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Take On Helicopters Beta Patch 90443

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Beta patch rev. 90443 released (1.04 required!)

Note: there may be some warnings such as "Warning: No CRC information about version 1.05." in the installer, but you may ignore them :)


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This particular beta patch focuses on fixing a major flaw in the Medium flight model. Performing a rapid slow down by lowering collective and raising the nose, would break the stability of the flight model and you could not recover from it.

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Excellent - I'll go jump in a medium right now...

EDIT --->

I can confirm that the medium no longer enters a fatal spin when getting heavy with the collective. You get plenty of yaw, as you would expect, but this can now be countered with the pedals.

Nice fix!

EDIT (again) ---> The medium is now a real joy to fly. I have no idea if it's realistic or not, but I have been flying it a lot today since this beta and I really enjoyed the experience. If I was to be hyper-critical, the pedals seem to have too much of an effect. The best I can explain this is that when flying it definitely 'feels' heavier than the light however the pedals seem to make it turn as if it was a lot lighter. Maybe this is what happens in a real helicopter so I am reluctant to make a big issue out of it. Overall though, it's much, much better and I will fly it more now.

Edited by Jedra

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I agree that the anti-torque seems far too strong on the medium. Even if the structure could handle such yaw forces, it would make no sense to build a helicopter like that.

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the rudder feels totally unrealistic now , yes the helicopter does not crash now but it fly's like a ANTONOV fully loaded , BAD, had to smooth out the joy stick throws and the dead zones,in tern throwing out all my other helicopter joy stick settings for light and heavy's ,i really cant work out how or why BI would release this 1.04 right before the release of the hinds ?? and totally not doing any justice for the game ,with us out sorting it out for BI, do you guys actually test the flight models before release of a patch ????

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patch or beta patch?

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@AZY - to be fair the notes stated that this beta concentrated on the 'spin of death' flaw - which seems to be fixed. Yes, there is work to be done with the medium in particular still, but from small acorns, oak trees grow!

Also, BIS need to make sure that those who do not buy 'Hinds' are catered for as well one would presume.

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This beta is obsolete with the release of the Hinds Compatibility Pack (1.05) :) The beta patch program will continue.

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