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Activate trigger by land only on dedi server

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I am trying to activate a trigger but only by land , as I do not want any AIR to activate the trigger, I have this in the condition but for some reason the when I run it on a Dedi server it does not work ? But it does when i host?

isServer AND "Land" counttype thislist > 0

Any idea how I can get this to work on a dedi ?

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Do you need the isServer in there? Vehicles become local when you drive them so that would be the expected effect. I tend to do something like this for detecting ground vehicles only:

{_x in thislist && _x isKindOf "landVehicle"} count thislist > 0

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Opps my mistake i just wanted to stop AIR activating triggers i need it to activate by men on the ground or any land vehicles

Edited by psvialli

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Then i guess setting an altitude limit to your trigger would do the trick.

Something like

"this&&{(getPosATL _x select 2) < 5} foreach thislist"

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Then i guess setting an altitude limit to your trigger would do the trick.

Something like

"this&&{(getPosATL _x select 2) < 5} foreach thislist"

What happens if they land/get shot down/crash? Would that still work?

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Well, no, i f they'd land inside of your trigger radius, the trigger would be activated.

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Not trying to necro but my perdicament is the same issue but i need the trigger to only execute for the people who are in the trigger. I have tried everything in this thread so far to no avail.

I have lots of triggers all over the map that need to only execute for the people inside a Land vehicle and only for though who are inside the trigger being executed on a dedicated server. I have tried allot of variations and its ended in failure every time. Anyone got some ideas on how to go about doing this?

What i have tried so far

Works as intended but works on anything inside the trigger

this && vehicle player in thislist

Works for only those who enter it in a vehicle and on foot in local hosted but on dedicated server it behaves just like the first code. Local to those in the trigger but still executes on aircraft and on foot.

this && vehicle player in thislist && count (thislist unitsBelowHeight 10) > 0;

Works for only land vehicles as intended but is global executed across all clients even when not in the trigger.

{_x iskindof "LandVehicle" and side _x == WEST} count thislist > 0;

Edited by Cytreen

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Up untill the last @CBA update 2 days ago this worked on a dedicated server

"Land" counttype thislist > 0

Trigger would only activate if whatever is in the condition (blueforce or whatever) was on the ground & in the trigger.

I had other conditions then AND "Land" counttype thislist > 0

which did work previous but not any more mat be the uppercase AND.

Am testing for fix.

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