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Faster Cars?

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Is it possible to make cars go any faster than around 120. I have heard of a script made by someone called deadeye but I cannot find it. Thanks.

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That sounds useful but is there something that makes cars faster on road. I want them to go ~200 to ~250.

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The engine has a limitation that prevents cars from accelerating beyond 120. If you're looking for a solution for a single mission, there are some setVelocity scripts to simulate a nitro boost or somesuch. My DM Road Rage contains such a script.

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Any faster and the cars wouldn't be cars, they'd be......rocket ships.

Edited by Nicholas

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So if I use this

_truck1 setVelocity [200, 0, 0]

with truck1 as my vehicle does that meam it will start off at 200 and that will be its top speed for the rest of that mission?

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So if I use this
_truck1 setVelocity [200, 0, 0]

with truck1 as my vehicle does that meam it will start off at 200 and that will be its top speed for the rest of that mission?

No, it just gives your truck a one-off push east at 200 m/s.

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I fou d this on the wiki

_vel = velocity _vehicle;
_dir = direction _vehicle;
_speed = 10; comment "Added speed";
_vehicle setVelocity [(_vel select 0)+(sin _dir*_speed),(_vel select 1)+
(cos _dir*_speed),(_vel select 2)];

So how do I use this. Where do I put the vehicles speed?

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It depends on how your missions is built! The code listed will set the velocity of the car named _vehicle as soon as it is run. You could call it from a trigger if you wanted to boost at a certain point, or you could use it in an addaction command if you wanted to boost from the action menu. What is your scenario?

EDIT ---> It is still not going to have the effect you require though.

Edited by Jedra

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Check how police car is made in "Jade Groove" mod. There's a nifty script and it works in MP/Dedicated, too.

MP racing gets fun at those speeds, especially now that 1.60 fixed warping ;)

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Where is the line of code or whatever in the police car and would I just put that line in the cars I wanted to go faster.

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Where is the line of code or whatever in the police car and would I just put that line in the cars I wanted to go faster.

In case you can't find it, the cars can be downloaded here and the script you are looking for is called acceleration.sqs. You can see how it is called by looking at handling.sqs. The pbo you need to look at is roadrunner2. Should be enough to get you started.

@IB - did you know that Jade Groove or the addon pack can't be downloaded from your site? Shame, as it's a great Island. Also your weblink in Armaholic is old (unless you have started working for the New Zealand tourist board!).

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I have three racing cars coming with Lingor Units v1.337 (or Lingor Full) addon. And they are capable of reaching 160-170kmh, very nice for drifting corners ;)

About Jade Groove units download link, it should work here: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=10464&a=dl. And you can grab it off my website, too.

Edited by IceBreakr

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Which Lingor vehicles are said race cars, Icebreakr? I'd like to try them out if I get the time. :)

Thanks for making all of your awesome maps by the way. I love some of the units too... The Squirrel helicopter and the Viggen jet are some of my favorites. Thanks very much!

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Oh nothing in particular, just these:




Edited by IceBreakr

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