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2 Addons nearly everyone wants`!!!

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lol, it's funny to see all the guys from England ask for a harrier, all the guys from russia asking for a BRDM1/2/3 and the Americans want the Bradley smile.gif...well, and there's me...wanting the F14 Tomacat :biggrin:

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I am from holland the harrier could be nice but this is mainly an infantrie game. so the BRDM1/2/3 and the M2 Bradley would be a good adition.

new guns could also be good, more units for resistance, some more civilian things such as WOMEN!!!, also a bit more for the russians.

But I still think we need some more boats cuz it is an island and how the #### did they get there in the first place!!!

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i think really we should have every weapon, vehicle and aircraft in that year area in the game so that we have the variety that the whole army did have.

one thing though i think they should add though is a massive cruiser like the one they have but so that u can fit planes, heli's, men,vehicles and be able to take off or land on it.

surely someone has had the idea of doing this?

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I'm from England and I would rather see more Russian equipment (BTR-80, BRDMs) but I do not particularly want to see the Harrier unless there is a British MOD for OFP.

If that happened, I would want the Lynx helicopter. The Harrier would be a more manageable plane than the A10, hopefully.

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Rob said ...

"i think really we should have every weapon, vehicle and aircraft in that year area in the game so that we have the variety that the whole army did have. "

No. Once you start going down that road, we would want everything that the Airforces and Navies had.

"one thing though i think they should add though is a massive cruiser like the one they have but so that u can fit planes, heli's, men,vehicles and be able to take off or land on it"

I agree with some form of ship to take off or land at but hardly an aircraft carrier as it would need to be d*amn huge in order to launch planes from. Also, no real offensive capabilities.

A cruiser could wipe out anything coming at it unless the attacker had an Exocet missile and that is taking the game too far.

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"one thing though i think they should add though is a massive cruiser like the one they have but so that u can fit planes, heli's, men,vehicles and be able to take off or land on it"

I agree with this. It shouldn't have any offensive capabilities but you could be part of a Carrier team and your job would be to rearm fighter and helicopters that land on your ship. If this WOULD be added it would certainly make this the best war sim ever made. ####, they could even start adding an F14 biggrin.gif

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f14 are to fast for the game aircraft carrier like the americans have are to big but the once that the british have are smaller and thus better for the game.

the dutch ship roterdam can be added this is an support ship that can carry amphibeos vehicles bouts tanks traucks a lot of ppl in it and it has a landing pad for up to 6 helicaopters or 3 chinooks on it's rear deck.

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wot we really need is a f%ck off map big enough to have bout 6 enemy bases on it and enough sea room to put cruisers and maybe an aircraft carrier.

is there anyway of getting someone to make hugh maps?

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The beauty of a game which allows the user to modify and expand on the original software is the fact that it allows you to include virtually anything you want to. When BIS are satisfied that the Mission editor is being utilised to its fullest they will release the other software they use to make the maps, models and sounds, what you all call the "SDK". When this happens it will be possible for every single modern weapons system ever used or devised to be created and implemented into the game, and with the map creation software any place, any where can become a battleground. OFP has the potential through the users who will create this stuff to become the most complete and comprehensive battle simulation ever made, look at what the ability to change and modify MS Flightsim has done for that it is the only flight sim software really worth owning, because you can change every single aspect of it. Let BIS put add the sensible stuff which will make the game as it stands at the moment better, and when the necessary software is released let those who want to make what they want whether they are "pro groups" of mod makers or someone just messing around with the stuff, you never know where the great addons may come from.

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I see that some want carriers but think the US ones are too big. Vel there are smaller options, the Tarawa class LHA genreral purupose assault ships that can carry helos or VTOL aircraft like the Harrier, have a look at http://www.spear.navy.mil/ships/lha4/facts.html

they are about 247m, 40m longer than the Brittish Invicible class (206m) look at http://british-forces.com/rtw/ships/aircraftcarriers/invincible.html

for more info.

B.T.V. the Russians have the Kiev class carriers (about 270m) (for those who want more russian units).

And please, give the Blackhawk MG a second machinegun on the right side. Also give the Blackhawk SUU (minigun) pods instead of the useless droptanks.

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i hope ur right bout the SDK.

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how long would it take for them to present this program to us?

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I like that last idea, give me a Brit Invincible class carrier. And if we have that we can have harriers smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Venom Viper on 4:58 pm on Oct. 1, 2001

I see that some want carriers but think the US ones are too big. Vel there are smaller options, the Tarawa class LHA genreral purupose assault ships that can carry helos or VTOL aircraft like the Harrier, have a look at http://www.spear.navy.mil/ships/lha4/facts.html

they are about 247m, 40m longer than the Brittish Invicible class (206m) look at http://british-forces.com/rtw/ships/aircraftcarriers/invincible.html

for more info.

B.T.V. the Russians have the Kiev class carriers (about 270m) (for those who want more russian units).

And please, give the Blackhawk MG a second machinegun on the right side. Also give the Blackhawk SUU (minigun) pods instead of the useless droptanks.

<span id='postcolor'>

Yes! I brought this up... during my first day here, I think... but I dont remember, and nobody else probably does either smile.gif

The Blackhawks can benefit alot from either additional Hydra pods, or even better, two 20mm. or 7.62 mm. machine gun pods. Or maybe even four 20mm. pods, or just mix and match! The islands are way too small to warrant the use of those big fuel pods.

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like ive said over and over....WE need bloody SDK. so we can make maps absolutely huge and have any update we can think of. surely someone is making a carrier by now.

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I don't think so. smile.gif

It is bad enough when attack choppers in the game knock out your AA positions/troops before you can even see them and then makes mincemeat out of the rest of your troops. Short of bringing in AA-Guns/Missiles, there is nothing that could knock down a Tomcat.

If there were Tomcats in the game, a certain term springs to mind.

Game Balance.

I am working on a long running mission where only a couple of Cobras are up against a Tank Battalion with infantry support. It needs to rearm to stand a chance.

I am in favour of the idea to have an assault ship/carrier where choppers can be rearmed/refueled/repaired. Let the Russians have one as well, BiS.

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i dont think more jets and helicopters are really needed.we all ready got loads of choppers and jets are really not that usefull due to the low visibility ingame and the game-engine not being made for a flight-sim. Id like more vehicles, artilery and some new weapons...... and perhaps some GOOD missions to use those in. smile.gif

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good point supah and more boats.

cuz ow the #### did they get there in the first place?

i mean it for both of the sides


d*amn you Nostradamus why do you always have to be right!

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I'll like boats too....

A inflable black one for spec ops like the ones that the seals use.

A mid size aircraft carrier

Some kind of anphibious vehicle ( I love those)

More land vehicles too (specially for the soviets and the resistance)... no more air stuff....

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Well, I think it's really pathetic that you can manage to have al your units killed by one chopper, I usually can bring down an UH60 with ease with an M60 or an M2 so don't give me that crap of overkill, as for the F14 it can't even fly with only one pilot, you need two. Some of you like the infantry pasrt of OFP, but som eof us like the flying part...too bad the infantry lovers have the majority. smile.gif

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tell me bout it. smile.gif

if bis ever do give us permission then people can have there bloody missions how ever they want with what ever they want. if their willing enough to create their own mod.

for F%ck sake people if ur that worried have u ever tried not downloading the bloody addons. and even if they do come in a update just take them out, gosh!.

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evena retard could figure that out................?

well maybe not but that aint the point!

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No, what what nearly everyone wants is this:

EKV Exoatmospheric Kill Vehicle!


Boeing is developing an exoatmospheric kill vehicle for the Army's Ground-Based Interceptor test program, a key element of America's proposed National Missile Defense system The GBI would be launched on demand to intercept threatening missiles in outer space. Its EKV will separate from the booster, detect attacking missiles and destroy them. Army officials said that recent tests proved that Boeing's EKV sensor performance was "outstanding" and that the integrated navigation system performance "exceeded expectations."

Man this is a must have for the serious and realistic wargamer that is interested in OFP´s focus!

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