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Welcome back in sniper`s paradise

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The background:

I set this mission in a fictive pre-Flashpoint time. You`ll play a CIA-assassin who has to do a mission on a russian controlled island Everon. He has to kill the highest russian officer on Everon and then provoke a russian repay aimed at the locals, which lived so far in a peacful coexistence with the russian troops. All this takes place in 1982 and your success will be the trigger for a US invasion to Everon.

The features:

-detailed briefing (thanks to Cumboy and snyPir who gave me great examples to give a mission more depth)

-intro and outro sequences

-helo transport

-lots of walking, ambushing and sniping

So far know bugs (the mission is still status beta and still reworked and improved everyday) :

-the mission area is very large (do you think it`s to large? Please feedback! I liked it so, because it`s more realistic) but in my current mission version at home I shrinked the target area from St. Pierre up to Levie

-it might happen that the pickup-heli at the end of the mission gets shot down, before he can pick you up. This will also be fixed in next mission version.

-Mission objective 2 lacks a cutscene (will be fixed also)

-view distance only normal, will be set higher in next version

So give my mission a try and please give me some feedback. Post it either in the forums or send me a email to :

[email protected]


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Shit!!! mad.gif

The links seems not to work! Stupid sphosting.com. Anyone knows what I can do? If not I`d suggest, anyone who wants my mission, just write me a short mail and I`ll send it to him...

This sucks... now I have webspace and then... sad.gif

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Make an "index.html" to your sphosting.com webspace.

Put links to missions on that page, and then give us a link to thatpage!

Or, if you don't have custom sounds, ie. the mission file

is relatively small, I can put it in my folder at university..

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It`s the mission you got from me a few days ago. The Op_Stiletto_BETA_29-05-2002.zip file. It`s only around 50kb, if I`m not wrong. If you could host it, that would be fine!

I`m only a rookie in that html stuff and I don`t know how long it would take me to change my homepage at sphosting.com.

The next mission version of Operation Stiletto will hopefully be finished over the weekend. I still have a lot of problems with the cutscene for mission objective two... sad.gif

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I'm waiting for you to limit the recon area - ala Dragunov. biggrin.gif (BTW, did you play it, FP?)

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In the current version of my mission on which I`m still working (Damn second mission objective wink.gif  ) I limited the recon area from Levie to St. Pierre.

But I won`t go any smaller, sorry Avon, don`t be so lazy to walk a little   tounge.gif  wink.gif

My idea for the second objective is that you enter a house in Durras in a cutscene. There you kill a russian soldier from behind with your sniper rifle. A shocked civilian is in that house, too. You take the russian`s AK and make the civilian take your sniper rifle, then you shoot him. And here we have a dead rebel and evidence that there are moods against the russians on Everon  biggrin.gif

(But this cutscene is damn hard to do... I didn`t get it to work yesterday  sad.gif   )

I haven`t had the time to play the Dragunov mission yet, bu`t I`ll do it this weekend. Finally some sparetime!!

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Hi ... that damn tank is still shooting at my pickup helo...i tried swimming home again.... also tried finding the tank and with nothing to take it out l was lost, l used the one satchel on the truck in town....foolish move. And l ran out of ammo, damn l keep doing that in your missions, but methinks thats the grunt in me. tounge.gif

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I replaced the Shilka that shoots down the pickup-heli with a BMP. Was my fault setting this stupid AA-tank so close to the extraction site... sad.gif After that there shouldn`t be any more problems like this with the pickup. Hope so...

You`ll get the reworked version on tuesday, If I can manage to fix the mission objective two problems I encountered.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Bosun @ May 31 2002,10:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">And l ran out of ammo, damn l keep doing that in your missions, but methinks thats the grunt in me. tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I also thought about removing one magazine or maybe two... biggrin.gif

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ah...why not just start me off with a vodka bottle. tounge.gif i'll just find me an empty village and settle right in, maybe Angelina will pop by. biggrin.gif

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Once you have the revised version posted, I'll give it a thorough run-through and report back with a detailed crtique of my experience.

Looking forward to it!

Bosun...I have the same problem. After all, the taxpayers are paying for the bullets...so why not use 'em? When I start getting low, I try to plan on greasing someone within arms distance and grab whatever it is they're carrying.

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thanks popup.. l was thinking it was me...but now remember , that shining knight added a few more enemy units...l bet he cheats at monopoly as well tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (PopUpTarget @ May 31 2002,20:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">"King"?!? where the hell did I get that? I meant "Fallen". I am such an idiot.<span id='postcolor'>

LOL biggrin.gif

No matter!! Gimme names wink.gif

A new version of my mission will be posted today!

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maybe...just maybe, l can conserve my ammo....instead of eight shots = one kill.... six shots = one kill...ya tounge.gif

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If I ever play online, I hope you`ll be my enemy wink.gif

It`s about sniping Bosun... You have to aim through this funny thing equipped onto your rifle tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The poor M21... <span id='postcolor'>

The poor shooter's shoulder.. smile.gif

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