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ARMA 2: OA beta build 85510

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- AI with machineguns are still able to hit with a single shot at a range of 500m or more

>>> instead of single shots AI should use machinguns in burst + auto mode

AI should also preferably crouch or even better go prone when using machineguns. prone and letting off controlled bursts at enemy would really aid in them being useful in role of machinegunner.

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AI should also preferably crouch or even better go prone when using machineguns. prone and letting off controlled bursts at enemy would really aid in them being useful in role of machinegunner.

They spray so uncontrollably, and THEN move that they end up shooting their own troops !!

Totally agree about crouch or prone.

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- AI with machineguns are still able to hit with a single shot at a range of 500m or more

Well gee, I can't even get full-precision snipers to hit me at 300m reliably. So color me skeptical.

Also, so what? Machineguns aren't inaccurate, and a lot of them have scopes and 7.62.

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