belgerot 33 Posted May 15, 2012 Incredibly simple, yet adds such atmosphere. Highly appreciated, thanks! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Alex72 1 Posted May 15, 2012 Great work tpw! Love this addition to the game. Thank you. This would really benefit from a userconfig file with tweaks for color, brightness and distance. I know i know, use the script version. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 15, 2012 Great work tpw! Love this addition to the game. Thank you.This would really benefit from a userconfig file with tweaks for color, brightness and distance. I know i know, use the script version. ;) Actually the way the PBO is set up (thanks to Das Attorney) enables straightforward reading of an external userconfig. I'll have a crack at it for you. ---------- Post added at 09:59 ---------- Previous post was at 08:11 ---------- OK Alex72, I'm as good as my word. Here's a version that you can configure via a hpp file in userconfig. The hpp is well commented and easy to understand. Please try it out and if it's OK I'll "officially" release it on the 1st post and via Armaholic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 16, 2012 Too late! As well as the configuration ability, I've also made the system delete lights once a player moves from the area. First post has been updated accordingly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
J-Guid 10 Posted May 17, 2012 Check this script in pvp cqb :D :D :D :D!!! broke all pvp sense, must be improved, maby need add timers for switching lights Propose: make lights switching up randomly Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted May 17, 2012 Thank you very much for informing us about the updated release :cool: Addon version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. TPW Houselights - automatic house light addon v1.01TPW Houselights - automatic house light script v1.01Community Base Addons (only for the addon version) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 17, 2012 Check this script in pvp cqb :D :D :D :D!!!broke all pvp sense, must be improved, maby need add timers for switching lights Propose: make lights switching up randomly Sorry J-Guid, I'm not really sure what you are actually referring to when you say "broke all PVP sense". If you can give me a better description then I can give you a fix that I don't have to guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
runforrest 10 Posted May 17, 2012 nice addon takistan buildings look so much better with this while testing it i noticed that sometimes buildings would switch light on when very close to them (10m) i also thought it might be better if just a few random buildings would have lights and not all, its a bit weird when u walk through a town and all buildings have lights when u r close but when u move away a the town is completely dark Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1321 Posted May 17, 2012 Great effect with simple code - best thing imaginable in scripting. Lately tested many illumination codes for magick effects, and noticed, that unfortunatelly, if you want to see light from bigger distance, you must to make it brighter. Often much brighter. Light of given brightness seems to disappear at given distance rapidly, not smoothly (?). For used here levels of brightness - rather small chance to see illuminated city from distant position. If I'm not mistaken, of course. Range of view in video options probably will affect this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roguetrooper 2 Posted May 17, 2012 (edited) Basing on the original code by the OP, I have modified the script to have persistent lights. It is to be executed with the parameters: _handle = [objectname,radius,percentage] execVM "houselights.sqf"; 1. central object on the map which the lights are created around (can be a logic or empty helipad) 2. radius around the central object 3. percentage of houses in the circle which have lights In this example 75% of the houses in a radius of 500 meters around "logic1" will have lights: _handle = [logic1,500,75] execVM "houselights.sqf"; As Rydygier said, the lights disappear too suddenly when you exceed a certain distance to them (around 30m). On the other hand, when you increase their brightness, they are too bright and illuminate their environment like flak/AA searchlights. I've mainly tested in with [center,500,90] in Zargabad with "center" a bit left to the mosque (Zargabad is a really nice town). if !(isServer) then { exit }; _center = position (_this select 0); _radius = _this select 1; _chance = _this select 2; if (_chance <= 0) then { exit }; _houses = []; _brightness = 64; _red = 255; _green = 127; _blue = 24; _br = (_brightness / 255) * 0.1; _r = _red /255; _g = _green /255; _b = _blue /255; _col = [_r,_g,_b]; _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius]; { if (random(100) <= _chance) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; if ((count _allhouses) == 0) then { exit }; { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos _x); _light setLightBrightness _br; _light setLightColor _col; _light lightAttachObject [_x, [random 2,random 2,1]];} forEach _houses; exit; There is another problem. The iskindof-definition "House" encloses also the doors of stone walls. Maybe it could be solved by and this code (I'm too lazy right now): _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius]; _exclude = ["name1","name2"]; { if ((random(100) <= _chance) and !(typeof _x in _exclude)) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; Edited May 17, 2012 by RogueTrooper Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) Hi guys, thanks so much for all the suggestions and feedback and code - that's exactly what I'd hoped would happen when I released this. RunForrest: What you're seeing is an engine limitation, where the engine can only display a fixed number of light sources. So as you move around, some flick on and off. I am working on implementing a random building function so that only a user defined percentage of buildings will light up. Rydygier: Thanks. I pride myself on writing simple code to achieve simple things! You've identified the other engine limitation which is the fact that lights don't really fade according to the inverse square law. There's not much I can really do that won't look weird. I could implement code that changed light brightness the further the player was, but distant houses would end up looking like they were lit by a nuclear explosion! RogueTrooper: I'm glad my code inspired you to write your own implementation. Yes, the "House" object also includes things like walls, wells, towers etc. However many of these things only have a single building position (ie non-enterable). That's why there's code in my script to identify those buildings with multiple building positions, which then excludes walls and wells etc. The next release will contain the following: Percentage houses lit - user can specify what percentage of houses to be lit up Randomised brightness - user can select minimum and maximum light brightness values Randomised colours - will randomly assign either warm yellow, white or blue/white to each Rydygier kindly sent me some code to do the above things, but I had already almost completed my own implementation. He did however also send me some beautiful code to make the light sources flicker like candles or lanterns. So I will include this so that A user defined percentage of light sources will flicker I hope to have this released very shortly. Edited May 18, 2012 by tpw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roguetrooper 2 Posted May 18, 2012 To participate a bit more in brainstorming that fascinating topic... Initially I misinterpreted your phrase "enterable houses". I thought of "non-enterable" houses as those you can find a lot in Chernarus, looking like a "house" but being actually only a solid block. I was able to exclude doors of walls and such with { if ( (random(100) <= _chance) and ([color="#FF0000"]((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0)[/color] ) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 18, 2012 Ooh that code is much more elegant than mine! Do you mind if I include that in my script too? To participate a bit more in brainstorming that fascinating topic...Initially I misinterpreted your phrase "enterable houses". I thought of "non-enterable" houses as those you can find a lot in Chernarus, looking like a "house" but being actually only a solid block. I was able to exclude doors of walls and such with { if ( (random(100) <= _chance) and ([color="#FF0000"]((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0)[/color] ) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockhount 21 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) Here is my clean and advanced version of your solution. In this script, the lights will be created on the fly and dynamically and not at once every 250meters. Additionally, the houses in Chernarus will turn the lights on too. In the package is an additional fsm version for more performance. Download Script1: /* Advanced House Light Script Version 1.00 Made by Rockhount Original by TPW example: nul=[Player,5,250,.02,[1,.5,.1],-160,-1,50,.1,20] exexVM "HouseLights.sqf"; */ _Center = if (count _this > 0) then {_this select 0} else {Player}; _Time = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {5}; _Radius = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {250}; _Brightness = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {.02}; _Color = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {[1,.5,.1]}; _mAngle = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {-180}; _xAngle = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {-10}; _Random = if (count _this > 7) then {_this select 7} else {100}; _Flicker = if (count _this > 8) then {_this select 8} else {.1}; _RandomFlicker = if (count _this > 9) then {_this select 9} else {20}; _oldhouses = []; _Pos = [.1,.1,.1]; if ((!isServer && isMultiplayer) or (isServer && !isDedicated)) then { while { if (typename _Center == typename "") then { (getMarkerpos _Center) select 0 != 0; } else { alive _Center; }; } do { _Lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); _Day = 360 * (dateToNumber date); _Hour = (daytime / 24) * 360; _SunAngle = ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat) * cos(_hour)) - (24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)); if ((_SunAngle >= _mAngle) && (_SunAngle <= _xAngle)) then { if (typename _Center == typename "") then { _Pos = getMarkerpos _Center; } else { _Pos = getPos _Center; }; _houses = nearestObjects [_Pos, ["House"], _Radius]; for [{_i = 0},{_i < count _houses},{_i = _i + 1}] do { _Ramdon2 = random (100 / _Random); if ((_Ramdon2 <= 1) && (((_houses select _i) buildingPos 2) select 0 != 0) && !(_houses select _i in _oldhouses)) then { _lightbulb = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal [(((_houses select _i) buildingPos (round(random 5))) select 0),(((_houses select _i) buildingPos (round(random 5))) select 1),(((_houses select _i) buildingPos (round(random 5))) select 2) + (random 1) - (random .9)]; _lightbulb setLightBrightness _Brightness; _lightbulb setLightColor _Color; if (_Flicker > 0) then { [_Center,_lightbulb,_Flicker,_Brightness,_Radius,_RandomFlicker] execVM "ChangeLight.sqf"; } else { [_Center,_lightbulb] execVM "ChangeLight.sqf"; }; }; if ((_Ramdon2 <= 1) && (((_houses select _i) buildingPos 0) select 0 == 0)) then { for [{_i2 = 0},{_i2 < round (random 2)},{_i2 = _i2 + 1}] do { (_houses select _i) animate [format ["Lights_%1",_i2],1]; }; }; }; _oldhouses = _houses; sleep _Time; } else { sleep 30; }; }; }; Script2: /* Advanced House Light Script Version 1.00 Made by Rockhount */ _Center = _this select 0; _Lightbulb = _this select 1; _Flicker = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {0}; _Brightness = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {.02}; _Radius = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {250}; _Random = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {20}; if (_Random < 1) then { _Random = 1; }; _Time = 5; _Random2 = random (100 / _Random); while { if (typename _Center == typename "") then { (getMarkerpos _Center) distance _Lightbulb <= _Radius; } else { _Center distance _Lightbulb <= _Radius; }; } do { if ((_Random2 <= 1) && (_Flicker > 0)) then { _Random = random (_Brightness / 6); _Time = random _Flicker; _Lightbulb setLightBrightness ((_Brightness - (_Brightness / 6)) + _Random); }; sleep _Time; }; deleteVehicle _Lightbulb; Edited May 18, 2012 by Rockhount Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. Charles 22 Posted May 18, 2012 /snip/ Ha, i knew it :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) Wow Rockhount, everyone's really getting into the spirit of it now! Here's my latest attempt, which does a few additional things Allows a user specified percentage of houses to be lit Randomly assigns one of three light types: warm yellow candle; white/yellow incandescent; and blue/white fluoro or tv Slightly randomises each assigned colour and brightness Allows a user specified percentage of each light type to flicker (flicker variation for each light type is user defined) Many thanks RogueTrooper for the better building selection code, and to Rydygier for the flickering code which I have adapted slightly. The gently flickering lights in each house are mindblowing to behold! /* TPW HOUSELIGHTS v 1.02 This script causes lights to automatically come on in enterable buildings around the player. It will work on any map with ALICE2 compatible enterable buildings, and will simply ignore unenterable ALICE buildings. Please feel free to modify and improve this script, on the proviso that you post your improvements for others to benefit from. Thanks: CarlGustaffa for the azimuth code Rydygier for the flickering code RogueTrooper for improved enterable building code TPW 20120518 */ if (!isServer) exitWith {}; /////////// //VARIABLES /////////// //Distance player has to move for houses to be rescanned _movedistance = 100; //Distance around player to scan for houses to light. //There's no point specifying a really large value since the engine won't reliably display lights past 100m or so. _housedistance = 200; //Percentage of houses to receive lights _houseperc = 80; //Colour and flickering parameters of spawned lights. Light colours will be chosen at random from one of three. //Red:Green:Blue values can be determined in your paint programme's palette editor //Brightness will be chosen at random between _max_brightness and _min_brightness. If you don't want random brightness, set both values the same. //Light type 1 (warm yellow candle or fire) _red1 = 255; // 0 - 255 _green1 = 127; // 0 - 255 _blue1 = 24; // 0 - 255 _max_brightness1 = 40; // 0 - 255 _min_brightness1 = 20; // 0 - 255 _flickperc1 = 100; // What percentage of these lights will flicker _flickvar1 = 30; // What percentage variation in brightness when flickering //Light type 2 (blue/white television or fluorescent) _red2 = 200; // 0 - 255 _green2 = 200; // 0 - 255 _blue2 = 255; // 0 - 255 _max_brightness2 = 30; // 0 - 255 _min_brightness2 = 15; // 0 - 255 _flickperc2 = 100; // What percentage of these lights will flicker _flickvar2 = 10; // What percentage variation in brightness when flickering //Light type 3 (yellow/white incandescent or gas lantern) _red3 = 255; // 0 - 255 _green3 = 200; // 0 - 255 _blue3 = 100; // 0 - 255 _max_brightness3 = 60; // 0 - 255 _min_brightness3 = 30; // 0 - 255 _flickperc3 = 50; // What percentage of these lights will flicker _flickvar3 = 5; // What percentage variation in brightness when flickering ////////////////// //END OF VARIABLES ////////////////// //Convert colours to useable values _r1 = _red1 /255; _g1 = _green1 /255; _b1 = _blue1 /255; _col1 = [_r1,_g1,_b1]; _r2 = _red2 /255; _g2 = _green2 /255; _b2 = _blue2 /255; _col2 = [_r2,_g2,_b2]; _r3 = _red3 /255; _g3 = _green3 /255; _b3 = _blue3 /255; _col3 = [_r3,_g3,_b3]; //Convert flicker variation percentage to useable values _fv1 = _flickvar1 / 100; _fv2 = _flickvar2 / 100; _fv3 = _flickvar3 / 100; //Arrays of different light variables _colours = [_col1,_col2,_col3]; _maxarray = [_max_brightness1,_max_brightness2,_max_brightness3]; _minarray = [_min_brightness1,_min_brightness2,_min_brightness3]; _flpercarray = [_flickperc1,_flickperc2,_flickperc3]; _flvararray = [_fv1,_fv2,_fv3]; /////////////////////////////////// //FLICKER FUNCTION -THANKS RYDYGIER /////////////////////////////////// rdg_flicker = call compile format ["%1","{ _lt0 = _this select 0; _br2 = _this select 1; _fv = _this select 2; _br = _br2; _rnd = _br * _fv; _mpl = 1; _pause = 0.15; while {not (isNull _lt0)} do { if ((_pause >= 0.10) and (_pause <= 0.20)) then {_mpl = 1} else { if (_pause < 0.10) then {_mpl = random _mpl} else { if (_pause > 0.20) then {_mpl = _mpl + (random _mpl)}}}; if (_mpl < 0.1) then {_mpl = 0.1}; if (_mpl > 1.5) then {_mpl = 1.5}; _pause = (0.05 + (random 0.25)) * _mpl; _brC = (random _rnd) - (random _rnd); if (_br2 == _br * 1.1) then {_brC = - (random (_rnd/2))}; if (_br2 == _br * 0.8) then {_brC = random (_rnd/2)}; _spd = 10 + (floor (random 20)); _spd0 = _spd; while {(_spd > 0)} do { sleep (_pause/_spd0); _br2 = _br2 + (_brC/_spd0); if (_br2 < _br * 0.8) then {_br2 = _br * 0.8}; if (_br2 > _br * 1.1) then {_br2 = _br * 1.1}; _lt0 setLightBrightness _br2; _spd = _spd - 1; } } };" ]; //////////// //MAIN LOOP //////////// // Initial dummy player position _lastpos = [0,0,0]; while {true} do { //Only recompute houses to light if player has moved > set distance if (player distance _lastpos > _movedistance) then { //GET ANGLE OF SUN - ADAPTED FROM CARLGUSTAFFA _lat = -1 * getNumber(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "latitude"); _day = 360 * (dateToNumber date); _hour = (daytime / 24) * 360; _sunangle = ((12 * cos(_day) - 78) * cos(_lat) * cos(_hour)) - (24 * sin(_lat) * cos(_day)); //Recalculate player's position _lastpos = (position player); //Only bother if it's dark if (_sunangle < 0) then { // Delete lights from previously lit houses {deletevehicle _x;} foreach tpw_lithouses; tpw_lithouses = []; //Find houses within set distance of player _houses = nearestObjects [getpos player, ["House"], _housedistance]; { //ONLY THE CHOSEN PERCENTAGE OF ENTERABLE HOUSES WITH MULTIPLE BUILDINGPOSITIONS WILL ACTUALLY LIGHT UP - THANKS ROGUETROOPER if ((((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0) and ((random 100) < _houseperc)) then { _colnum = floor (random (count _colours)); _col = _colours select _colnum; //select house light colour triplet _colv = [];{_rgb = _x - (_x / 10) + ((random (_x/10)) * 2) ; if (_rgb <0) then {_rgb = 0};if (_rgb > 255) then {_rgb = 255}; _colv = _colv + [_rgb]} foreach _col; //vary each r:g:b in triplet by +/- random 10% _min = _minarray select _colnum; //select applicable minimum brightness _max = _maxarray select _colnum; //select applicable maximum brightness _flperc = _flpercarray select _colnum; //select applicable flickering percentage _flvar = _flvararray select _colnum; //select applicable flickering variation _br = 0.1 * ((_min + (random (_max - _min)))/255); //random brightness between specified range _lp = "#lightpoint" createVehicleLocal (getpos _x); // create light _lp setLightBrightness _br; // set its brightness _lp setLightColor _colv; // set its colour _lp lightAttachObject [_x, [random 2,random 2,1]]; // place it at a random position within house if ((random 100) < _flperc) then {[_lp,_br,_flvar] spawn rdg_flicker}; // set appropriate flicker for light type tpw_lithouses = tpw_lithouses + [_lp]; // add it to the lit houses array so it can be removed later }; } foreach _houses; }; }; sleep 10; }; I think we might be able to combine everyone's contributions into a very nice little addon. Thanks to you all. Edited May 18, 2012 by tpw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pellejones 1 Posted May 18, 2012 How is the MP compatibility on this? I can't seem to get this to work in MP at all on a dedicated :/ It is also important to make sure that every player see the same light in the same house :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 18, 2012 I don't play MP so haven't tested it. Mine and Rockhount's versions are player centric, but the randomness elements in the scripts might mean that each player sees something different even if at nearly the same point on the map. Someone better qualified than me should be able to answer or implement a solution! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockhount 21 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) tpwMine and Rockhount's versions are player centric Thats not true. In my script you can use any object or Marker as central point. PellejonesHow is the MP compatibility on this? With this code in tpw's script you will never see the lights as a normal multiplayer client: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; In my script you would see it as a normal multiplayer client, but every client would see different lights. Additionally, this commands, which I and twp uses, will not be broadcasted: createVehicleLocal, setLightBrightness, setLightColor The solution: Every client would have to broadcast his position in a specific interval and his unit name once. The server would check every broadcasted position and, if needed, he would boradcast an array with the properties for every new single light. To delete the old lights, the server would have to scheck if every broadcasted unit is further away than the specific range. And all this would cost a lot of traffic and performance. For example: On a server with 30 players, the server would have to run till 18000 loops, because every lightpoint have his own loop. Edited May 18, 2012 by Rockhount Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pellejones 1 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) I used this code, and got it working in MP on dedicated: //_handle = [object,radius, % of houses] execVM "houselights.sqf"; //example: _handle = [logic1,500,100] execVM "houselights.sqf"; if !(isServer) then { exit }; _center = position (_this select 0); _radius = _this select 1; _chance = _this select 2; if (_chance <= 0) then { exit }; _houses = []; _brightness = 64; _red = 255; _green = 127; _blue = 24; _br = (_brightness / 255) * 0.1; _r = _red /255; _g = _green /255; _b = _blue /255; _col = [_r,_g,_b]; _allhouses = nearestObjects [_center, ["House"], _radius]; { if ( (random(100) <= _chance) and (((_x buildingpos 0) select 0) != 0) ) then { _houses = _houses + [_x] } } forEach _allhouses; if ((count _allhouses) == 0) then { exit }; { _light = "#lightpoint" createVehicle (getpos _x); _light setLightBrightness _br; _light setLightColor _col; _light lightAttachObject [_x, [random 2,random 2,1]];} forEach _houses; exit; It should create the same light for each client, since it is run on the server only. //EDIT And after testing on Dedi with 4 players, the random thing is random... for every player :( no synced random. Edited May 18, 2012 by Pellejones Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1321 Posted May 18, 2012 I know nearly nothing about MP scripting specificty, but wonder, how heavy will be traffic generated by attempt to synchronize randomization, especially for flickering... BTW I see that night walks through Zaghrabad will become my new habit... :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockhount 21 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) @Pellejones Sry, but you have written a waste of code. This should never be included in a sqf script: if !(isServer) then {exit}; Why? Because exit will always be ignored in a sqf script. BI Wiki Source That means, that everyone would run this script (The server and the clients). The right code would look like this: if (isServer) then { ... }; But then, the clients would never see any light. So the right code should look like this: if (!isDedicated) then { ... }; And remember, the two important scripting commands, which we all use, will never be broadcasted automatically. So we must broadcast it manually. setLightBrightness, setLightColor Everyone, who doesn't have much multiplayer scripting experience, should take a look at this. Edited May 18, 2012 by Rockhount Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
katipo66 94 Posted May 18, 2012 Awesome tpw! Similar to Rydygier I make missions at night time a lot, or use the time excelleration script along side it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) Thats not true. In my script you can use any object or Marker as central point.[/Quote]Sorry, I stand corrected. I saw the word "player" in your code and assumed. On the other hand a few (any) comments in the code would have helped :) With this code in tpw's script you will never see the lights as a normal multiplayer client: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; In my script you would see it as a normal multiplayer client, but every client would see different lights. Hmm, suggests otherwise, which is why I and many others use if (!isServer) exitWith {}; to make our scripts run on clients but not servers. Other have reported this script to work in MP This thread has proved that there are many ways to skin a cat! That's the great thing about this community - people share their code so you can pick and choose and modify to get the solution that suits you best. I'll pbo up my script shortly for those who'd like a non-server version. Thanks again to all who are contributing to this thread. Edited May 18, 2012 by tpw Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rockhount 21 Posted May 18, 2012 (edited) This: if (!isServer) exitWith {}; would stop every multiplayer client to run your script, because "!isServer" is always true as a multiplayer client. MULTIPLAYER CLIENTisMultiplayer returns true isServer returns false <----- isDedicated returns false Edited May 18, 2012 by Rockhount Share this post Link to post Share on other sites