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TVT or TDM Briefing Help

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Hows it going guys? I just have a simple question regarding a briefing for a mission that involves playing BLUFOR and OPFOR sides against each other on Multiplayer. Ive been trying to find something regarding how to make a briefing for TVT of TDM whatever you want to call it Attack and Defend even. Where the BLUFOR team Parachutes down onto a FARP located on a Farm in which the defending OPFOR team has to stop BLUFOR from destroying the Hind located on the farm by eliminating the Airborne BLUFOR. If this sounds familiar it is. I have recreated the Mission from Americas Army 2 JRTC FARM RAID Using the same Libraries of Objects I used to recreate Americas Army 2 Special Forces SnakePlain. I had posted a while back that my next map would be JRTC Farm and so I have done it only to be stumped by how I can get a briefing for both the BLUFOR and OPFOR heres what I did and its crashing my game. I also DLed Jayers TVT pack to see his setup and its very complex in that he has several files pointing to the briefing for several different sides so Im kinda lost seeing as the Briefing usually consist of one file Briefing.sqf Case West and Case East.


waitUntil { !isNil {player} };

waitUntil { player == player };

switch (side player) do


case WEST:


player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Arma2 JRTC FARM RAID", "Situation: <br/>As part of a larger attack, your squad will seize a Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and destroy enemy helicopter at Objective Aplpha, Near the DZ (Drop Zone).<br/>

<br/><br/>Rules Of Engagement: <br/>Engage only confirmed enemy targets - as local farmers may be in the area.<br/>

<br/><br/>Mission: <br/>Third squad will seize the Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and destroy enemy helicopter at Objective Alpha.<br/>

<br/><br/>Enemy: <br/>One squad-sized element of irregular forces with light weapons and machine guns without any night vision devices. <br/>

<br/><br/>Friendly: <br/>One infantry squad of the 1st Battalion, 325th Airborne Infantry Regiment, without advanced marksmanship team or grenadier support.<br/>

<br/><br/>Terrain: <br/>Flat cultivated fields surround a farm house, barn and 4 other smaller structures, which are used to store supplies for rearming and refueling rotary wing aircraft.<br/>

<br/><br/>This Mission was Created by Eaglezero6205. With the Use of OPX addons and MAP Editor Upgrade Libraries. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING I HOPE YOU ENJOY"]];

tskDestroyHind = player createSimpleTask["Destroy Hind"];

tskDestroyHind setSimpleTaskDescription["Locate and Destroy Enemy Helicopter.", "Destroy Hind", "Destroy Hind"];

tskDestroyHind setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "OBJ_ Alpha");


case EAST:


player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Arma2 JRTC FARM RAID", "Situation:<b/>As part of a Field Training Exercise, (FTX) your squad will act as OPFOR defending a Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and damaged helicopter at Objective Alpha.<br/>

<br/><br/>Rules Of Engagement: <br/>Engage only confirmed enemy targets - as local farmers may be in area.<br/>

<br/><br/>Mission: <br/>Second squad defend the Forward Area Rearm and Refuel Point (FARP) and helicopter at Objective Alpha. <br/>

<br/><br/>Enemy: <br/>One squad-sized element of Airborne Infantry Armed with Night Vision Goggles light weapons and Heavy to light machine guns.<br/>

<br/><br/>Friendly: <br/>One infantry squad, without advanced marksmanship team , grenadier support or (NVDs) Night Vision Goggles. <br/>

<br/><br/>Terrain: <br/>Flat cultivated fields surround a farm house, barn and 4 other smaller structures, which are used to store supplies for rearming and refueling rotary wing aircraft. <br/>

<br/><br/>This Mission was Created by Eaglezero6205. With the Use of OPX addons and MAP Editor Upgrade Libraries. THANK YOU FOR PLAYING I HOPE YOU ENJOY"]];

tskElimateBLUFOR =Player createsimpleTask["Elimate enemy Force"];

tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpleTaskDescription["Elimate Assaulting Force.",Elimate Enemy Force","Eliminate Enemy Force"];

tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpletaskDestination {getmarkerpos "OBJ_ALPHA");



I posted a similar question in the FAQ after reading through it without a solution.Not to mention Its been 3 days since I posted on the FAQ and not a single Reply I figured it best to make this a topic so that if someone else has this issue they could find this in the search results. When I ran a search for this topic only 2 things turned up and neither even remotely involved what my goal is. So I hope someone can give some insight on this. Its Crashing with the above in the Briefing and I cant understand why. Thanks in Advance for any help you can offer.

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OK I guess After waiting several days to get a reply and having tried various other ways to do a BLUFOR briefing and then an OPFOR briefing for each side ,IM just gonna Close this as NO ONE KNOWs and leave it at that. Im gonna go ahead and PBO my mission file and hope everyone in the community doesn't mind not having a briefing,I want to get this out to the Community very soon so Im not gonna continue waiting till someone knows, If by chance someone does know and decides to answer this thread Topic then by all means Ill be checking back now and then so go for it. I can also be reached on Armaholic as well under my name Eaglezero6205. Until then I'll be releasing my mission without briefing for either side and Intend to post an update to the mission as soon as I can Figure this one out.Thanks to all the people at the forums for at least viewing to see if you may be able to answer. On that note all I can say is I wanted a briefing for both sides nothing is working it seems and Im out of answers and time to continue work on this so,to Sum it all up I TRIED. You should see this mission up on Armaholic within a few days from now... I Hope.

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tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpletaskDestination (getmarkerpos "OBJ_ALPHA");



Try that for starters. The -showScriptErrors parameter would show you syntax errors like these.

Edited by Celery

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Hey thanks man just checked back in Ive been busy the Apartment is getting repairs so yeah. I apreciate ya PELHAM, and Celery you are a Scripting god of Arma Ive played many of the missions youve made and scripts youve written Thanks for the reply guys I'll try and get this fixed. Show script errors? Ive seen this before but I don't write script Very well so I try not to do it this was taken and adapted from my other mission Snake plain so where do I go to get this program to check the scripts IM running? I have Arma Edit

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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Start with running the game with the "-showScriptErrors" parameter. See: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters

After you fix all the errors, here's an example for a briefing script for a PvP mission:

if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; // dedicated server has no player and needs no briefing
waitUntil {!isNull player}; // this is all you need to make sure the player is initialized. Nothing else.

if (side player == WEST) then
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Credits", "Credits to blabla]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "A blabla squad."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "A blabla enemy squad."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "kill blah"]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Credits", "Credits to blabla]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Friendly forces", "A blabla squad."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Enemy forces", "A blabla enemy squad."]];
player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["Mission", "Prevent death of blah]];

Notice that the above will not work if teamswitch is available. Will only work for missions with respawn=3 (or 2, or 1) in description.ext. If you set respawn to 4 or 5, you will need to add bluefor briefing to all units of the west side and east briefing to all units of east side, so that once you switch to said unit you will still have a briefing showing.

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I play with ACE mod and Use Six Updater to launch my game Where would I do this in the Six updater Ive tried to add extensions in the past to six updater but none of the people I know knew how to.Also I don't do Respawn and this particular mission isn't going to need it having been based on the the Americas Army 2 Mission they didn't have respawn it was play die and wait or don't die. I apreciate the Template I will put it to good use. Thanks galzohar.

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On 6Updater if you go to the game profile tab there are tick boxes for all the extensions.

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tskElimateBLUFOR setsimpletaskDestination (getmarkerpos "OBJ_ALPHA");



Try that for starters. The -showScriptErrors parameter would show you syntax errors like these.

Interestingly enough I somehow had this on and it would just CTD with some input at end of file I see a little balck box with the syntax pop up on a lot of my missions yet when I checked Sixupdater it shows the box unticked its like show script errors is on by default or somehting.

And Im still having issues with it I scrapped my Description.ext and Briefing now about 3 times. I even tried copy paste of the Briefing Galzohar posted the game loads the mission but I cant preview the briefing for his Sqf so I can get a good idea of how I should use it. Also I kept getting CTDs something about some input at end of file. I'm really getting frustrated Ive tried a lot of different angles. I mean how hard is it to make a Briefing for a TVT. When its single player/side I never have this much trouble.

Lately here I cant get any help on anything as I have several projects going but the forums have been dead. On every topic I post to. Anyway I don't know I might just go with the original plan to release without briefing.

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Well I have F2 but wasnt sure how to go about it. When I checked it out it seemed much more complex then what I really have the time to deal with Right now. I have made the Mission Briefing without any errors now and I have a Briefing.html as well as a Descrption.ext but when I load the mission in the editor for the Preview I see the map now but nothing under notes. SO I have just gotten a bit Impatient with it and have decided to release it using Triggers a short brief trigger for each side on what to do and thats it.

Ive been clowning around with getting this to work for too long. Maybe over a month now and I really dont have enough time to fiddle around with a super cool Briefing as I have other projects and life to consider.lol. So I gave it my all but I'm thinking this way. Its A TVT and the likely hood of it being played by a large number of people is slim.

Special Forces Snake Plain ,I spent ALOT of time on it as well just the compound alone took days to perfect. I can try some more at it but for now Im done messing around If it wont work im not gonna continue trying to make it. I mean is it worth as many hours that Ive spent on it just to tell the player/s what they already know. Kill the opposing team and blow the hind. That simple. I feel bad that i couldn't pull off a simple tvt brief as Ive been designing missions for Arma since Arma2 OA Demo. But I could always update it later. Thanks for the reply.


Oh my God It works! I credited you Galzohar,Pelham,and Celery for all the help I got lucky. But I had to change the Insurgent Russians to Taki army to make it compatible. Thanks for the Push to get it done man and I plan on adding some of the other goodies to the mission as well like Kegetys Spectator instead of Mr. seahawk. As well as Maybe the Norrin revive, Not sure though Im using ACE and revive kinda is a buzzkill for realism but on the farm if you get hit I dont know if theres gonna be any chance youll be healed everyone will be too busy being shot at or shooting back.

Edited by Eaglezero6205

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I hear ya briefings are such a pain for a seemingly simple thing.

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