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A.C.R.E - Advanced Combat Radio Environment - 1.4 Stable - Release Thread

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Does it matter what dsound.dll you use since it's not included in the download?

dsound.dll is obsolete since 5 month. :-)

Beta is required.

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i tried to use second radio yesterday with the specific button for it, normally i'm toggling through radio list, but i totally missed that i can use a second 3rd 4th button. For some reason i can'T get it working

class PTTRadio	// Talk over radio
	key = 35;  	// CAPSLOCK (please unbind from your normal PTT key)
	shift = 0;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 0;

class PTTRadioAlternate_1	// Talk over radio 2nd radio
	key = 2;
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;
class PTTRadioAlternate_2	// Talk over radio 3nd radio
	key = 3; 
	shift = 1;
	ctrl = 0;
	alt = 1;

How can i declare which radio is my first, and which is my second? When i have 148 and 343 for example, i can only hit my first radion button , in my case H (35) , but the other one isn't working at all (shift+alt+2) ..Could you help me with that? Also another thing, is it just calling a string for that action, cause i'd like to have one radion button, maybe 2nd radio on my joystick..When i put my joystick button that i'd like to have on W(walking) i get a string in my profile, would it be possible to use that string also for PTT for radios? That would be superb. In Arma itself, it's also getting the string of that key, either keyboard or joystick. Did you guys declare it somehow, that only keyboard strings are possible, so the keys listed below , in the config, are the only possible ones? Or is it just a simple overwiev?

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It appears that the 5.1 has not been completely fixed. I'm having no issues using the radios, hearing people at long distance, but the only issue I have run into is that I cannot hear people talk direct when they are right behind me.

Headset: Turtle Beach Z6A (True 5.1, not virtual like the G35/G930)

Sound Card: Creative SoundBlaster X-Fi Titanium

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Try messing with the mono sounds playback option in TS.

Sadly the ACRE code for 5.1 works fine, TS just decides to randomly molest it after it leaves our hands. :(

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Nou, I'm guessing you mean the playback option :"Play mono sounds over center speaker when available" correct?

[EDIT] Tried the above, cut out all sounds for people. I could turn my speakers to stereo.. but.. then there's no point in a 5.1 headset.

Edited by Zephyrdark

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I'm really coming at an end here! A few days ago we had some problems with a previous version of ACRE which was compatible with TeamSpeak version 3.0.3. We scheduled an organisation wide upgrade to TeamSpeak 3.0.6 and ACRE version 1.4. We've run into some new problems with dsound.dll and jayarma2lib. According to our game clients, dsound.dll is missing and that we should check our jayarma2lib installations. We have tried getting newer jayarma2lib versions from sixupdater, but that didn't help anything either. Even when dsound.dll is present, nothing is happening and we still get the same error message.

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Our community has just started using ACRE today and first of all I would just like to saw how cool everything sounds!

I got a question though, is there a way to force the TS server to transmit everything via ACRE only? I mean, what stops from the other players transmitting directly to TS3 (and potentially killing some immersion)

Just wondering if there was a workaround for this, for potential members who are hard-headed on not using ACRE as in-game comms


Scratch that, just figured it out when more people came into the server with TS on. PTT on TS acts like direct communication in-game. Neat feature!

Edited by inque

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add Expansion/beta to your six updater beta. Download it. Then rund it again and you will become @JayArma2Lib_new.

Now start you arma with Beta, @ACRE;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@JayArma2Lib_new

Greetings Jack

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add Expansion/beta to your six updater beta. Download it. Then rund it again and you will become @JayArma2Lib_new.

Now start you arma with Beta, @ACRE;@CBA;@CBA_A2;@CBA_OA;@JayArma2Lib_new

Greetings Jack

By "We have tried getting newer jayarma2lib versions from sixupdater" I meant jayarma2lib_new.. My mistake, I should've put that in there as well. I've got the beta box enabled anyway. Why would you run with CBA_A2 and CBA_OA? Just CBA is the Combined Operations version!

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nope, since some days/weeks ago you should use CBA, CBA_OA and CBA_A2 , they've changed it

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Rionrace make sure Six Updater is the latest version (2.9.5pre36 or newer) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?118605-Six-Updater-Install-Update-mods-missions-Delta-patching-Server-browser-and-more!&p=2145110&viewfull=1#post2145110

and that the installed Beta version is the correct, latest version.

SU will only install JayArma2Lib_New if the detected game version is new enough, currently that means:

Beta enabled, Installed, and up2date.

Edited by Sickboy

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Rionrace make sure Six Updater is the latest version (2.9.5pre36 or newer) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?118605-Six-Updater-Install-Update-mods-missions-Delta-patching-Server-browser-and-more!&p=2145110&viewfull=1#post2145110

and that the installed Beta version is the correct, latest version.

SU will only install JayArma2Lib_New if the detected game version is new enough, currently that means:

Beta enabled, Installed, and up2date.

I have the beta installed and up to date already. I have version 2.9.5 (Dev) installed and I have jayarma2lib_new installed. I'm running everything as administrator.

EDIT: When I launched it via sixupdater, it appeared that expansion and beta ran with it automatically, which worked! Is there something wrong with my main installation then?

Edited by Rionrace

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I'm really coming at an end here! A few days ago we had some problems with a previous version of ACRE which was compatible with TeamSpeak version 3.0.3. We scheduled an organisation wide upgrade to TeamSpeak 3.0.6 and ACRE version 1.4. We've run into some new problems with dsound.dll and jayarma2lib. According to our game clients, dsound.dll is missing and that we should check our jayarma2lib installations. We have tried getting newer jayarma2lib versions from sixupdater, but that didn't help anything either. Even when dsound.dll is present, nothing is happening and we still get the same error message.

Dsound.dll is not used anymore.

Delete dsound.dll and JayArma2Lib

If you need a tutorial for installing the beta, here: http://www.15thmeu.net/forum/showthread.php?12091-Tutorial-Guide-How-to-install-ACE-amp-ACRE-the-RIGHT-Way-PART-1

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Hi guys,

Is the new version compatible only with TS3 3.0.6 or does it work ok with 3.0.5?

The reason I'm asking is because I also have TARS which is not yet compatible with TS3 3.0.6, so I really didn't want to update unless it is really necessary.



Edited by Figadas

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I was wondering, is there a list of the default radio frequencies? I have been (very slowly) building a list of them but I am wondering if one exists already.

And secondly something I have been wondering for a while, if I have two relays (like 1,2 and 2,3) will they pass the communication along, so someone tuned to channel 3 will pick up what someone is saying on channel 1?

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I was wondering, is there a list of the default radio frequencies? I have been (very slowly) building a list of them but I am wondering if one exists already.

And secondly something I have been wondering for a while, if I have two relays (like 1,2 and 2,3) will they pass the communication along, so someone tuned to channel 3 will pick up what someone is saying on channel 1?

Following are the default frequencies:


In regards to retrans yes, that works. Also someone on channel two will hear channel 3 and 1, etc. Should work the same as real life.

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What about 1,2 then 2,1, would that work properly or would it cause bugs (or block transmittion altogether?)

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Following are the default frequencies:


In regards to retrans yes, that works. Also someone on channel two will hear channel 3 and 1, etc. Should work the same as real life.

Thank you, that is exactly what I was hoping for.

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Dsound.dll is not used anymore.

Delete dsound.dll and JayArma2Lib

If you need a tutorial for installing the beta, here: http://www.15thmeu.net/forum/showthread.php?12091-Tutorial-Guide-How-to-install-ACE-amp-ACRE-the-RIGHT-Way-PART-1

Thank you for helping my Heaney, but I've got everything up to date undoubtedly. I've got Combined Operations version 1.60, TeamSpeak 3.0.6, Jayarma2lib_new and beta 92477 which is R59 on Sixupdater. I've got no idea why it doesn't work. Enlighten me!

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Dan;2146743']What about 1' date='2 then 2,1, would that work properly or would it cause bugs (or block transmittion altogether?)[/quote']

When I tested this we couldn't get 1-2 2-1 to work. Im guessing it causes a loop of some sorts..

We used a 1-2 2-3 style in the end but we just used 4-3 3-5 so as to leave channels 1 and 2 open for 148s

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I'm gonna whine about configuration problems too. But firstly I should mention I've already had an experince of configuring ACRE before, even twice. With the latest release linked to the first post of this thread I've spent days straight without any success. As for now, out of nearly 15 players on our server, we have 3 of them with ACRE problem of different character. The strangest part of this is that ALL of them followed the same instruction on configuring things, EXACTLY the same, again and again; they even have tried to completly delete ALL versions of ACRE and Jayarmalib, teamspeak client and their Expansion\beta foldersm, and tried to run the game with exact the same command line string as others - for no avail. 2 of them have 64bit win7 as OS and third one (it's me) - winXP 32bit (AV software not installed or disabled, same goes for UAC).

My situtation the most ridiculous. I have a fully patched arma2 combined ops (beta patch ver 92477), teamspeak v3.06, ACRE and Jayarmalib I've downloaded by the link from this thread. Everything seems to run as it should, I've got "arma2 is connected" message in teamspeak, there aren't any error messages in the game (like "ACRE isn't connected to teamspeak"), there is a BEEP sound when I press CAPS key initiating radio transmition. But I simply can't hear anyone nor by means of radio, neither by "voice"; they are also cannot hear me. But I'm definetly beeing switched to the ACRE virtual environment, I can tell that by the sounds of voices of other players dessapearing when I set a foot on the virtual ground of some ARMA island. I've just run out of ideas, never had such a problem before, no one else did also; 2 other fellas at least have ACRE is not connected error message (dispite they've copied all the configuration steps those who managed to make it work did). Before I installed new release of ACRE, I had older one (can't remember it's version) and it worked just fine; haven't got any problems configuring it.\

Also, I want to mention (but don't know if it related) that after I've loaded into the game and other players' voices dessapeared, when I ALT-TAB and take look at the teamspeak channel, I see all other players as locally muted. If I manually unmut them, I see their teamspeak "bubls" lighted up as they speak, but don't hear them as before. Also, this unmute thingy happend all by itself couple of times, don't know what triggered it.

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I'm gonna whine about configuration problems too. But firstly I should mention I've already had an experince of configuring ACRE before, even twice. With the latest release linked to the first post of this thread I've spent days straight without any success. As for now, out of nearly 15 players on our server, we have 3 of them with ACRE problem of different character. The strangest part of this is that ALL of them followed the same instruction on configuring things, EXACTLY the same, again and again; they even have tried to completly delete ALL versions of ACRE and Jayarmalib, teamspeak client and their Expansion\beta foldersm, and tried to run the game with exact the same command line string as others - for no avail. 2 of them have 64bit win7 as OS and third one (it's me) - winXP 32bit (AV software not installed or disabled, same goes for UAC).

My situtation the most ridiculous. I have a fully patched arma2 combined ops (beta patch ver 92477), teamspeak v3.06, ACRE and Jayarmalib I've downloaded by the link from this thread. Everything seems to run as it should, I've got "arma2 is connected" message in teamspeak, there aren't any error messages in the game (like "ACRE isn't connected to teamspeak"), there is a BEEP sound when I press CAPS key initiating radio transmition. But I simply can't hear anyone nor by means of radio, neither by "voice"; they are also cannot hear me. But I'm definetly beeing switched to the ACRE virtual environment, I can tell that by the sounds of voices of other players dessapearing when I set a foot on the virtual ground of some ARMA island. I've just run out of ideas, never had such a problem before, no one else did also; 2 other fellas at least have ACRE is not connected error message (dispite they've copied all the configuration steps those who managed to make it work did). Before I installed new release of ACRE, I had older one (can't remember it's version) and it worked just fine; haven't got any problems configuring it.\

Also, I want to mention (but don't know if it related) that after I've loaded into the game and other players' voices dessapeared, when I ALT-TAB and take look at the teamspeak channel, I see all other players as locally muted. If I manually unmut them, I see their teamspeak "bubls" lighted up as they speak, but don't hear them as before. Also, this unmute thingy happend all by itself couple of times, don't know what triggered it.

You and probably a lot of people you are trying with are using Logitech G35 or G930 headphones. There are massive problems with them in Teamspeak. Make sure you have updated your Logitech drivers and try enabling/disabling the 3D Positions option in Playback in TS options and the Mono sounds option in Playback as well.

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NouberNou, well.. I have a A4tech HU-510 USB headphones, which is appearing in the OS as the USB audio card. But I successfully used it with old ACRE, so..

Also, some update on my issue: I've tested it more intensively, and found even more hilarious thing: after first respawn in the game, I'm starting to hear voices of those near me (a don't hear those who are far away as it should be), but they still can't hear me!

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NouberNou, well.. I have a A4tech HU-510 USB headphones, which is appearing in the OS as the USB audio card. But I successfully used it with old ACRE, so..

Also, some update on my issue: I've tested it more intensively, and found even more hilarious thing: after first respawn in the game, I'm starting to hear voices of those near me (a don't hear those who are far away as it should be), but they still can't hear me!

The issues might be apparent with other USB sound devices as well, especially if they are surround sound devices.

It is getting to the point where because of the inconsistent stability of Teamspeak and surround sound devices we might drop official support for it with ACRE.

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You and probably a lot of people you are trying with are using Logitech G35 or G930 headphones. There are massive problems with them in Teamspeak. Make sure you have updated your Logitech drivers and try enabling/disabling the 3D Positions option in Playback in TS options and the Mono sounds option in Playback as well.

My comrade and me have the same problem. We make both use of the Logitch G35 7.1 Headset.

Our problem: The error occurs randomized. Sometime one can hear the other, sometime one can hear the other verrryyyy quiet and sometime nobody hear the other. It makes no different if we speak directly to the other in front of them (we can see the light bulb in ts and the moving lips ingame) or speak via a radio. (no different in any radio)

What we have do: We are using both the actual JayArmA2Lib_new, ACRE 1.4.4, CBA1.0 (all updated with latest SixUpdater) and of course TS 3.0.6. The server still up-to-date too. (latest ACRe & CBA) In front of our problems we updated and reinstall all needed stuff again on server and client side. We make a driver update of our headsets too and we are using both win7, 64bit. Because my suspicion also fell on the headset, we start to experiment with the win audio settings.

If we put after gamestart the soundoutput from the g35 to the normal loudspeakers we can hear the others voice (direct and radio) without any problems. Gamesound is on external speakers. If we remove the gamesound to the g35 we become evrytime a randomly result. (like descrption above)

If we put before the game start the gamesound to external speakers and start than the game we become the reverse result. (gamesound on g35 and voice output on external speakers)

If there no other way or suggestion for a solution of the problem with g35 Headset? Where is the technical problem with it (simulated 7.1 sound)?

btw: 3D Position in TS is set and we test it with disabled surroundsound too.


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