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Recta DP

Is "Combined Operations" included in "Arma X"?

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Please excuse the question, but the countless Arma II versions and packs are a little confusing.

As I understand it, CO makes it possible to play the original Arma II with the additional features of OA (better graphics etc.). Is that true?

If yes, is CO included in the Arma X package? There is no explicit mention of whether it is included or not.

Thank you!

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CO = A2 and OA loaded together. Both are included, so you can make CO :)

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I recently got the ArmaX. It indeed does include CO as other state CO is A2 along with OA. Also with the ArmaX though you get the British Armed Forces. I'm British and am rather interested in our military so this was an rather large factor in me getting the game, heard about Arma previously but saw the BAF pack in Game, did some research looked amazing so bought ArmaX that was also in the store! Was apparently the first person to purchase it there!

I hope they are included also in A3!

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Why in the world they should include ArmA2/OA/BAF/PMC in a completely new game which has nothing in common with the old one?

Really, some people have ideas...

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Was that aimed at me wolle?

I saw in Game (the retail store) Arma2 had an expansion that included British soldiers so did some research upon Arma2 and looked amazing. So went there and saw ArmaX and went ahead. And by "I hope they are also included in Arma3" I meant I hope that British soldiers are available in it. Not those specific expansion packs and such.

Really some people have ideas... ;)

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Was that aimed at me wolle?

I saw in Game (the retail store) Arma2 had an expansion that included British soldiers so did some research upon Arma2 and looked amazing. So went there and saw ArmaX and went ahead. And by "I hope they are also included in Arma3" I meant I hope that British soldiers are available in it. Not those specific expansion packs and such.

Really some people have ideas... ;)


Yes indeed I thought you expect to see ArmA2/CO in ArmA3.

OK British Soldiers in ArmA3 is another, more reasonable thing of course. :)

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Yes indeed I thought you expect to see ArmA2/CO in ArmA3.

And yet you'd love it if they did it. I certainly would.

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BIS usually allows porting content from previous games into new ones. See CAA1 (islands and units from AA1) and CWR2 (OFP remake for ArmA2) and judging by how BIS gave away BAF units for free to PR I think when ArmA3 comes out there's a large chance BAF units will be allowed to get ported there as well.

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