting encounters :)

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Indeed Krem, always thought it was an addon,till seen it in use in MSO/your ports!

But wouldn't mind if had to be full addon :cool:

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yeah sure - can add it in and have it so you can turn it on or off?

oh new up date - chaps from Zeus server have noted two things - forgot to remove the quick deletion of enemy - NOW done. And one of the missions left the marker in place - now gone -

DONWLOAD - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/17725328/FockersMostWanted.Takistan.pbo V5.4

NOW with partial briefing :)

Edited by Mikie boy

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Reezo's stuff is simple to put in. Mikie will be able to stick it in - I can lend a hand if needed (but his skillz >> my skillz).

@Mikie - seen tpw's houselights? Lovely for your mission I would think (*cough)

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cool - i should be about this weekend - so i can try and add an extra mission to the main targets, and have a lok at ieds and the houselights script

anyone else with ideas - feel free to add them

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first off thank you so very much for this mission, its bloody amazing!!!!!!!!

NZArmA (my team/squad/clan what ever you like to call it) have just finnished this amazing mission, all up it was running for 50 hours and 25 mins, although actual game play time was prob under half that, we gotta sleep sometime aparently. we all throurghly enjoyed it and thought we should let you know what our experiances were with it and any bugs we found etc, before i start i may have to post a few as some players weent on when we exicuted the last leader (took out all his gards then snuck up on him and all 5 of us that were on at the time put a full clip into him, one had a mk48 so it took a while hahaha)

ok so heres some of the things: (these are all things we incounterd, or thought would make the mission better - were keen mission builders - i played with the pdf open on my other screen so i could read instructions as we played)

at one stage we had 12 players on the mish at once

firstly some times the mission took a while to load in, stuck at recieving for a while

now to the more important ones

ranking, by the end of the mission i was the higest ranking player at captian, after killing the last guy i went up to majior, given that i played the most out of anyone we found it a bit frustrating that captian was the higest achievable in the game (with out hogging all the things etc) the boys also thought that each step to the next rank some times to long, maby even less points eirly on required??

mounted kills, these were a big issue, who ever was flying the chinook got all the kills, friendly or civillian, this realy effected the scores and also frustrated the boys who would take out a whole bunch of targets and the pilot get all the glory (one time i was flying and there was a friendly fire incident with a fob, the gunner accidentaly (all hopped up on cold anf flu meds) put 4000 rounds a min into a friendly fob, i lost 30 points, he was given shit for the rest of the night but thats all, the reverse happned when another gunner took out the terrorist leader and his whole squad, the pilot at the time gained 40-50 points and was promoted to leutenent

bought chopper, at one stage one of the squad bought a lynx, when he jumped in it said he had to be a leutenant to fly it, no problem him and i then went and got our selvs to the rank of leutenant, i was first there jumped in, i needed to be rank of colonal, we figured it may just be that cause he bought it he could fly it at a lower rank (his still said leutenant) so when he was leutenant we exictedly headed over to the wild cat, when he got in "you must be colonal to fly" AHHHHHHHH, esppecial cause the higest useable rank we got was captian! waste of 40 points aswell!

weapons, by captian surly there should be some better heavy assault riflles or weapons in general, the fnfal with the horrible night scope and terrible accuracy was the only 7.62 assault rifle with optics avalible at captian, surly by then some of the mk17's or the dmr even should be avalible, maby just a re shuffle of the weapons and some better ones lower down would be a good idea, the number 1 complaint was that the game sucked untill you got to corpral, then the weapons were at least useable, problem with having to be corporal is that each player has to get there, we found that sharing terror leader kills and doing more support the 1 palyer team work rather than full team work

FAC, we had a few guys play as fac's over the 50 hours, and none of them could call in cas, the had designators and batt's and we followed the few instructions about it in the pdf, tryed every possible way we know of to call in cas but none could do it ( including one of the leutenant boys) maby it just hasent been implemented yet but you mentioned that for things that haddent either in hints or the pdf, so we assumed it would work

town based misssion, the mission that the elder gives you regarding the town you have to find intel and interrogate the civs, on first relese of this mission we found it impossible to do so we just left it off the list and went town to town on the updated version we were getting other missions, fob defence, destroy barracks and radio tower, take out arty etc etc YAY they all worked awesome, then we came to the intel one, we clared the town and interrogated all the civs, some one was a bit exited on a mini gun and killed a few civs so some of the important terrorist intell guys wer dead (loved the hint, hes dead we wont get much off him) we also rummaged through the food and some supplies to and found some intell in some but not otheres (loved that!!!) how ever we couldent turn the town green and complete the side mission, we sercehd the town for an hour every millimetre of it 3 times, the whole area aswell and we couldnt find the last bit of intel, person or supply or item to finsh it, so we left and delt to terrorist leaders and then just went and helped towns to get intel on leaders (there was only 2 left any way)

difficulty, some of us thought that the towns, terror leaders and objective towns could be varied in difficulty, eg some have heaps and tones of guys even mounted things, tanks or uavs or armed pickups, while others have very few (the objective towns were very good at this! the difficulty of some of them were awesome, the harder the better we say!

arty, the arty computer would be great if it could be turned on or off in the prefrences at the start, weather this is possible or not i dont know but seeing as we dont use that arty computer we found it hard to use the arty effectivly

team joining, some times we joined the team and no one was there or we didant apear in the othere lists, yes we clicked the refesh button and still nothing

random locations, after playing a fewtimes (just for the first few leaders) a few of us noticed that the terror leaders were allways in the same places (just apearing at random times) soe thought that could be more random, altho i dont realy care the random spawn pattern was enough for me) and the guy nearist to the base at the start is great, helps getting up a rank quickly!

ied's, would be cool at random places, just to make people stop and think and ad more imersion

this is a small minor idea that was mentioned very eirly on

a save feature would be good, its prob not doable but we were thinkin it would be great to be able to save the mission so that if the server glitched (which ours dosent......much) or you wanted to change mission for a bit or even if you were hosting it off your own pc then you could pich up were you left off

now onto things we thought were great and intresting to encounter, the whole mission was this but i thought id be a bit more spasfic

the loading, towing carrying and moving scripts all worked perfect, no issues at all

continued game play, even when there were no players on the game was active, every time i logged on the frontlines or captured towns were changing (even during game play the terrorists would capture back out towns, a few times we ran into units on the way to there next target while we were doing the same! fantastic!!!

the time ran great to, some times we were fighting at night which realy added more imersion especialy as it became light at a great time too

fob construction and movement was all great

from a server perspective everything worked great! no issues at all

this is a pointless section as there were so many great features of this mission the only down sides are the ones i mentioned befor, and there all fixable you have made a brilliant and varied mission that is great to play realy realy enjoyed it

all of NZArmA thanks you for such a great mission, thank you so much,we hope to see it finnished and play it agian!! with all the things youve planed to implement it should be awesome!

love your work, keep it up!

thanks again


Edited by PSYKO_phoenix

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Cheers Psyko,

That is a full and very useful compilation of feedback. Appreciate you guys trying out the mission, and glad everyone enjoyed it.

In response to some of your questions/issues - and for those reading….

Im adding a parameter at start to change ranking levels - but you can PBO the file and change it yourself if you wish - in rank\ranknew.sqf.

We never played the whole map for as long as you had - so it was a guess to the ranking structure. The chaps at {E-Z} co. & Zeus servers have been playing it a bit so ill see if they have the same problem. - Great to know! But in the mean time - next release ill lower it.

Mounted kills - found this out last night - gunner killed leader and I got blame lol. Think this is Arma coding unless anyone else knows how to change it.

The Purchasing script was working - but I did notice an error this week - ill look into it - but will be moving to a GUI soon, rather than an add action - so be easier.

Yeah - people want better weapons early on - not the only ones to think that - I can add the Opfor weapons, and move one or two down if that helps - If you want to play with the file - its rank\weaponsrank.sqf and rank\weaponsfiller.sqf. Easy to do just move the said gun to the rank you wish.

As for the CAS - it works for us, but you do have to drop the designator when you respawn and pick it up again - some weird stuff. Did you ever have the option to use it and nothing happened? Or there was just no option to use it? Have updated it in the new version as well (download 5.4).

As for the interrogate mission - I think one or two things has happened - the server has deleted the dead guy (which it shouldn’t) or he was trapped in the rubble - this was talked about and now on what you said - I will change how many you have to speak to - but spawn the same amount - that way it should work np.

Arty - [R3F] script - tis a little complicated - but great when in use - but have started to create my own from scratch that will slot in with the mission - just so its easier.

Team joining - yeah - strange happenings with that - Fixing!!! Was my first stab at GUI and groups showing on GUI.

Terror leader should spawn at 15 different locations - will look at that. Maybe add a few more or just delete the locations he has already spawned at. Cheers for that one. Especially as it’s the main objective. -

Saving is only possible in SP - so no can do ïŒ.

As for IEDs, this is currently being added - mentioned by Kremator - seeing how easy it is to add - may just make one from scratch - simplistic version - but suicide bombers have been added just tweaking it to work and when.

A new mission has already been added - and another is in construction starts low - reinforcements - agree with levels of peps in town and this is being addressed. With wave attack on fob - was it too much or too little?

DOWNLOAD from the front page link - updated to V5.4 -

Friendly roaming AI added, few glitches sorted and new mission added.

Again -cheers for the feedback - massive thanks for playing. Ill let you know when V6 will be released.

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This might be me , but host it myself works like a dream pop it on my Dedi serer and the towns do not generate any OPFOR ?

I put a tracker on OPFOR and they do not spawn at Red zones ?

Has this been tested on Dedi server ?

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jump on the focker server and see - dedi server with no spawning probs. dont think anyone else has had that problem. only way i could imagine that this happens is if the groups are over 144 - you can check this on a crate at the base - located just right of the medic tent - let me know how u get on

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Hmmmm no not hit limit in groups as I am talking about the start, waited 5 min got some spawn @ Airbase at top that was all

Ill restart the Dedi Box just in case as no one else reported any issues, as like i said i tested it on my PC as host and all worked great !

BTW love the mission concept ! keep the great work up

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just to check - you are talking about the small towns with markers? the red towns will only have a few, probably 2 -4 at best - there should not be any enemy at the green ones! if that helps any - you using 5.4 version? all feedback is much appreciated- and glad you like it dude. just added a new mission to it - suicide bombers - and now working on the ieds. :)

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OK no idea, restarted Dedi BOX . - yes latest version.

When i test it on hosting myself I get a few OPFOR in the RED zones as expected, just after the start of the mission i.e they spawn into Redzones and work there way to green looking at the tracker, but load the mission onto our DEDI box and i only get a few OPFOR spawn in @ the Airbase at top. no spawns at Red Zones.

I also just tested it running my own dedi from my PC and I get the same results ?

I placed a

player globalchat "spawn OPFOR ";

in the OpforStart.sqf just under the

 if (isServer) then 

just to make sure they was spawning and i never get the message ? - but i do when i host myself - so it is like that code does not run on our Dedi Box ?

If i change the isServer to (TRUE) just to test they all spawn in on Red zones on the Dedi box.

Used this to trackle OPFOR - ini.sqf - execvm "track_units.sqf"; just to track them to make sure.


Simple tracking of foot units.

DMZ_TU_marker_num = 0;
DMZ_TU_marker_arr = [];

_marker_fnc = {
_unit = _this;

DMZ_TU_marker_num = DMZ_TU_marker_num + 1;
_name = format["marker_%1",DMZ_TU_marker_num];
_marker = createMarker[_name,(getPos _unit)];
_marker setMarkerShape "ICON";
_marker setMarkerType "Dot";

_color = switch (side (group _this)) do {
	case west: {"ColorBlue"};
	case east: {"ColorRed"};
	case civilian: {"Colorgreen"};
_marker setMarkerColor _color;

_null = [_unit,_marker] spawn {
	_unit = _this select 0;
	_mar = _this select 1;
	while {alive _unit} do {
		_mar setMarkerPos (getPos _unit);
		sleep 1;
	_mar setMarkerColor "ColorBlack";
	if (isNull _unit) then {} else {sleep 60};
	deleteMarker _mar;
	DMZ_TU_marker_arr = DMZ_TU_marker_arr - [_unit];

sleep 1;
while {true} do {
	if (alive _x  AND !(side _x in [civilian,resistance]) AND !(_x in DMZ_TU_marker_arr)) then {
		DMZ_TU_marker_arr = DMZ_TU_marker_arr + [_x];
		_ret = _x call _marker_fnc;
} foreach allUnits;
sleep 5;

Sorry just really would like this mission on our server as it is a great mission, so again well done hats off to a unique mission! , and I am hopeing can help :)

How about adding in CRM as well as the MSO have that and no mod needed , not sure on the performance hit .

Edited by psvialli

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right in the new one - choose the very last player - tester i think - you can then use the add action tele. goto map - click on map and you can teleport anywhere - go to each red marker - u can t die either so wander around all of them.

This game was pretty much tested on dedi at every stage - where u placed - player globalchat "spawn OPFOR "; i used... [nil,nil,rHINT,"Spawned reinforcements"] call RE; to test that it is working - try placing this in.

Possibly try running the dedi using the beta patch - shouldnt make a difference but try.

to be honest i have no idea why this is not happening - the game has got a few servers running it (which i am very grateful for) and they all work- the one we have on the twos are full of opfor - perhaps give me a pm with your team server and ill jump on - chat over ts if need be :) Happy to help where i can.

you running any mods with it? and are u playing the chernarus version or takistan. have u edited anything else? have u downloaded another version to see if that helps?

oh and whats CMR? doh - happy to look at anything to improve it :)

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Cheers ill give all that all a try first. Made no changes apart form that line.

The server is running ACE & ACRE etc.. So it could be that, so ill test without that on as well, it must be something on our Dedi as like you said it is running on yours and other’s with no issue so ill strip it back and test, did not see the Test slot - that will help ! :)

I’ll let you know how I get on.

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 PM ----------


Removed all the MODS from the dedi and tested - they spawn in in Red zones , so it must be a issue with one of our Mods we was running.

When i have time ill load 1 up at a time and work out what one and PM you just so you are aware !

Sorry CMR - typed to quick ! should be CIM - http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=15664 MSO uses it without Addons.

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