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where are all the servers?

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I just bought ARMA X anniv edition

and when I connect to multiplayer servers are in very small numbers and with only 10 to 20 players ... where is all the action I see in videos ... where is ACE2 servers and big coops.

I'm not new to arma 2 ... just new to the MP.

please help!!

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Can't answer your questions because I can not see your problem. Servers come in dozends running 24 hours usually and feature up to 20 Players at night and 48 at day.

Stay away from ACE until you play on one server with a regular playerbase only.

BUT...servers that run any mission without problems are very few. ArmA is still not really optimized for online gaming so 50% of the onlime time is not actually playing but suffering.

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the player population is low due to multiple factors

part of community is on private servers

next part of community waits for the 1.60 patch

another part plays the 1.60 betas

the bigger part of community is atm exploring newly released games like BF3, MW3, Skyrim and so on ... and when they get bored there will be 1.60 release for them ready :)

so keep fingers crossed for the 1.60 patch going well :)

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someone waiting release of pr :)

PS Is anyone official can tell official position regarding tab to lock issue ?will bis change way to hit target using guided rockets tanks and rocket launchers or not ?

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There are over 800 servers up all day, and at night around 1600 players; http://updater.dev-heaven.net/stats/history

That's not much, but it's certainly not empty.

In the weekends about 2400 players; http://updater.dev-heaven.net/history_week

ACE servers you can find here; http://updater.dev-heaven.net/mods/nested/a546d346-a754-11de-b50f-0021855d3b6d?_method=get&associations=queryservers

(Cached up to 7 days).

someone waiting release of pr :)

PS Is anyone official can tell official position regarding tab to lock issue ?will bis change way to hit target using guided rockets tanks and rocket launchers or not ?

I think if we ever have a community award for off-topic posting, you win it by * 10000 points over anyone else. Besides you're waiting on a release that has already been released! That wins you double points. Edited by Sickboy

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Shinji: my theory is that you run the default .exe file, while most of the folks play the Arrowhead version?

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That wins you double points.

I always have double points and never do off topics.you mistaken me for somebody else.I only written 150 post here that's nothing against your 7500 :)

.BTW join us on next battle on http://www.rollingthunder.unit19.org/page.php?4 with ace mod you might get more ideas what pvp games needed.

still some places.

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I'm hoping to get a couple of people back into A2 when 1.60 drops. Combined highly improved net code and griefer protection is looking nice to a lot of us.

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