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Where are are the players??

What time of day do you play TOH?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. What time of day do you play TOH?

    • I am in Europe and play in the AM (5-11 am)
    • I am in Europe and play in the PM (5-11 pm)
    • I am in Europe and play at random times of the day; no real schedule.
    • I am in the USA and play in the AM (5-11 am)
    • I am in the USA and play in the PM (5-11 pm)
    • I am in the USA and play at random times of the day; no real schedule.

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What server and when do you play?

I have been looking on a daily basis and never see more than 1-2 players on a server at a time. Perhaps I am looking for players at the wrong times?

How many others have this game and are doing the same? What time do you play or look for players? We need to get a group going or something.

Edited by pchaxor

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I was hoping after the dedi exe was released I would no longer have to host, but with a few exceptions, the only time I get mp action is when I host a dedicated off my desktop (Autotrim disabled)

I guess I will begin doing that again, but not until tomorrow. Races, Football and Boardwalk Empire will consume most of my available play time today.

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Ive got a server up and get a few players but mostly people who just like o crash the choppers.

Trying to put to gether a short mission or just a series of task but ti takes time to get everything working correctly.

thinking about putting up a teamspeak so people can gather and find a place to enjoy this game .

What I was wanting to do was have a place where people can free filght or just do air lift missions etc .

Would be open to anyone else good with scripting to provide side scripts I can include in my small mission .

was thinking along of the lines of air opps etc .

---------- Post added at 04:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:31 PM ----------

Also up for any mission anyone would like to run on it if anyone has one.Server is located in Dallas texas in a data center and has great bandwidth and 14 slots.

If enough intrest happens would increase the size of the server

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Edit: Sorry about that, I replied as if this is an Arma 2 forum.

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I think there may be a few poeple like me, who are still trying to get the hang of flying and landing before they venture online. Maybe I will get brave at some point this week! I also need to figure out how to get my track-ir thingy onto my headphones! I got my new headphones without considering the thickness of the headband, and now my track-ir won't fit like it did on my old ones!

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I fly online with 16:00-19:00 GMT

To create a server with a mission "Duel of helicopters"

It can make war against each other in helicopters or in co-op to war with the ground vehicle and boats.

Level: Expert.

If you are interested please write to the ICQ, always willing to talk on the subject of joint operations.

Edited by frwind

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i agree there is not enuff going on. ive been playing with ziggy and the likes of a few others ,i did fly around the other day with you frwind and blew you out of the sky many times,but the pings are far to high for me as most of the servers are in the USA and im in AUSTRALIA.i find there is no one playing here from OZ or no one is running a server.

also maps are just taking off and in development but they all seem half hearted to me and not made for good multi player gaming,i hope it all takes off soon as i feel with no updates and or different helicopters and or good maps the game will fizzel out fast.even though i do love the sim.but it needs some major maps and helicopter updates FAST !!!

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Ok so we got less than 30 players. Bummer.

I play Arma 2 regularly and I have mentioned this simulation to many of the others, but appears there is no "appeal" to that crowd since the helo's arent armed or have any sort of real world multi player missions available. I am grabbing the 1.03 patch as I type this hoping that there is magic in this patch that will make the game more fun and appealing to others. Some addons and some mpmissions would help this game tons.

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