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Port of an OFP mod to Arma 2: Weapons don´t work

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Since two days I try to get the HK400 Mod of Ofp to Arma2.

It´s quite frustrating!

All works, EXCEPT the weapons.

Perhaps you could help me...

Here is the cpp code after uncounted tries to fix the problem.


I just get "HFlaser" - but as ammo nothing.

If I change "Machinegun30" to M230, I get at least as ammo 0.

Any ideas, where the error could be ?


Edited by Max Power
Please use code tags for configs/scripts

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By ignoring my advice/question about the log file in OFPEC, my guess is you're trying to edit a exist PBO inside of an game directory, and PBO'ing in the same spot.

..... A bit like trying to fix a falling aeroplane's engine, while laying on the wing, using the plastic fork you got with the in-flight meal ..... not using the right tools means you gotta get hurt.

This is a OFP config, it has dozens of things wrong.

If you plan to do this offen, you are going to have to learn ArmAII config paramters, people are not going to convert whole configs for you.

Asside from that, theres a very high chance its not going to work the same because you can't translate OFP to ArmA and expect the same result.

class CfgAmmo
class Default{};
class BulletSingle: Default{};
class BulletSingle7_6: BulletSingle{};
class BulletSingle12_7: BulletSingle7_6{};
class ExplosiveBullet: BulletSingle{};
class HKAerialCannonMun: ExplosiveBullet

All shit and useless.


class CfgAmmo
class BulletBase;
class HKAerialCannonMun: BulletBase

class CfgWeapons
class Default{};
class MGun: Default{};
class MachineGun7_6: MGun{};
class MachineGun12_7: MachineGun7_6{};
class MachineGun30: MachineGun7_6{};
class HKAerialCannon: MachineGun30

All shit and useless.


class CfgWeapons
class M240;
class HKAerialCannon: M240

You are still going to get errors. Theres dozens more old parameters there that ArmA won't have a clue about.

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@Max Power

Tried to.

But he is offline since 2010 (!).

And on his HP I could not finde any email.

So I tried to contact him in this forum.

At the moment I wait for any answer.

By the way:

Does anybody know, how to make indestructible vehicles like carriers destructible or if that is at least possible ?

I have read, that there is a 50m restriction fort ships.

If that is right: Does that mean, that destructible capital ships out of OFP are in A2 just indestructible, or has the indestructibility any other reasons..?

Edited by moviemaker100

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@Max Power

Tried to.

But he is offline since 2010 (!).

And on his HP I could not finde any email.

So I tried to contact him in this forum.

At the moment I wait for any answer.

Just a heads up. If it's not possible contact him, and he has a strict license, then it will not be possible to release this addon. If you have tried everything, then you can contact Placebo (the head moderator) and he will try some things.

Did his addon come with a license file, or a license in the readme?

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There is no nothing!

Not even a readme!

Just the Zip with the pbo - and so you get ALL of his Mods.....

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Then his work is automatically copyrighted with all rights reserved, and modifying his work is prohibited. So if you can't contact him, you should definitely contact Placebo.

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Then his work is automatically copyrighted with all rights reserved, and modifying his work is prohibited. So if you can't contact him, you should definitely contact Placebo.

I read some law-texts.

1. Without any clear licence, there is nothing!

2. Xpetit hisself doesn´t have the licence for the mod, because it is from Terminator - BUT ist is SIMILAR - no more.

3. Xpetit has no patent.

4. I make a SIMILAR mod - and that is absolutely ok. It is not the same mod, that he has released. The model is not his and the code is by me, too.


For the law that is 100% ok.

5. Xpetit is since 2010 offline and doesn´t react on my email.

A second Modder, Philcommando didn´t react on my mail, too.

6. I will tell all user, who is the origin-modder, for sure.

As most modders do.

If you try to contact all (mostly nowerdays inaktive) modder, that modded x years ago anything, people would burn all their time with contacting instead of modding.

7. If my kind of modding is forbidden, EVERY re-texturing is forbidden.

That all is SIMILAR and no one has the licence of the model or the code.

What do you want to licence..??

The changed objects are not yours!

You as first modder just made something SIMILAR out of something for that you got no licence or what ever.

So you can´t give a licence to anyone or prohibit anything.

Btw.: Exactly WHEN gave Bohemia all the modders the licence, to make mods and produce objects SIMILAR to their game-objects for their games..??


You see - when you are right, normally EVERY mod is illegal!

=> absurd!

8. Nothing is sold. Law can´t grab anything.

Else: Please show me the law, that says, you are right, wenn nothing is sold and the creator of anything has originally no licence.

Edited by moviemaker100

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I read some law-texts.

So you're an IP lawyer now are you?

..... For the law that is 100% ok.

Whether thats true I don't even bother arguing, because you're a lawyer now.

..... but maybe the community here is not 100% OK .....

You arrive in 2012, to tell us all about 7 years of "community law"

........ take the MODERATORS advice!

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Gnat;2095714']So you're an IP lawyer now are you?

But are YOU an IP lawyer ??

..You arrive in 2012' date=' to tell us all about 7 years of "community law"

........ take the MODERATORS advice![/quote']What does that mean..??

Anyone "greater" of the community says, it is forbidden - and that´s it ??

And that is enough, to limit the count of mods for Arma2 extremly...?

(OFP has uncountable mods.)

And that WORLDWIDE ???

Because of that nearly noone makes mods..?

For seven years, already ???


Well, as long there is no REAL law I see me in the same situation as the origin modder:

As long the mod is only SIMILAR and I mention the orgin modder, it is all ok.

Else the original modder had done something illegal.

Even illegal for "virtual community laws", by the way :p

Ideas of "licencing" from modders for something for that they had never a licence on their own - sorry, that is BULLSHIT!!!!!


I´m not right, you think.

Ok, then give me the link to the REAL law or ANYTHING that I can understand what you and your pals claim for seven years, already.

For sure you can continue with this "politics" for further seven and 70 years.

But you can 100% sure, very limited mods are no good for nobody.

Not for Bohemia, because mostly just games with lots of mods are well sold - and absolutely not for the community and user, that without mods get bored, very fast, for sure.

Just mods gurantee, that user like the game for years, because they play it again and again because of cheesy new mods and changes of things that would be too expensive for Bohemia (and all other game producers) itself.

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I read some law-texts.

But i'm not sure you understood them properly.

1. Without any clear licence, there is nothing!

Sorry but you are wrong. The moment you create something by Law (under International Copyright thanks to the Berne Convention) it is deemed to be yours unless you deed your rights away in a statement or licence. In the absence of a Licence it is assumed that the creator of this "artistic work" reserves all his rights to restrict the modification/adaption/porting etc of his work.

2. Xpetit hisself doesn´t have the licence for the mod, because it is from Terminator - BUT ist is SIMILAR - no more.

Xpetit isnt licensing the Terminator fanchise. Hes only licensing his artistic representation of something from the Terminator Franchise. Its not the same thing.

3. Xpetit has no patent.

He doesn't need a patent. A model/addon is not a patentable object/item/concept.

4. I make a SIMILAR mod - and that is absolutely ok. It is not the same mod, that he has released. The model is not his and the code is by me, too.


For the law that is 100% ok.

If you use any of Xpetit's work to create your mod its not only a breach of the law. Its called Intellectual Property theft. But its also a breach of the BIS community rules.

Well there are two things here:

#1 - The law says he is the creator and owner unless otherwise proved.

#2 - BIS Forum/Community rules say that all ports and conversions must have permission from the original author.

5. Xpetit is since 2010 offline and doesn´t react on my email.

A second Modder, Philcommando didn´t react on my mail, too.

Then there is a process in place with the BIS moderators which Max Power has previously advised you of which could help you to gain the permission you need.

6. I will tell all user, who is the origin-modder, for sure.As most modders do.If you try to contact all (mostly nowerdays inaktive) modder, that modded x years ago anything, people would burn all their time with contacting instead of modding.

So you will provide credits. That's nice but community rules have long ago established that's not enough. I refer you back to Max Power's statement about permissions.

7. If my kind of modding is forbidden, EVERY re-texturing is forbidden.

That all is SIMILAR and no one has the licence of the model or the code.

What do you want to licence..??

The changed objects are not yours!

You as first modder just made something SIMILAR out of something for that you got no licence or what ever.

So you can´t give a licence to anyone or prohibit anything.

I don't see where you are going with that claim. But hey if you want to make totally new models and scripts to do something similar to Xpetit's original OFP concept without using any of his original work, then no one will stop you.

Btw.: Exactly WHEN gave Bohemia all the modders the licence, to make mods and produce objects SIMILAR to their game-objects for their games..??


You see - when you are right, normally EVERY mod is illegal!

=> absurd!

When they released the Modding tools in 2003. And backed up again by Placebo's (BIS' paid representative in this community) statment about addon maker's ownership rights.

Addon/Mod Ownership - Q&A. by Placebo

ATTN: Addon Makers - Rules of content permissions. by Placebo

Why Licenses matter By Marek Spanel CEO of BI Studios

8. Nothing is sold. Law can´t grab anything.

Else: Please show me the law, that says, you are right, wenn nothing is sold and the creator of anything has originally no licence.

It makes no difference if its bought or sold. If you are taking credit for someone else's work then its morally wrong. If nothing else, if you want to ignore the laws the rules of this community were created and are upheld by the community for a reason. To ensure that people respect each other, Will help each other and to help bind the community together. If you want to be part of this community then you have to play by the rules.

It's as simple as that.

Now several people are trying to help you here. Why don't you let them.

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Forgive me if I was not clear: I am not telling you what is legal and what is not, I am telling you what is acceptable on these forums. If you wish to remain a member of these forums, you will listen to what I'm telling you.

And it is my understanding that RKSL-Rock is correct about the laws you are referring to.

You claim that your model only resembles his models, and your code is 100% your code, it only resembles his code. My compliments, sir, on the resemblence of your config. You got it down to the last detail- even down to having X.Petit's name is on it. That's some resemblance.

Edited by Max Power

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Forgive me if I was not clear: I am not telling you what is legal and what is not, I am telling you what is acceptable on these forums. If you wish to remain a member of these forums, you will listen to what I'm telling you.

I understand, I understand..

Most people understand that.

So most people make no mods or convert it.

I hope all are proud and happy about that... :yay:

You claim that your model only resembles his models, and your code is 100% your code, it only resembles his code. My compliments, sir, on the resemblence of your config. You got it down to the last detail- even down to having X.Petit's name is on it. That's some resemblance.
The code is nearly 100% from xpetit or that, what he has edited.

I was not allowed to delete xpetits name, because it was nearly his code.

The at moment flying HK400 is strong altered by me.

(I solved the problem on myself, because the first post was released by the mods way too late)

Else it would not fly in Arma2.

Well, you think everyone should spend hours of time to contact maybe dead modders (many were old) - and that after YEARS.

Else you don´t want to help.

Further you think mainly about licences and laws, that not really exist and spend a lot of time, discussing them.


That is clear.

Make it so.

Me for myself spend the time to make hard work, to get out the secrets of arma2 and how I can get mods into it.

I like scifi - so I need mods, that are only in ofp until now.

Nobody wants to help me.


I got it once on my own - and I will get it again on my own.

There is no other chance, as I see.

That´s sad.

But it has to be exactly in this way for all the time.

Seven years are way too less time, to prohibit as many mods, as the ultra-successful ofp.

That ofp BECAUSE of that many mods is until today unforgotton - that is only my opinion...

Well..make it so for the next seven und 70 years.

You seem to like, what the least seven years have brought................

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We aren't talking about learning opportunities here, moviemaker100, we are talking about unauthorized porting. If you don't have the time to learn how to do things properly, to finish a project you start yourself, or to ask permission, you don't have time for modding, period.

Your other claims regarding what is necessary for the community are refuted by our thriving mod scene. Our community has made a wide variety of extremely useful resources for new modders which you seem to be ignoring. But of course you are ignoring them, because you're not talking about learning, again, or modding. You're talking about ripping someone else's work.

I am growing tired of your arguments. It is clear to me that you feel like ripping is necessary, that you won't contact placebo, and you won't respect the rights of X.Petit. Thread locked.

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8. Nothing is sold. Law can´t grab anything.

Else: Please show me the law, that says, you are right, wenn nothing is sold and the creator of anything has originally no licence.

Oh really?

Just for the record let me add that this guy offered me 100 Euros if I convert some Mods for him from OFP to ArmA2. :rolleyes:

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