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Need upload space for my OFP Sound replacement mod (20mb+).

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what does bump mean? except a way to get a bigger star next to your name by making pointless posts?

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Ok then, no bumps if you dont like em.


On my way of being a Maniac smile.gif

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Sorry for the lack of updates, i had virtually no time this week to work on my comp- but here comes the weekend! and i´m confident the soundmod will be available tomorrow, as an early Beta Phase. This means it depends on your feedback what actually is going to be changed. If you make suggestions on how the AK-74 a.e. should sound like, you should either have fired the weapon, or have a good quality sound-/videoclip of it, as this soundmod is intended to be realistic and no CS boombastic mod or something.

The structure of the soundmod is bit different from what i originally intended; it´s made as an extra .pbo file that goes into your addon folder in addition a config.bin file that replaces your original one.

Good part is that this method cuts the filesize of the mod to about 1/3 of what it would be when using the complete Sound.pbo. The drawbacks are that without modded config file you won´t hear the new sounds at all, means everytime BIS brings out a new patch i will have to look in the config.bin for changes and update accordingly, to deliver a.e. a 1.40 compatible config.bin that works with the sound container.

I had no problems logging as a client on random 1.30 servers with these modifikations, however i don´t know yet what happens if you are hosting a game, so it *could* be a server/client must have thing.

FADE is not triggered by this mod, neither in online games nor singleplayer.

Here a few new audio bits out of the package:


(1667kb/ 2:00 min)

1st half: 2 A-10´s conducting a AGM missile attack on a T-80 Tank Platoon (heard from the ground through the ears of soldier observing the tanks).

2nd half: Inside the cockpit of a A-10 during a strafing run with the GAU-8/A Avenger (firing 3 short bursts).


(1723kb/ 2:05min)

1st half: 2 Blackhawks approaching and land at LZ to pick up troops.

2nd half: AH-1 Cobra in flight and doing short bursts with M-197 gun.



1st half: M1 Platoon driving into fire positions and commence firing on stationary targets (heard from outside).

2nd half: Same scenario heard from the gunners station while using maingun and 0.50 cal.

(Edited by Satchel at 9:43 pm on Dec. 7, 2001)

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ive played the first new sound, very good sounds of the a10 from outside. however, from the insive, from what i can tell, they are wrong.

in a plane, there is much buzz from the enfines. there is none of the fluctuations in sound volume that you hear on the ground, as the engines are close to the ears of the pilot and the sound doesnt have far to travel, so in real life sounds uniform.

while the spectators on the ground hear a variation in volume from the air pressure and movement.

i know you probably cant have both, as you want the outside sound to be loud and for everyone to hear but you cant make it uniform on the inside.

maybe you can make it very loud on the inside, for a small area, so you cant hear the variations?

but it sounds good, nice loudness. the second sound (copper) seems to be very loud on the inside and drowns out orders from the co, nice realism. but thats got the volume variations too...

thanks for the armour sounds, like we asked for.

i hope the mg is in time with the sounds.

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Listening to it now.

This is absolutly amazing.

Stachel i think your soundpack will make OFP a whole new experience for me.

Thank you so much !

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Hey satchel

i have 2 quick time videos of a G36 and a MP5SD being fired its high quality, ripped off the official HK CD woohoo

I'll upload 'em on my geos**ties account

i need your email address to send you the link

i dont wanna put it out in public because other people might download it and we all know that geocities dies after a couple megs of bandwidth are used lol

either tell me here or send me a main at scullyvan2_0@hotmail.com

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Brass on 9:49 pm on Dec. 7, 2001

ive played the first new sound, very good sounds of the a10 from outside. however, from the insive, from what i can tell, they are wrong.

in a plane, there is much buzz from the enfines. there is none of the fluctuations in sound volume that you hear on the ground, as the engines are close to the ears of the pilot and the sound doesnt have far to travel, so in real life sounds uniform.

while the spectators on the ground hear a variation in volume from the air pressure and movement.

i know you probably cant have both, as you want the outside sound to be loud and for everyone to hear but you cant make it uniform on the inside.

maybe you can make it very loud on the inside, for a small area, so you cant hear the variations?

but it sounds good, nice loudness. the second sound (copper) seems to be very loud on the inside and drowns out orders from the co, nice realism. but thats got the volume variations too...

thanks for the armour sounds, like we asked for.

i hope the mg is in time with the sounds.

<span id='postcolor'>

I belive the word you are looking for is "Dopler"(!?) effect....

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As usual, very, very cool... I agree however that the a10 inside sound is a bit loud, same with blackhawk chopper, but hey, its war, we want to go deaf.

The tank cannon is awesome... Totally awesome...


"1: ALL, PICK UP... SOUNDPACK" smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Dawdler on 8:48 pm on Dec. 8, 2001


"1: ALL, PICK UP... SOUNDPACK" smile.gif

<span id='postcolor'>


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Rogue2020 on 9:27 pm on Dec. 8, 2001

Why not just set up a page on tripod...you get 50MB's free......

<span id='postcolor'>

And how slow?

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Hi Thomas ;)

The first posted MP3 is gone :-/ I'll check out the others, that sounds like a very cool addon ;o)

Oh, and I could give you 20-30 MB on fast US servers, but we would need to talk about download limits. I don't think I can afford 10.000 fans downloading your stuff all at once ;) But I could definitely setup a mirror for some time.

Danke im Vorraus ;)

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nice sounds againm can't wait for the real thing, keep up the good work !


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i´ve just found some new Abrams and general weapon sounds, going to implement them and afterwards put the package on King Kong´s Server first, posting all of you that generously offered webspace a PM so you can D/L and mirror it.

I assume i will have finished it in 2-3 hours.

The package i upload will be dubbed as Beta, as i have some plans for amazing improvements and additions that take time to complete.

For now there are already over 100 new sounds in it.


i know the issue with external engine sound modulation of A/C´s heard in the cockpit and i thought long about this, but there has to be compromise.

As the outside sound has to be very loud and heard over a long distance, i can´t take the general loudness out of it. The one thing i can do is to decrease the overal cockpit volume, but that cuts down the steady turbine sound too.

There is no way i know of to adjust Inside sounds seperately, as there is only 1 command for this:

insideSoundCoef= x.xxxxxxxx

in addition to the standard (not all of them suited for A/C):













It doesn´t sound very good when i swap the 2 sounds (Engine&Engine outside roar), because the engine roar would kick in full force as soon as you begin rolling with the A/C.

The way it´s now, the engine outside sound is directly influenced by the thrust setting, means cutting of thrust completely will make the roar almost unnoticable from inside, when you´re accellerating the sound goes from low pitch to high pitched aggressive sound.

So i did actually use the engine outside roar as engine sound and the normal engine turbine sound as BIS used it as environmental sound....it does sound better, although technically incorrect, but again the best compromise i could find.

You have great audio when hearing an A/C from the ground and a bit unrealistic but acceptable sound from within the cockpit.

(Edited by Satchel at 11:02 pm on Dec. 8, 2001)

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Satchel, Autherize me for your ICQ Please ! ;-)

I will try and get your file on Wireplay.com.au

They are unlimited with bandwidth and allow 128 people to download at once. They will gladly accept the file and then no body has to worry about a full or slow server.

Unless your on 56k ;-)

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By the way, I will be waiting around for a few hours to check and see if your file is ready to download ASAP!!!!!!!!!

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Maybe i said maybe, i could arrange some webspace on my job's ftp

it's an OC-12 connection on Cisco systems

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Sounds very nice

i will get Wireplay to mirror the file too

that is a must

Wireplay runs of the backbone of Telstra (Australias only real Telco company) so bandwidth is no problem

but they restrict 128 people download at once

so i may see if i can get it into the WP FTP

so 100000 ppl could DL at once

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thanks satchel, i gathered that it would be difficult as you didnt do it in the first place, and as youre a perfectionist, i gathered it would be rather impossible in the game.

thanks for the thorough explanation anyway.

what about having the internal engine roar louder than the external, as it would be quite loud? never mind, its a good sound, and id rather have this new one instead of the crappy BIS one smile.gif

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i been waiting all day for him to come onto ICQ so i can ask

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same here!

its 10:30pm here in Melbourne on sunday night.. was hoping to give it a bash before going to bed

(Edited by WTFonslaught at 1:46 pm on Dec. 9, 2001)

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That'll be one of the most important christmas 'packs'

I know of.. smile.gif

Thanks Satchel for your hard work! Very, very good.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I assume i will have finished it in 2-3 hours.<span id='postcolor'>

And still it aint finished... This man is a TRUE developer smile.gif

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