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[TvT/FFA/CO-40] Dynamic Zombie Sandbox

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I was wondering if the placement of objects gets 'registered' by the server after a while so the zeds react to them?

The AI base mission is placed (automatically) and barriers work fine for the spawned zombies there and all others from towns who visit.

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I was wondering if the placement of objects gets 'registered' by the server after a while so the zeds react to them?

The AI base mission is placed (automatically) and barriers work fine for the spawned zombies there and all others from towns who visit.

Post about it on the Arma 2 Bug tracker on Dev-Heaven or bug the devs. This is the only true way to fix it.

Other then that the best way to achieve such a goal is with CBA and heavy modification of R3F that or a custom network handler solution besides CBA to fit in DZS.

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Ive all ready posted in the bug tracker about the zombies walking through objects placed ingame.

I hope it can be fixed :).

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Ive all ready posted in the bug tracker about the zombies walking through objects placed ingame.

I hope it can be fixed :).

I hope you put AI path finding and not zombies :P

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I hope you put AI path finding and not zombies :P

Nope I put zombies but I did not post this ticket in the official BIS bug tracker.

I put the ticket on the bug tracker for this actual mission :P

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Strangely enough the barriers all work now - wierd.

The only issue was with a small bunker, which they somehow wiggled through. All others working fine.

The AI Base mission still does not seem to finish correctly.

The red cross stays on and I think after time message for it appears again but nothing spawns. (or it may do somewhere else but red cross in same place).

When using 20 zeds per km, if you kill alot the zombies seem to start lagging, not quite running on the spot but running really slow.

Notice there are weapone caches here and there, but in some places ALOT (think where there are many floors).

Might be an ArmA2 problem but placing barriers etc at the docks in Chern sticks them about 15M in the sky lol.

Great fun to play tho :) pretty addictive.

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Yep this really is a great mission.

As for the zombies walking through object you say it been improved or fixed if so I will test further tomorrow as this is great news :).

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Yep this really is a great mission.

As for the zombies walking through object you say it been improved or fixed if so I will test further tomorrow as this is great news :).

No I dont think a fix, the last download from Craig - Just seems to work all of a sudden.

The zeds now seem to stop a certain distance from the object.

I'll experiment a bit more today.

I did also notice that wherever you place something it 'snaps' about 1.5 metres to the right of where you 'place' it.

Im also going to run the server with side missions off and lots of z's for a bit to see how the lag is.

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I like DZS a lot and me and my friends have a lot of fun 8)

but i have 2 questions about version 0.95 for arma 2 (free)

1. are the boxes with ammo and wepons spawned randomly?

i tried the option "plenty" and "in every vehicle" but we cant find any weapon in cars or in towns...

also we cant find the ammo that spawns in every town...

and 2. what exactly is r3f...

i activated the construction interface but cant build... so i googled a bit and read that u deactivated it because r3f is better...

but i only foun a website where "r3f" is a custom luncher for arma 2

but all in all DZS is great

keep on the good work ;)

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I like DZS a lot and me and my friends have a lot of fun 8)

but i have 2 questions about version 0.95 for arma 2 (free)

1. are the boxes with ammo and wepons spawned randomly?

i tried the option "plenty" and "in every vehicle" but we cant find any weapon in cars or in towns...

also we cant find the ammo that spawns in every town...

and 2. what exactly is r3f...

i activated the construction interface but cant build... so i googled a bit and read that u deactivated it because r3f is better...

but i only foun a website where "r3f" is a custom luncher for arma 2

but all in all DZS is great

keep on the good work ;)

1. The boxes are indeed spawned randomly if I remember correctly. They spawn in a radius around the town, and the type of the box is also random.

Yes, sorry. The parameters for the weapons don't work in ArmA 2, because it lacks the "addWeaponCargoGlobal" command, so I cannot add weapons to vehicles until I find a workaround.

Ammo boxes might not spawn in every town, it is also random.


R3f is a script pack that allows the moving of objects and advanced artillery. I only use the moving of objects part, though.

Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285

I googled "Arma 2 R3F logistics", first result.

I'm not entirely sure of the status of the contruction module or logistics for the ArmA 2 version. Most of my time goes to the CO version, because that is the version of the game that I have, but I plan on getting it up to snuff eventually. It has received almost as many downloads as the CO version, so it does deserve some more of my time.


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1. The boxes are indeed spawned randomly if I remember correctly. They spawn in a radius around the town, and the type of the box is also random.

Yes, sorry. The parameters for the weapons don't work in ArmA 2, because it lacks the "addWeaponCargoGlobal" command, so I cannot add weapons to vehicles until I find a workaround.

Ammo boxes might not spawn in every town, it is also random.


R3f is a script pack that allows the moving of objects and advanced artillery. I only use the moving of objects part, though.

Link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9285

I googled "Arma 2 R3F logistics", first result.

I'm not entirely sure of the status of the contruction module or logistics for the ArmA 2 version. Most of my time goes to the CO version, because that is the version of the game that I have, but I plan on getting it up to snuff eventually. It has received almost as many downloads as the CO version, so it does deserve some more of my time.


thx for the fast answer ;)

well... its hard to find the ammo packs in this case but its good to hear that they exist...

with the weapons is okay... DZS is in an early stage so i lokking forward to it

ahh i also found the site of this script pack but i wasnt sure if it is the right one

must only i as the host have this script or do my friends need i too?

i will buy Arma2 CO next month because i like this game a lot and it has so many capability...

also i will look at the dayz mod...

will you add a feature too save a DZS game in the future?

because its a lil bit annoying to start at 0 after i shut down the server xD

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K a few more tings,

I think the AI find it easier to get through placed objects when they are just off the floor due to intersecting some real world object, but will test more.

The AI seem to wiggle through in this case.

The Overrun base mission marker stays active for everyone on server so when that mission runs again, its only visible to new joiners who were not on for previous one with stuck marker.

A question - are zombies supposed to keep spawning?

You can clear area pretty easy on 20 per km and I think the only new ones are ones from outlying towns - is this correct?

Also up to now Ive seen 'Overrun base', Gear cache, plane crash and Horde missions.

I thought there were more than this? I keep getting asked if theres a heli mission and thought there was somewhere.

Is there anything in the pipeline to extend the mission life at all by new goals and missions or respawns?

How about hostle AI who are armed like on the plane crash mission defending the airports / docks.

..or rare missions like hostile AI in an Mi8?

I love this mission and have been on it for about 10 hours today lol (sad).

I would love to see the survival aspect improved through 'secure' base building and a reason to defend.

...or more of a a PvP incentive :)

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Well, since the forum just said FU when I tried to post the some odd 600 words I just finished typing and deleted everything, I'll try keeping this short. :j:

Version: Combined Operations (latest non-beta?) - DZS 1.0 TEST

Non-dedicated Server Host (yay for 5-10 FPS on chernogorsk)

Zargabad Parameters: 50 zombies per KM, super zombies on, 25 - 50 spawn distance, no end-game objective, 400 aggro distance, zombies spawn in towns, zombies spawn everywhere (tried both settings seperately).

Utes Parameters: 100 zombies per KM, super zombies on, 25 - 50 spawn distance, no end-game objective, 400 aggro distance, zombies spawn everywhere.

Both maps I can confirm 100% that zombies stop spawning in large enough numbers to be worth fighting.

Zargabad settings will spawn zombies for about 2-3 hours, across 4 players I think the total kill count was 800+, then zombies stopped spawning entirely (ran across the city and only found 1-2 zombies). Restarted the server, enough zombies to lag my computer down to 10 fps.

Utes settings will spawn enough zombies for literally one fight at the airfield spawn point (I killed all the zombies *ALONE* and the total kill count was 53), then zombies stopped spawning, scouted the island with a UH-60S Seahawk, found MAYBE two across the entire island.

My server usually hosts anywhere from 4-20 players at once, issue occurs regardless of how many players or how spread out they are, aggro distance doesn't fix it, super zombies on/off doesn't fix it, spawn distance doesn't effect it.

I don't THINK I had this problem in v95, But I never tested v95 on Utes or Zargabad. I also believe the zombies not spawning is a issue on Takistan as well (not confirmed, but definite lack of zombies even at 100 per KM *super zombies off*). Any insight on this problem? Anyone else have their zombies just disappear entirely? (also, extremely tired, sorry if I messed something up >.>)

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Idk what has been changed since v95 but now all maps lags on non-dedicated at least (I dont own a server so cant try that).

Cant remember it being like this on v95 tbh.

I've tried Utes, Desert, Shapur, Proving Grounds, Zargabad, Takistan and Chernarus with anything from 10 - 40 zombies per km, and it all starts to lag after a while (random fps drops).

I've played alone, and with anywhere from 2 - 5+ ppl on.

Also, the spawn system seem to not work 100%, it works most of the times on Utes, but on Shapur for example other ppl just spawn outside of the map.

And on desert (tried it alone) I spawn first time at the objects in the middle of the map, but when I die I always respawn at the bottom left corner.

That's it for the bugs, otherwise I would like to say that the added features are awesome, just wish the mission would not lag so horribly much.

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Regarding the spawn, when set to near other players on Chernarus, you always spawn at Novy Sabor.

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I've edited your scripts to allow AI to attack zombies properly, attack opposing faction AI properly, and attack you properly. If anyone is interested in how I enabled this I'll copy/paste the scripts I've edited. However, this doesn't enable raiders, but you'll be able to place your own AI in the 2D editor that'll work as if it were a regular MP game.

I'll sum up the code changes at the moment to; Player is no longer set as captive (enables AI to treat you as hostile), changed ALL zombie classes to resistance faction (makes them not require captive script, also enables AI to fire on them without heavy scripting), made west/east/civilian hostile towards eachother + resistance, uhh.... what else.... changed a few things not related to AI soldiers I believe, made zombies no longer drop bandages/ammo (to reduce bodies on map and cpu/gpu load, I hope.) Changed zombie horde max spawn distance from 300-500 (dont remember which) to 150, few other changes to that script, not sure what else. I'll post any scripts I believe I've altered so you all can have protectors/fake bandits :D just request it.

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But then you can't spawn near as many zombies either, only 144 total, because you will run into the group limit for the Resistance faction.

I like the idea though. Maybe make it an option in the parameters? Less zombies isn't always a bad thing and you won't notice there are any less than normal unless you are playing with a bunch of people.

I've been away from home working for the week. So I won't be able to work on the fixes much. :/

Edited by bobtom

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I've never had more than 50 zombies around a group of players at any given time, despite per KM setting. Less with more respawns is better anyways in my opinion, unless theres a hardcap for all units on the map period.

Also, I imagine less with more respawning would help with non-dedicated server hosts never ending FPS drop, might extend your play time a bit further? Not sure, haven't done more extensive tests yet. I'm setting out to test the edited scripts on Chernogorsk with 20 zombies per KM spawning in towns only, as of tomorrow. The AI work 100% so now I'm testing stability. ---SIDE NOTE--- AI soldiers I got working will shoot at you, but they seem to make you a low priority target even at close range, I ran in front of a group of 5 OPFOR as a US Army soldier and only two shot at me. Pretty sure they take zombies more seriously than the player, or maybe their commanding officer can't cope with all the hostiles and takes a bit to issue orders to his men.

Edited by lawl0059
Extra Info

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The per KM setting is how many will spawn total.

There isn't a hardcap, but there is a total group limit, and each zombie has its own group, so 144 for each side. If each player spawns at a town with 50 zombies around it, you will have over 144 with three people. This is why I am planning on making my own spawning system, maybe a bit more like Charon's or Rocket's system.

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I'm unfamiliar with any of the other systems (no idea how to even script arma 2 from scratch =/). But I would think a system that spawned zombies around the player within 700 meters maybe? Would lessen the cpu/gpu usage, maybe have it so that if a player comes within X distance of Y object Z chance of spawning a random amount of zombies? But that's just how I'd try to do it if I wanted to keep this edited script. My non-dedicated server makes my game unplayable after about 10 people join when I'm running this map, so I'd think setting a zombie to player ratio with a spawn system like that would be better than the current one, assuming I have the right idea of how Arma 2's engine is running/dying after awhile. Strangely enough though I'm the only one that gets the low FPS, everyone else claims they sit at a nice 60. =/

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It is player based. The more players, the more zombies. Unless there are multiple players in one area, then it doesn't spawn any more. But if those two players split up, the zombies will continue to spawn around each one individually.

You get low FPS because your CPU needs to take care of all the zombies.

If you would like to have less zombies, then set it to "towns only" or "Everywhere"

---------- Post added at 10:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

We've been over the spawning a few times. Celery didn't make the zombies to be for an entire map, but he made them for Chernarus Apocalypse playstyle. I'll have to get a new zombie system or get a new spawning system.

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I've tried various settings, the only one I've noticed that increases performance is making zombies go to 10 per KM. Sadly, at that point you could run across chernogorsk and only kill one zombie, not very fun =/. What would you recommend for a CPU were I to host a game with 10-12 people at 20 zombies per KM? I'm running a dual-core 3.4 ghz processor right now, even with 4 players, constantly grouped, zombies on 20 per km, it'll start to lag out bad after about a hour and a half. That's one of the reasons I edited the script, trying to optimize Zargabad/Utes since they're small maps that offer a decent amount of zombie killing with awesome FPS for the host...for awhile anyways...

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Well, update on the AI soldiers... uh, somehow I broke the ability to look in ammo crates and pick up items placed in buildings in 1.0. That said, deleted all the edited scripts, rolling back to the official 1.0 test version =/. I FAILED THE INTERNETS

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I all ways set zombies per KM to 10 and find thats more than enough for me.

Some times we run into a large group (Hordes?).

I only even play with 3 peeps and we spawn together.

I dont like the idea of millions of zombies all over the place I like to tactically look for weapons,vehicles,bunkers (when they stop walking through placed objects) etc etc and 10 per KM is a good amount as we can scout out places and when ya do come into zombies its more fun tbh.

Have not had a chance to play any more yet but tonight with some luck.


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Is there anyway to change the number of hits before death? I'm playing it ArmA 2 Free.

It's a really fun Mod, thanks.

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