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Someguywho's Middle Eastern Rebels

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I have CO (non steam) and I had to create an addons folder inside @SGS_MER and move the 4 files in addons for it to work. The retextured AI look great - nice work someguywho! I look forward to making a Libyan campaign and video for this.

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I have CO (non steam) and I had to create an addons folder inside @SGS_MER and move the 4 files in addons for it to work. The retextured AI look great - nice work someguywho! I look forward to making a Libyan campaign and video for this.

Thanks for letting me know PELHAM I'll update the op. And I look forward to watching and playing your work :D

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AdhamS do you have combined ops? Has anyone else had any similar problems?

dammit! Nope I dont X_X is it a stand alone or an expansion for OA?

even for the US navy and russian airborne ACE I lack the crew for ALL their vehicles...is this related to CO as well?

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The ACEX_RU/ACEX_Navy is meant to work with Combined Operations (ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA) and OA is a Stand Alone AND an expansion for ArmA2. I don't know how it works with Steam but you can ask someone who does on how to get Combined Ops to run since I've heard there can be trouble if someone doesn't set it up right when Installing OA

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The ACEX_RU/ACEX_Navy is meant to work with Combined Operations (ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA) and OA is a Stand Alone AND an expansion for ArmA2. I don't know how it works with Steam but you can ask someone who does on how to get Combined Ops to run since I've heard there can be trouble if someone doesn't set it up right when Installing OA

I only have OA, I dont have ARMA 2 (does the free version work?) but I do not have CO and yep, my OA is from Steam....ok here is where I get confused, when I buy CO, do I install the mod in ARMA 2directory or OAs?

Edited by AdhamS

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I already have OA but I do not have CO and yep, my OA is from Steam....ok here is where I get confused, when I buy CO, do I install the mod in CO's directory or OAs?

Regardless of where you got OA from (Steam or otherwise), you will be able to buy the standalone version of Arma 2 from any source (Sprocket is a good place) and then use Six Updater to run them as Combined Ops.

You do not need to buy Combined Ops as this will mean you have bought OA twice!

Combined Ops is simply Arma 2:OA running but with the Assets/Missions/Campaigns of Arma 2 available. Basically you are running Arma2:OA, but with Arma2 included as a mod.

EDIT--> When you install Arma2, run it at least once on it's own so that the registry entires are setup. You can then install or run (if it's already installed) Six Updater and you will be able to run as Combined Ops.

Edited by Jedra

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Regardless of where you got OA from (Steam or otherwise), you will be able to buy the standalone version of Arma 2 from any source (Sprocket is a good place) and then use Six Updater to run them as Combined Ops.

You do not need to buy Combined Ops as this will mean you have bought OA twice!

Combined Ops is simply Arma 2:OA running but with the Assets/Missions/Campaigns of Arma 2 available. Basically you are running Arma2:OA, but with Arma2 included as a mod.

EDIT--> When you install Arma2, run it at least once on it's own so that the registry entires are setup. You can then install or run (if it's already installed) Six Updater and you will be able to run as Combined Ops.

would free version Arma 2 work?

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Cant use any mods with the free ArmA2

Grrrrr...fine! Can you explain to me how do I combine ARMA 2 and OA using six shooter plz?

Note: As you already begun making addons for OA for Middle eastern ragtag armies and such, Why dont you retexture some units for an Egyptian army addon? I know that the Lost Brothers are already working on a mod for the Egyptian and the IDF but it will take a while before they release it :(

We want a "sufficient alternative" XD rexturing M1A1s for the Egyptian army and Ramsese 2 (Modified T-54), if you can create Egyptian infantry as well that would be nice XD

You have no idea how many middle easterns play ARMA2 are just DYING to get a REAL middle eastern army, the takistanis doesnt feel Middle Easternish :P XDD

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Grrrrr...fine! Can you explain to me how do I combine ARMA 2 and OA using six shooter plz?

As long as you have run both Arma 2 and Arma2OA individually first, Six Updater will run them as combined Ops by default. You can force this by choosing A2 OA Combined Ops (forced) in the Profile drop down at the top of the page.

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Grrrrr...fine! Can you explain to me how do I combine ARMA 2 and OA using six shooter plz?

Note: As you already begun making addons for OA for Middle eastern ragtag armies and such, Why dont you retexture some units for an Egyptian army addon? I know that the Lost Brothers are already working on a mod for the Egyptian and the IDF but it will take a while before they release it :(

We want a "sufficient alternative" XD rexturing M1A1s for the Egyptian army and Ramsese 2 (Modified T-54), if you can create Egyptian infantry as well that would be nice XD

You have no idea how many middle easterns play ARMA2 are just DYING to get a REAL middle eastern army, the takistanis doesnt feel Middle Easternish :P XDD






Egyptians at the bottom but I think they all need ArmA 2

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Takistanis are more Persian/Iranian imho.

@Adhams, if you are using Steam there is an option to run it as Combined operations, if you have installed it regularly then see this thread:


thanks a billion times!

---------- Post added at 12:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 PM ----------

Wow nice mods Someguy! But the Egyptians dont have any vehicles :(

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