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Is there a way to make AI blind at night?

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I'm trying to do a mission where me and blufor are escape and evading our way through a blizzard (created by the NIM module). But it feels like the AI, even when I remove their night vision, can see us from miles away.

Is there anyway to make them blinder or what?

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use this command on the units (you and bluefor) whenever you dont want to be "spotted"

// they see you but doesnt care, you are friendly to them "they dont see you"
{_x [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive"]setCaptive[/url] true} foreach units group player;

// do this and they see you again.
{_x [url="http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCaptive"]setCaptive[/url] false} foreach units group player;

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I think I may not have been clear. Me and my team are blufor and we're evading opfor as we go to a rendezvous point.

Unless that is put on the opfor init field?

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You could also try the actual beta of ArmA. In one of the last three betas "magic" night vision for A.I. was changed.

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Place a trigger that activates repeatedly.

Condition: {side _x==east and vehicle _x distance vehicle player<50} count allUnits==0

On act: player setCaptive true

On dea: player setCaptive false

Change the distance to your liking. If an opfor unit is closer than that, all enemies that know about the player will target him.

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Another option is to remove any NVG the enemy may have. As pointed out by Beagle later betas work much better in this regard and unless you stand/walk under street lamps etc the AI will only spot you at close range (again no NVG´s).


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Or you could just actually make it dark at night.

Simply choosing a nighttime hour is likely to get you something only a little better than twilight, with moon brightness and everything. But if you can find the magic hour of pitch blackness (different for every season and map), the AI will be truly blind. Unless you open fire within 50m of them or sprint within 5m, you might as well have an invisibility cloak.

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What Maturin said. Default dates always have something close to a full moon.

That and you can also set it to full cloud cover. It will be pitch black.

But even then during a starry (but I think moonless night) AI had trouble spotting me crouching (not crawling) 10m away even back in 1.57

Make sure you are not running Zeus AI as well

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I am using ACE and ASR AI, which means far more alert AI across the board.

Go to Shapur, set time to 3:00 and STAND down in a field while a whole squad of full-skill AI walks to your position.

Don't move, shoot, or throw grenades and the enemies will brush shoulders with you and remain oblivious. While prone, one guy actually bumped into me. And even in combat mode, they can't acquire targets visually at this time of night unless they make a sound or light source.

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Yeah it doesn't actually have to be pitch black either - with enough overcast, you can maintain decent visibility while having enemy AI walk within inches of you. They know something is there, and turn their head to look, but don't register it as enemy.

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Yeah it doesn't actually have to be pitch black either - with enough overcast, you can maintain decent visibility while having enemy AI walk within inches of you. They know something is there, and turn their head to look, but don't register it as enemy.

Exactly right. When it's dark but not very dark, the enemy will see you from quite a ways off, but not be able to identify you. At this time, if there aren't shadows around, you will be able to recognize their uniforms, but you will remain "unknown" to them. If you open fire in any direction, they will as well.

But the moonless nights can be pretty hilarious. I just put an enemy man down in a runway and walked right up to him, shining a flashlight in his face until I poked him in the eye with the barrel of my gun. He knew right where I was, but all he could see was a huge glare and didn't know if I was friend or foe. I could have started doing the macarena in front of this guy.

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and evading our way through a blizzard

The AI doesn't exactly consider a bunch of particles as visual occlusion, which is probably why the OP wants extra blindness.

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I wouldn't use the setcaptive commands that some are suggesting. As far as I know, once a setcaptive, goes back to being an enemy sometimes the opfor have a hard time recognizing that and some may still not shoot at you. Making it less difficult.

I always thought this board was kind of funny when it comes to questions like this. Where you are asking how to do something, yet a lot of responses tell you how to do something else. Like you want AI blind. Which means you don't want them to see anything. yet you get setcaptive. Or someone wants to be able to get in an aircraft during the mission and is having some kind of issue. When they ask how to resolve the issue people tell them just to start the mission in the aircraft.

I'm not putting anyone down for suggesting. But this game has so many scripting commands to be able to get it working correctly shouldn't always be met with something completely different.

Doesn't someone out there know what the coding is the make AI see? Like when foggy. I mean if its coded in the game with some script that prevents them from seeing in for then doesn't it make sense that it could be modified?

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the problem with AI vision is that its hardcoded into beheaviour fsm, only way to change it is with a custom mod.

thats why workarounds like setCaptive etc are suggested.

one other way is to spawn invicible objects around the players like a wall, hindering the "view" of the AI, but once known to AI, Ai knows you are "there" no matter, we have the reveal command but its not reversible at this point, so the function cannot be used.

if reveal was reversible or we had a forget command, the solution would be easy:

waituntil {AI knowsabout you > 0};
AI reveal [you,0];

// or

AI forget you;

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