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I,ve used this in a couple of missions now and appreciate getting shot at by a passing train when driving or flying by. Definitely justifies having train tracks on the map.

Attaching vehicles with guns/turrets to the flat bed works and having AI getinNearest works to some degree. Usually not all AI will get in and thus can't assure that turrets will be maned. Using call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle to have a fully maned vehicle may be better, but its not working.

This is the relevant bit containing the vehicle attachment:

_h1 attachto [_train,[0,-7,-1.8]];
_wb attachto [_h1,[-.35,-5.8,1.51]];
_h2 attachto [_wb,[.39,-5.7,1.25]];
_wf attachto [_h2,[0.05,-9,-2.225]];
sleep .1;
_driver setpos _pos;
_driver setvectorUp _vector;
_train setvectorUp _vector;
sleep .1;

if (_gun == 1) then 
_tgun = "KORD_high" createVehicle _pos;
_tgun allowdamage false;
sleep .5;
_tgun attachto [_wf,[0,-6.4,1.6]];
_tgun setdir (getdir _car - 180);
_ptank1 = "BTR40_MG_TK_GUE_EP1" createVehicle _pos;
_ptank1 allowdamage true;
sleep .5;
_ptank1 attachto [_wf,[-.0,5.4,2.22]];
_ptank1 setdir (getdir _car - 180);
sleep .5;
//_ptank2 = "ZSU_TK_EP1" createVehicle _pos;
_ptank2 = [getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle;
_ptank2 allowdamage true;
sleep .5;
//_ptank2 attachto [_wf,[-.05,-1.4,2.85]];
_ptank2 attachto [_wf select 0,[-.05,-1.4,2.85]];
//_ptank2 setdir (getdir _car - 180);

Where the commented lines is what was working before, but unmaned.

And the error:

Error in expression <tdir _car - 180);
sleep .5;

_ptank2 = [getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] ca>
 Error position: <getPos _pos, 180, "ZSU_TK_EP1", EAST] ca>
 Error getpos: Type Array, expected Object,Location
File mpmissions\__cur_mp.fallujah\Train\Train_Start.sqf, line 126

I'm hopping maybe just a slight tweak at the begining of the original script needed. Not sure. if it is to much to ask, then no worries.

Any suggestion appreciated.

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i wasn't going to post but its killing me not to , did you notice your 3 years late on your question?

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i wasn't going to post but its killing me not to , did you notice your 3 years late on your question?


So what? This was originally for arma 2. Better late then never.

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