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J. Schmidt

Pegasus Team 101 MULE WIP

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Reaper, please stop filling my PM box.

Using this thread will get a response just as fast.

I'm getting an error after I put the Event handlers in: No Entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/EventHandlers.scope'.

You defined EventHandlers OUTSIDE the vehicle, its meant to defined within the vehicle class.


                       stabilizedInAxes = 0; 
   class EventHandlers 
       init = "_this execVM ""\pt101_mule\scr\initmule.sqf"";"; 
   class  pt101_mule02: pt101_mule01 
       displayName = "MULE DD";


                       stabilizedInAxes = 0; 
	class EventHandlers 
		init = "_this execVM ""\pt101_mule\scr\initmule.sqf"";"; 
   class pt101_mule02: pt101_mule01 
       displayName = "MULE DD";  

Tip: You appear to indenting your code with spaces. Use Tab's instead.

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@Gnat Sorry about filling your PM box.

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How am I suppose to make the player pull out the UGV_Controller when they select the "Enter UGV Mode"?

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hmmm .... that might be near impossible

Its an inventory item right, not a weapon?

You may have to do it the other way around, give an option only when controller is selected.

Suggestion: Always look for a working example elsewhere in the community (1000's of addons) of something very similar. The open it an check its code.

Could you maybe make the controller a weapon where a screen pops up? Like the BIS Javelin ?

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@Gnat The UGV Controller falls into the class of Binoculars, and shows up in the players inventory where the Binoculars and NV are. Would the selectWeapon command work? I'll do some more digging around. And is there a way to name the Commander of the MULE? (I figured out a way in which will only allow the player to "Exit UGV Mode" only when their in the commander's position, but I need to name the Commander.)

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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Great News, after the great help from Nordin, the remote control script works perfectly now, or at least it does with the different test that I think of. I will also be releasing v1.0 of my addon today. I hope you enjoy, and I will be updating it once I sort out some things, i.e. accessing the gear, improve textures, adding a laser designator, possibly missiles, and etc. all in due time. Also please post any bugs that you happen to come across, and I do what I can with the help of the community to fix it.

I would like to thank [APS]Gnat, Nordin, Feint, and everyone else who helped me with this addon, for without their help it wouldn't have been possible.

@Gnat, I'm still not able to access the gear, could you help me with that? Also is it possible to add a laser designator and missiles to the MULE? These would be excellent things to add to the MULE.

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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I would like to start working on some updates that would expand the game-play for the MULE, which are listed bellow. But I am going to need some help to pull this off.

1.) Attach a Laser Designator to the Turret.

2.) Add 4 missiles to the load-out of the MULE.

I'm unsure how to add a Laser Designator and 4 missiles to the MULE and make them operable.

3.) Improve the Textures and the overall 3d model of the MULE.

I'll continue learning and improving my skills with texturing and 3d modeling, so that's not much of a problem.

4.) Allow the MULE to carry gear and the player to attach their rucksack to the hull.

I don't know how to fix the gear problem, and allow a player to attach their rucksack to the hull of the MULE.

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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4.) Allow the MULE to carry gear and the player to attach their rucksack to the hull.

I don't know how to fix the gear problem, and allow a player to attach their rucksack to the hull of the MULE.

I've figured out the problem with the gear by adding this to the config.cpp file:

memoryPointSupply "supply";

Now I've started working on the attach rucksack to the hull of the MULE script. As for adding 4 missiles and a laser designator, I yet haven't figured it out.

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I need help with a couple of things; was able to add the 4 missiles to the MULE, but its not working like it should. The missiles don't look on to anything like they do with the Abrams, and whenever I go to 3rd person view with the missiles selected the MULE disappears unless I switch to a different weapon or go back into the optic view. Here is the config.cpp and model.cfg


class CfgPatches
class CAWheeled
	units[] = {"pt101_mule","pt101_ugvcontroller"};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {"CAWheeled_E"};
class CfgWeaponClasses  
class UGV
	displayName = "UGV - UGV Controller";
class CfgMagazines
class VehicleMagazine;
class UGV_laser_mag: VehicleMagazine
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Laser Designator";
	ammo = "Laserbeam";
	count = 1;
	initSpeed = 30;
class CfgWeapons  
class ACE_MX2A;
class pt101_ugvcontroller: ACE_MX2A
	displayName = "UGV Controller";
	weaponClass = "UGV";
	model = "\pt101_mule\pt101_ugvcontroller.p3d";
class Default;
class Laserdesignator: Default
	scope = 2;
	displayName = "Laser Designator";
	primary = 10;
	magazines[] = {"UGV_laser_mag"};
class CfgVehicleClasses
class UGV
	displayName = "UGV - MULE";
class CfgVehicles 
class LAV25;
class Mule_Step1 : LAV25
	scope = 1;
	class NewTurret;
	class Turrets;
	class MainTurret;
	class CommanderOptics;
	class viewpilot;
	class viewgunner;
	class AnimationSources;
	class HitPoints;
class pt101_mule01: Mule_Step1

	faction = "BIS_US";
	displayName = "MULE T";
	vehicleClass = "UGV";
	model = "\pt101_mule\pt101_mule.p3d";
	maxSpeed = 60;
	animated = true;
	scope = 2;
	picture = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\stryker_ICV_CA.paa";
	Icon = "\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_Stryker_CA.paa";
	mapSize = 10;
	nameSound = "stryker";
	commanderCanSee = 31;
	gunnerCanSee = 31;
	driverOpticsModel = "\ca\Wheeled\optika_stryker_driver";
	soundEngine[] = {\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\Stryker_ICV_engine,db-10,0.8};
	soundGear[] = {\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\shifter_v3,db-65,1};
	SoundGetIn[] = {\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\M151A1_door_v1,db-45,1};
	SoundGetOut[] = {\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\M151A1_door_v1,db-50,1};

	enableGPS = true;
	transportSoldier = 0;
	side = 1;
	crew = "US_Soldier_Crew_EP1";
	fuelCapacity = 246;
	armor = 150;
	damageResistance = 0.01199;
	crewVulnerable = false;
	threat[] = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5};
	viewCargoShadow = true;
	viewCargoShadowDiff = 0.05;
	viewDriverShadowDiff = 0.05;
	viewGunnerShadowDiff = 0.05;
	hideProxyInCombat = 1;
	memoryPointSupply = "supply";
	transportMaxWeapons = 5000;
	transportMaxMagazines = 20000;
	transportMaxBackpacks = 25;
	supplyRadius = 1.4;

	gunnerHasFlares = true;

// Copy of LAV-25 Base View definitions
	class ViewOptics
		initAngleX = 0;
		minAngleX = -30;
		maxAngleX = 30;
		initAngleY = 0;
		minAngleY = -100;
		maxAngleY = 100;
		initFov = 0.466;
		minFov = 0.466;
		maxFov = 0.466;
		thermalMode[] = {2, 3};
		visionMode[] = {"Normal", "NVG", "Ti"};
	class ViewPilot
		initAngleX = 10;
		minAngleX = -65;
		maxAngleX = 85;
		initAngleY = 20;
		minAngleY = -150;
		maxAngleY = 150;
		initFov = 0.7;
		minFov = 0.25;
		maxFov = 1.4;
// Copy of LAV-25 Base Turret definitions
	class Turrets: Turrets
		class MainTurret: MainTurret
			weapons[] = {"ACE_M242_200", "M240_veh", "TOWLauncher", "Laserdesignator"};
			magazines[] = {"2Rnd_TOW2", "2Rnd_TOW2", "2Rnd_TOW2", "2Rnd_TOW2", "2Rnd_TOW2", "ACE_1100Rnd_762x51_M240", 

"ACE_1100Rnd_762x51_M240", "ACE_230Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI", "ACE_230Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI", "ACE_230Rnd_25mm_M242_HEI", "ACE_70Rnd_25mm_M242_APFSDS", 

"ACE_70Rnd_25mm_M242_APFSDS", "ACE_70Rnd_25mm_M242_APFSDS", "UGV_laser_mag"};
			soundServo[] = {"\ca\Weapons\Data\Sound\gun_elevate",0.0177828,1,15};
			minElev = -4.5;
			maxElev = 74;
			minTurn = -360;
			maxTurn = 360;
			gunnerAction = "LAV25_Gunner_out";
			gunnerInAction = "LAV25_Gunner";
			forceHideGunner = 0;
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_LAV_7";
			gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";
			memoryPointGun = "machinegun";
			gunBeg = "muzzle_1";
			gunEnd = "chamber_1";
			body = "MainTurret";
			gun = "MainGun";
			animationSourceBody = "MainTurret";
			animationSourceGun = "MainGun";
			gunnerForceOptics = 1;
			outGunnerMayFire = 0;
			startEngine = 1;
			primaryGunner = 4;
			laserScanner = true;
			laserTarget = true;
			canLock = true;
			ace_sys_missileguidance_tracker = "TOWLauncher";
			class HitPoints: HitPoints
				class HitTurret
					armor = 0.8;
					material = -1;
					name = "vez";
					visual = "vez";
					passThrough = 1;
			selectionFireAnim = "zasleh_1";
			class ViewGunner
				initAngleX = 5;
				minAngleX = -65;
				maxAngleX = 85;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -150;
				maxAngleY = 150;
				initFov = 0.7;
				minFov = 0.25;
				maxFov = 1.1;
			gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankGunnerOptics2","OpticsBlur1","OpticsCHAbera1"};
			class ViewOptics
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -30;
				maxAngleX = 30;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -100;
				maxAngleY = 100;
				initFov = 0.2;
				minFov = 0.05;
				maxFov = 0.2;
				thermalMode[] = {2, 3};
				visionMode[] = {"Normal", "NVG", "Ti"};
			class Turrets
				class CommanderOptics: NewTurret
					proxyType = "CPCommander";
					proxyIndex = 1;
					gunnerName = "commander";
					primaryGunner = 0;
					primaryObserver = 1;
					gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 0;
					body = "obsTurret";
					gun = "obsGun";
					animationSourceBody = "obsTurret";
					animationSourceGun = "obsGun";
					animationSourceHatch = "hatchCommander";
					soundServo[] = {"",0.00316228,1};
					startEngine = 0;
					gunBeg = "";
					gunEnd = "";
					minElev = -4;
					maxElev = 20;
					initElev = 0;
					minTurn = -360;
					maxTurn = 360;
					initTurn = 0;
					commanding = 2;
					viewGunnerInExternal = 0;
					gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\weapons\2Dscope_com2";
					gunnerOutOpticsModel = "";
					gunnerOutOpticsColor[] = {0,0,0,1};
					gunnerOutForceOptics = 0;
					gunnerOutOpticsShowCursor = 0;
					memoryPointGunnerOutOptics = "commander_weapon_view";
					memoryPointGunnerOptics = "commanderview";
					memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos driver";
					memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos driver dir";
					class ViewGunner
						initAngleX = 5;
						minAngleX = -65;
						maxAngleX = 85;
						initAngleY = 0;
						minAngleY = -150;
						maxAngleY = 150;
						initFov = 0.7;
						minFov = 0.25;
						maxFov = 1.1;
					gunnerOpticsEffect[] =
					class ViewOptics
						initAngleX = 0;
						minAngleX = -30;
						maxAngleX = 30;
						initAngleY = 0;
						minAngleY = -100;
						maxAngleY = 100;
						initFov = 0.3;
						minFov = 0.025;
						maxFov = 0.3;
						thermalMode[] = {2, 3};
						visionMode[] = {"Normal", "NVG", "Ti"};
					gunnerInAction = "LAV25_Commander";
					gunnerAction = "LAV25_Commander_Out";
					outGunnerMayFire = 1;
					weapons[] = {"SmokeLauncher"};
					magazines[] = {"SmokeLauncherMag","SmokeLauncherMag"};
					stabilizedInAxes = 0;
	class EventHandlers  
		init = "_this execVM ""\pt101_mule\scr\initmule.sqf"";";  
class pt101_mule02: pt101_mule01
	displayName = "MULE DD"; 
      		hiddenSelections[] = {"Skin1"};  
       	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\pt101_mule\data\paa\mule_digital_desert_co.paa"};
class pt101_mule03: pt101_mule01
	displayName = "MULE MC"; 
       	hiddenSelections[] = {"Skin1"};  
       	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\pt101_mule\data\paa\mule_multicam_co.paa"};
class pt101_mule04: pt101_mule01
       	displayName = "MULE WL"; 
       	hiddenSelections[] = {"Skin1"};  
       	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\pt101_mule\data\paa\mule_woodland_co.paa"};
class pt101_mule05: pt101_mule01
       	displayName = "MULE D"; 
       	hiddenSelections[] = {"Skin1"};  
       	hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\pt101_mule\data\paa\mule_desert_co.paa"};


class CfgSkeletons
class Default;
class pt101_mule: Default
class CfgModels
class Default
class pt101_mule: Default
	class Animations
		class FrontWheelL
			angle1="rad -360";
		class FrontWheelR
			angle1="rad -360";
		class CenterWheelL
			angle1="rad -360";
		class CenterWheelR
			angle1="rad -360";
		class RearWheelL
			angle1="rad -360";
		class RearWheelR
			angle1="rad -360";
		class MainTurret
			minValue="rad -360";
			maxValue="rad +360";
			angle0="rad -360";
			angle1="rad +360";
		class MainGun
			minValue="rad -20";
			maxValue="rad +5";
			angle0="rad -20";
			angle1="rad +5";
		class MachineGun
               		angle1="rad -360";
		class Camera
			minValue="rad -360";
			maxValue="rad +360";
			angle0="rad -360";
			angle1="rad +360";
		class CameraUp
			minValue="rad -360";
			maxValue="rad +360";
			angle0="rad -360";
			angle1="rad +360";
		class Launcher
			minValue="rad -15";
			maxValue="rad 0";
			angle0="rad -15";
			angle1="rad 0";

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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I now have added a TOW Launcher and a Laser Designator to the MULE, but I don't know if they work properly since they haven't been fully tested. I've also updated the textures to what I believe make it more realistic and added ACE and CBA required to the config.cpp.

Here's a picture of the new textures:

http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n529/JSF_82nd_Reaper/Project%2001%20MULE/pt101_mule1.jpg (383 kB)

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It's been a while since I've done any work with the MULE due to real life. But I'm happy to say that I've picked back up on this project and am proud to present to the community some WIP screenshots. But at the moment I'm still working on improvements for the config.cpp and UV mapping/texturing (which I'm having a lot of difficulties with since I don't fully understand yet.)

WIP Screenshots





Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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Your latest W.I.P. shots have got my adrenaline flowing.

The quality is FAR better than the last release. Congratulations on a HUGE step forward in growth. I'm really impressed. Keep up the hard work, as it's paying off in spades. Good luck to you!

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@Kyle_K_ski Thanks for the complement it's been a lot of hard work and many hours of trial and error. The only real problem that I'm having at the moment is trying to figure out how to properly create a UV Map, RVMAT, etc, and texture.

Does anyone have a good tutorial, knowledge, or source that their willing to share with me of how to properly create UV Maps, RVMATs, etc, and textures? I believe I've checked out about every tutorial their is and have spent hours of searching for information. (I'll be providing a picture of what I have done so far for the UV mapping and explain what I did to get to where the picture shows.)

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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Here's is the UV Map that I created, So my question is, is this what a proper UV Map is suppose to look like when you create one?

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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A UV map is supposed to look in a way that works for you. If it works, it is correct.

In your UV map i see several faces layered, mean covering same areas on the texture. This is ok if those should have the same texture. Personally i try to avoid any overlapping.

One thing: you have a lot of empty space, try to use it. Scale the parts up and reposition them to fill up the whole space as good as possible. This will allow more details on the texture.

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If you're loading an image into memory, you're loading the whole thing whether you use all of it or not. Additionally, since the texture maps have a limited number of pixels, and your UV map represents a surface in 3d space, the less of the UV map you occupy, the less pixels per meter you have to work with.

Check out the BI sample models for some possible ways to unwrap models. When you're viewing them you have to filter by main texture in order to make sense of what you're seeing.

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So basically my UV map needs to work for my model in a way in which when I apply a texture, it is aligned properly and going in the right direction for every part. Like if I have a box the top and bottom need to be linked, while the left/right side are linked, and the front and back? If so I did update my UV Map from the last picture so and noticed that when I apply a texture everything now aligns the right way. So I guess my next question is what do I do next, do I have to create a RVMAT, if so how?

Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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Whats the poly count of that model? Looks very high (e.g. wheels)

Could be a challenge to get it to work well in ArmA

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WIP on the MULE, I've remodeled the whole MULE to look even better and closer to the real thing along with lower some of the poly count. But there is still much work to be done i.e. Textures, UV Map, Bump Map, try to lower the poly count even more without ruining the model, Shadow Lod, and work on areas that still need to be polished up.

WIP screenshots as of 03-23-13:





Edited by JSF 82nd Reaper

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Original Size


XM1219 ARV-A-L (Armed-Robotic-Vehicle-Assault-Light)

Original Size


XM1217 Transport


The Multifunctional Utility/Logistics and Equipment Vehicle is a 2.5-ton Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV) that provides support to dismounted and air assault operations. The MULE can be sling-loadable under military rotor-craft and features a common chassis. As the program's centerpiece, the Common Mobility Platform (CMP) chassis provides mobility built around advanced propulsion and articulated suspension system. This system gives the MULE the ability to negotiate complex terrain, obstacles, and gaps that a dismounted squad would encounter.

The MULE's unique, highly advanced 6x6 independent articulated suspension, coupled with in-hub motors powering each wheel, provided extreme mobility in complex terrain, far exceeding that of vehicles utilizing more conventional suspension systems. It can climb at least a 1-meter step traverse side slopes greater than 40 percent, ford water to depths over 0.5 meters and overpass obstacles as high as 0.5 meters, while compensating for varying payload weights and center of gravity locations.


XM1218 Countermine

The Countermine MULE Vehicle (MULE-CM) (XM1218) would provide the capability to detect, mark, and neutralize anti-tank mines. The vehicle would be equipped with an integrated mine detection mission equipment package from the Ground Standoff Mine Detection System (GSTAMIDS). The XM1218 was canceled in December 2009.

XM1219 ARV-A-L (Armed-Robotic-Vehicle-Assault-Light)

The ARV-A-L MULE Vehicle (ARV-A-L) (XM1219) would have featured an integrated weapons and reconnaissance, surveillance, and target acquisition (RSTA) package to support the dismounted infantry’s efforts to locate and destroy enemy platforms and positions. The ARV-A-L would have supported both anti-tank and anti-personnel weapons platforms that will be remotely operated by network linked Soldiers.

XM1217 Transport

The XM1217 was canceled in December 2009 along with the XM1218. It would have been able to haul 1,900 to 2,400 pounds of equipment.


• Transportable inside a C-130 Hercules and CH-47 Chinook.

• Transportable, slung under a UH-60 Black Hawk.

• Climb more than a 1 meter (3 ft. 3 in) step.

• Cross a 1 meter (3 ft. 3 in) gap.

• Traverse side slopes of 40 percent.

• Ford water obstacles over 0.5 meters (1 ft. 8 in).

• Cross obstacles as high as 0.5 meters (1 ft. 8 in).

Source Information

Added 52 minutes later:

The descriptions and variants posted above are of the actual robotic vehicles themselves, and what I am trying to portray in-game. Keep in mind that the compared to real life the game is some what limiting on how this vehicle operates, so I intend on trying my best to get the robotic vehicles to it's fullest potential. I have created 2 variants of the robotic vehicles thus far, the XM1219 ARV-A-L and XM1217 Transport as seen above, I'm currently working on the third variant XM1218 Countermine.

I have little to no knowledge in texture work, and what you may consider a basic level of 3d modeling. It has taken me 2 years of work in getting the MULE to where it is now.

Future Plans:

1.) Creating the XM1218 Countermine variant

2.) Convert the Remote Control script into a module (Like the UAV/ULB modules already in-game)

3.) Update the Config.cpp to better suit both XM1217 Transport and XM1218 Countermine variants. (As of right now the XM1217 Transport is inheriting the XM1219 ARV-A-L. Which has granted the XM1217 Transport the ability to fire, and that isn't at all what is intended.)

4.) UV Mapping and Texture Work, once completed with the modeling portion. (Currently NodUnit has agreed to help me with the UV Mapping and sorting out inaccuracies.)

5.) Attempt to continue work on a couple of new features "Follow Operator Mode" and "Attach Ruck"

Website: http://innovationstudios.blogspot.com

Forum: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?130964-Pegasus-Team-101-MULE-WIP

Armaholic Forums: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&p=149535#149535

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